Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 6 - First day of school 12

Inside a room, a few heroes were sitting around a table, looking at THE incident.

"What do we do about him?" Opening his mouth to ask, the pro-hero Cementoss had a serious tone in his voice.

"What do you mean? This level of destruction is horrifying. What we should do is pretty clear at this state." Snipe said, as serious as ever.

He didn't like what he saw. The aftermath of Kotei's attack can't be taken lightly.

A loud voice was then heard, making everyone's attention go toward him.

"I don't think that we should be worried about him!" Present Mic yelled, breaking the heavy atmosphere.

"He is right, the Juryoku family can't possibly raise a villain. The very fact that he is taking the exam as any normal student, shows that he isn't afraid of showing us his goodwill." Midnight said she was then supported by Nezu, the principal.

"Midnight is right." Drinking a little of his tea, he then looked at the heroes.

"What he showed us was a power beyond the average hero. He also has tremendous control over his quirk, and don't fear his power.

He took into consideration the students nearby and waited that they were far enough to unleash his attack. We can also be happy that such a power was put on the good side, otherwise, imagine a villain capable to do the same thing that he just did. It would be catastrophic." Nezu said calmly.

"So... We are accepting him? Even with such dangerous abilities? What if he loses control? A powerful quirk like his is way harder to control." Cementoss said, crossing his arms.

"For that, I have a little idea, I would have to talk to him." Nezu said, reassuring the still worried heroes.

"As for his points... His attack destroyed the zero-pointer but didn't bring him any points, however, it destroyed a big number of robots who were not destroyed yet. He has a record of 144 villains points and 10 rescue points!

But we can't ignore the fact that he caused a great amount of destruction. So we will remove 44 of his villains' points as a punishment. He still will be first with a total of 110 points. And as you can all imagine, he will be in 1-A and his homeroom teacher will be you, Aizawa!" Nezu said, putting his little notebook on the table, and turning to look at the absentminded Aizawa.

"... First this suicidal kid then the terrorist wannabe... This year will surely kill me." The black-haired man said.

"Ahaha! Don't be like this Shota! I am sure it won't be so bad." Present Mic said, patting his friend's shoulder.

"... I hope so." He simply replied.


"So where are you bringing me Momo-chan?" Still in the car, Kotei asked looking at his black-haired friend.

"Somewhere where friends often go to relax after school." She simply replied, looking at him in his eyes.

'Mhm... Where did she gets that idea?' Kotei asked himself as it wasn't something that she usually does.

"That you want the place to stay secret until we arrive?" He asked her.

"Exactly, you are pretty sharp Kotei-kun."

"Thanks? By the way, where did you get that idea?" Kotei asked her.

He couldn't come to a reasonable answer to his earlier question, then he decided to ask her.

"Hum... Going out? I mean... Isn't it what friends usually do?" She asked him.

Even if she never went out with friends, but they couldn't be considered as good friends as they only were after her family's power and money. Kotei was different he didn't care about her family's name or money, and this time, she was the one who asked to go out.

"You do have a point." He simply answered, looking at the scrolling landscape through the window.

"Kotei-kun?" She called him, making him turn his head at her.


"Did you change? Your personality I mean, you are a lot more talkative than the last time we saw each other." She asked him, noticing that his answers and questions were a lot more precise than usual. It was so shocking that she almost didn't remark it.

"A lot of people said this to me lately. Am I that different?" He said, replying to the question with another question.

"Yeah, for people knowing you, it is quite startling."

"Well, I did change. My quirk somewhat evolved and I kind of merged with it. It became more powerful, versatile and my body had a few minor changes. As for my mind, it is surely the case, but I don't remember having such a huge personality change as you all say." He replied, making her nod in return.

"So you don't feel strange or... not yourself?" She asked, looking closely as his face.

"No, I still am Kotei Juryoku. It isn't going to change anytime soon." He answered, making her relax.

"I am glad that you are alright then, after all, you are my first friend..."

She said, but after realizing her words, she quickly put her hands on her mouth, and looked at him, hoping that he didn't hear that. Unfortunately, he was looking at her with a teasing smirk on his handsome face.

"First friend huh?"

"I-I misspelled!" Some hint of red in her cheek, she looked at the other side, dodging his stare.

"What was the true sentence?" Kotei asked, making her think a lot before the solution came before her eyes.

"We are here! Close your eyes!" She said and jumped out of the car once the driver stopped and opened her door.

