Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 5 - Ball of death

Today is the day of the exam. A lot of students were going to take the exam, filled with hopes.

They all wanted to be heroes, all for diverse reasons. Some wanted to win a lot of money, some wanted fame, some wanted to be like the famous heroes, and save the day with a big smile on their face.

But among all these hopes, a young man who was him too, going to take the exam. However, he didn't care about all of this contrary to the kids of his age.

The car inside which he was stopped at the entrance of the school, and he stepped out of it.

His bag was rotating around his gravity-defying hair. He was clothed with a simple school uniform from his old school, the middle school of Horisuma. It was a mix of white and black. The expression on his face wasn't one showing any nervousness. It was as if he didn't consider the exam as the most difficult trial in Japan.

"..." Looking at his phone, he replied to Nejire's message.

{Good luck babeee!}

{Thanks Nejire-chan. I will do my best.}

{I know that you are the best out there! >w<}

Finishing his little conversation with his girlfriend, he walked toward where all the other students were walking to, the entrance of the school.

Unknowingly to him, a blonde boy was looking at him, anger in his eyes.

'This guy... No doubt it's the same one who crushed the sludge shit! He thinks that he is big shit huh? I will crush him and show him my f.u.c.k.i.n.g superiority!' He thought, walking after him, a grin on his face.

Whatever was his intention, it couldn't be good... For him.

Still walking toward the school, in his path was a small kid with green hair, a big bag behind him.

Not wanting to interact with the strange boy who was muttering some incomprehensible words, he smoothly gets around him without stopping, however...

"Ah! You!" The boy behind him exclaimed once his eyes fell upon Kotei.

'I didn't hear anything.' Not stopping at all, Kotei continued to walk without turning back.

The green-haired boy got on his path, making him stop in his tracks.

"..." Looking at him weirdly, Kotei didn't speak.

He didn't know how to react to such a situation, nobody ever dared to stop him like that. At first, he wanted to kick him out of his way, then he thought that if the boy stopped him, then he would certainly have a good reason to do so. He looked at him with his right silver eye and left black eye, waiting for an explanation.

"Hu-hum... I-I am-" He began, but he was interrupted by Kotei's voice.

"You have 1 minute, not a second more." He said, looking at his watch on his wrist. It wasn't an expensive gift, but it was a gift from Nejire so for him it was way more precious than a more expensive watch.

"Ah! I am Izuku Midoriya! I want to thank you for saving me ten months ago at the sludge incident! Good luck with the exam even though I know that with a quirk as powerful than yours, you won't have any difficulty!" Izuku said in one breath, bowing to Kotei.

"Mhm... You were there? I don't remember. Good luck Midoriya-san, now can you step aside?"

Seeing Izuku step aside, Kotei was going to resume his path, but something or more like someone ram into his back. However, the outcome wasn't like any of the bystanders imagined.

The blonde guy who crashed into him was almost sent to the floor, taking a few steps back, he looked confused at the Kotei, who didn't move an inch.

'I felt like I ran into a f.u.c.k.i.n.g brick wall... No. The feeling was different it was... an oak!'

"Kacchan!" Izuku called him, worried about his condition after seeing that he was almost pushed on his a.s.s.

"Sorry, I was standing there, blocking the path. Good luck with the exam." Kotei said, before turning around to leave. He didn't want to waste more of his time with such strange people.

Looking at him leave, Katsuki gritted his teeth and calmed himself.

"Let me the f.u.c.k go useless quirkless shit!" He said, shaking the hand that Izuku placed on his shoulder to help him.

"G-good luck and and and let's both d-..." However, before he finished talking, Katsuki already walked passed him, a pensive expression on his face.

'I was sure that it would have at least caused him to stumble, but he didn't even move from where he was standing. Is this is quirk or...?' While Katsuki was lost in his mind, Kotei had another problem in front of him once he went to sit.

'Why is my luck so shitty today? First these two weird guys of the sludge incident then... this one.' Looking at his right, he saw the blue-haired guy who instantly began to annoy him.

"You! Why are you sing your quirk to make your bag float! You don't have the permission to use your quirk. Is this with a mentality like that that you want to be a hero?"

Thanks to his great magnanimity, Kotei didn't reply harshly.

"You are talking too much, worm." Sitting on a seat without even looking at him.

However, he stopped using his quirk to make his bag float. Not because he cared about the arguments of the blue-haired guy, but because the people behind him couldn't see.