Momo then carefully helped him exit the car since he had his eyes closed.

"You can open your eyes." She said, standing beside him.

Opening his eyes to look at where she drove him, Kotei couldn't help but be confused.

"A shopping center?" He asked, looking at her.

"Well, it is where people go relax and have fun right? I read that on the internet. Beside it is a good start since we always see each other at my house or in school." She replied, nodding her head at her logic.

"I guess it is true enough. You have a program?"

"Yes, since you just had your exam, you are maybe hungry? Let's eat then we can go shopping." She said, pulling him by his hands toward the entrance.


Two hours or so later, the duo was sitting on a bench, eating some ice cream.

The bags of Momo's new clothes were on the ground, near their feet.

They had a lot of fun, well mostly Momo since she was the one who insisted on shopping, and the one who shopped the most. She also insisted on him helping her to choose clothes by saying if it was good on her or not when she went to try them.

Nonetheless, their little shopping day was relaxing for both of them, especially Kotei who didn't have the occasion of doing it often.

The trips with Nejire were more... tiring.

"Ah!" Momo exclaimed, noticing that a bit of her ice cream fell on her skirt.

She then stood up and handed her chocolate ice cream to Kotei, who took it unconsciously.

"Holt it for me please, I have to go clean myself." She said before going to the washroom, her handbag on her shoulder.

Kotei's focus came back to his mango ice cream as he continued to lick it, thinking about the attacks he used during the test.

'I could create variants of simple techniques, but I should train to use them efficiently.

As for [Collapsing star], it can't be used recklessly, and I don't see any reason to use it. But it is quite satisfying to see the damage it can bring.'

A girlish voice pulled him out of his thoughts, making him raise his head to meet the two people standing near him.

"Can we sit there?" The one who asked it was a girl wearing a school's uniform. She had a bag on her shoulder and had approximately the same age as him.

Her skin is a light pink, and she has rather square eyes, their sclera is black and their irises are bright yellow, with notably long eyelashes below and around the sides. Her face is framed by short, fluffy, and unruly hair, which is a pleasant pink color, slightly darker than that of her skin. She has two thin pale yellow horns protruding from the head, hanging square and angled diagonally to opposite sides.

At her side, a kid of their age with black hair left in their natural state, namely that they were mid-length and the length ended above his shoulders with a few strands coming between his eyes.

"Sure." Kotei simply replied, using his quirk to move the bags holding Momo's clothes on his side, leaving the path toward the other side of the bench free.

The control he had over his quirk to make it seems like it was a telekinesis quirk was pretty frightening, for anyone knowing the difficulty to master a gravity quirk.

The duo sat on the side and began to talk about diverse things.

On the other side, Kotei was focused on his icecream, not listening to the new duo on his left. Otherwise, he would have heard about their experience during the exam at Yuei.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for me, Kotei-kun." Momo's voice emerged at the same time that her body.

She gently sat near him since the other side was now occupied.

"No worry, here your icecream." Giving her her icecream, Kotei flashed a small smile wanting to reassure her. It only made her blush a little before she shifted the topic of the conversation.

"So, was the exam hard?"

"No, it was pretty fun. The robots were destroyed quite easily, and I could even test some techniques I couldn't before."

"Oh? You seem to have liked it a lot. I heard that someone from some of our old school almost fainted when he met one of them."

"Yuei's exam is quite unfair, to be honest. Quirks that don't have a lot of offensive power are fated to lose, even if they could save more lives than others." Kotei said, finishing his ice cream.

"Ah! You were there too?!" The same voice from earlier yelled, making Kotei and Momo turn around to look at the girl.

They then saw the girl approaching Kotei with sparkling eyes.

"You were at Yuei's exam earlier right?" She asked, being very close to him.

"Well, yes." He answered.

She then took his hand and began to shake it vigorously.

"I am Mina Ashido! I did the exam too!" Then she pointed at her friend behind hair, looking at the scene with a big smile on his face.

"He is Eijiro Kirishima! We went to the exam together! Nice to meet you fellow future hero, hihi!" She said, finally letting his hand free.

Backing away a little, he replied.

"Kotei Juryoku, my friend Momo Yaoyorozu."

Momo simply nodded but inside she was frowning to see Mina being so familiar with him.

While Kotei was only sighting to see another superexcited girl.

'Great... A less cute Nejire but just as lively. My seemingly relaxing day will become a tiring one... I should date Nejire tomorrow.'

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