"Wo-worm...?" He whispered sitting at the right of Kotei.

Seeing that it wasn't going to start any time soon, he turned to Kotei to talk to him.

"I am coming from Somei and you?"

"Not your business."

"Why do you want to be a hero?"

"Still not your business."

"Do you..."

"Please stop."

"Ah right! It will begin!"

'I just don't give a flying f.u.c.k.' Kotei thought tired of the guy who had as much comprehension on the current mood as a robot.


The podium's light came on when a person arrived. The guy had a very weird hair cut.

He then seemed to talk normally, but his voice was loud enough to be transmitted through the whole room, who was huge.

"Welcome one and all to my live show!

Everybody says 'HEYY'!"



"I've got shivers down my spine too! All Right examinees... I'm gonna give you the low-down on how that'll go down! Are you ready??!"

"With me 'YEAAH'!"


Being met with a deadly silence once again, the man surprisingly enough didn't seem down at all.

He then proceeded to explain how they were going to be evaluated, his voice still as loud as in the beginning.

"Excuse me can I ask a question?!" The blue-haired kid on Kotei's right stood up and lifted his hand high in the air, the paper they received earlier in his hand.

"There are four types of villains listed! Such an error would be very embarrassing for a top-tier national academy of Yuei's caliber!" He declared, making Kotei sunk deeper into his seat. He was very very near to the point where he would turn him into a black hole.

Turning around and pointing his finger to a green-haired kid.

"Moreover what's with you? Yeah you, curly-haired kid!"

The curled-haired kid, Midoriya, was shocked to hear that he was called out in front of everyone.

"If you think that Yuei is some p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e jaunt, then leave this place at once!"


The man on the podium then talked, interrupting the boy for being ruder to other people.

"Okaaay! Thanks for the segue examinee 7111! The fourth type of villain you'll encounter is worth zero points! Let's call them "arena traps"! In each area, one of them is present. They rampage when crowded."

Waiting for the voices of the students who understood what he wanted to say, he then spoke again, making all the students nervous and excited.

"Let's move to the main event 'Plus Ultra'!" He yelled, marking the end of the debrief.


Standing in the preparation zone just before the big area, Kotei was stretching his limbs, to warm up.

Looking around him, he didn't see any noticeable kid beside the blonde guy who jostled him earlier.

He was sometimes glaring at him before he turned his head around to try to focus.

'This is a very big playground, at least the size of a whole town. I will be able to let loose freely there.'

Suddenly a voice came through the speakers, marking the beginning of the test.

"Aaaaand START!"

Without waiting for other instructions, he flew in the city, the blonde guy flying with closely behind with his quirk who seems to allow him to produce explosions.

Flying above the one pointers, he focused his attention on the two and three-pointers.

Landing on the ground, he turned around to look at the approaching two and three-pointers.

"[God's hand]" Slamming his hand on the ground, he looked at the robots in front of him.

Not a second after, they got crushed onto the ground by a mysterious force, who left a print of a giant hand on the ground.

"Good enough, this technique is highly efficient on crowded foes." Leaving the crushed two and three-pointers on the ground, he then looked at the three-pointers approaching his back.

"Let's try this."

Seeing the robot lifting his mechanical hand to swing it, he imitated his movement and raised his arm to swing it against the robot's arm.

"[Gravitational glove]" A strange force surrounded Kotei's fist, making it looks as if there was a slight disturbance in the air surrounding it.

Swinging his fist against the robot's upcoming fist, their two fists stood still for a second before the robot's arm got crushed on differents areas.

Kotei retracted his arm and looked at the damage he inflicted in a single punch.

'This technique can't be blocked or deflected. It is a good one, but I should tone it a little to not tear off my opponent's arm.'

Looking around the place, he flew in the air and floating around the area, looking for any unfortunate three-pointers.

He continued to test the adjustments of his techniques on the robots before he got interrupted by the voice on the speakers.

"Six minutes and 2 seconds left~!"

"70 points, do I still need to fight more of these robots?" Kotei asked himself, looking at his surrounding.

"Help! Someone!" A girlish voice reached his ears.

Floating above the scene, he saw that a girl with short purple hair was trapped under a fallen robot.


Extending his hand toward her, he used his quirk to reverse the gravity where she was. The robot gently became to float, followed by some scraps and the girl.

Flying down to her, he grabbed her and flew at some distance, where the robots were already cleaned up by the other participants.

Leaving her on the ground with a single word, he flew back to wreck some more robots.

"Good luck."

"Huh? Hey, wait!"

But as you already knew, he didn't.

Not having encountered a lot more robots, Kotei was getting ready to seek for any trapped participants, when he heard a big noise.

"Hm? That's a zero pointer for you." He said quietly looking at the giant robot crushing the building with his mechanical hands.

Looking to be reflecting on something for a few seconds, Kotei finally concluded.

"I hope that we eat hamburgers today."

He then flew towards the robot at full speed, reducing the two hundreds of meters in a few seconds.

Noticing that there were examinees still trying to escape, Kotei decided to not waste any time and directly stop its progression.

He extended both of his hands toward it and shoot something to the examinees who were still near it.

"Quickly you. Is there someone else near it?"

The girl who was called turned to look at the debris for a few seconds before she turned back shaking his head at him.

"My quirk is thermic-vision, there is nothing alive there!" She shouted before resuming her run.

"Thanks for the time you are buying us! Good luck!" She said once she was far enough, however, Kotei's attention was directed to the big robot in front of him.

"It can still move?"

Seeing that the robot was still moving despite being pressed on by an increased gravity, Kotei's couldn't help but silently praise whoever made it.

"Let's see if you can still struggle after that."

Opening his arms wide, Kotei took a deep breath before his hands slowly closed on each other.

The robot now free of the increased gravity, took a few times to stand up correctly. His left mechanical arm was crushed and visibly unusable. However, it continued to slowly walk toward the flying Kotei. He was unmoving and focusing a lot on his technique.


In the teacher's room.

"Why isn't he running away? He flew fast earlier."

"He is preparing something. I think that he won't test his technique on it." A speaking animal said, sipping a little of the tea.

"Really? What is his quirk anyway?"

"Whatever it is, his body is greatly trained..." Running her tongue over her lips, a purple-haired woman said but was ignored by her colleagues.

"His profile... Kotei Juryoku, his quirk: [Gravitokinesis]. He has great control over gravity."

"It's an impressive quirk." A black-haired man said. He was unkempt and was looking as if he didn't sleep for a while.

"Wait Juryoku? Like the Juryoku family?"

"You know his family Midnight?"

"Yeah, they are not very famous, but they had a big influence in the mondaine world."

"If it is the case, why didn't he take the recommendation exam?" The black-haired man asked.

"He seems to be there to test his abilities. We all see as he used different techniques each time he attacked. If he was there only for the point he would have struck as efficiently that he did the first time." The rodent said, looking at the screen displaying Kotei.

"He is not taking this seriously... But he had the right to do so, he is above the other kids."

"Right. Look! He is doing something."


Lightly moving around the falling hand of the robot's hand. Kotei finally clasped his two hands, after a good minute of compressing the gravity before him.

'Finally... It is only a theory but right now, I will make it real.'

"[Collapsing star]"

Lightly parting his hands, a small black dot was standing in the air, unmoving.

"Time to run." Kotei said, increasing the gravity around him to make him fall horizontally, far from the scene.

Behind him, the dot disappeared and the world turned black and white. The sound disappeared, the light and darkness shone so much that it was a scene that everyone who saw it will remember for the rest of their lives.

An explosion, no. A pure amount of destruction encompassed everything for a whole kilometer in a circular way, even destroying the ground.

Thankfully, nobody except the robots was taken inside the explosion since they left for the entrance immediately when the zero-pointer appeared.

Looking at what his attack produced, he couldn't help but have a little cold sweat dripping on his forehead.


The examinees and teachers' jaw dropped on the floor. What they just witnessed wasn't a simple attack meant to beat his opponents. It was just an attack purely meant to reduce everything indiscriminately in nothing but... nothing.

"Note to myself... Do not use this attack." He quietly said, landing on the ground.

"Hu-hum... The test is... over?" The voice on the speaker said, not believing what happened too.

In one area the zero-pointer was punched with a strength which broke it, in another one... Nothing was left for at least... One kilometer around the previously existing giant robot.


Leaving the school among the first ones, Kotei calmly walked toward the black car who was stationed at the end of the road.

The driver was waiting on the side and when he saw him approaching, he opened the door of the car to let him get in.

Sitting inside the car, he looked at the person beside him.

"Good morning Kotei-kun."

"Good morning... Momo-chan."

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