Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 8 - The 1-A

Kotei stepped out of the stationary car, not too far from the school's entrance.

The young man closed the car door and let his bag floating around his head. It was slowly revolving around his gravity-defying hair.

Fixing his tie, he turned around to the driver and nodded at him.

"I hope you will have a good day Young Master." The man replied, looking at Kotei's figure walking toward Yuei.

He was staying just to be sure that nothing was happening to him.

Observing the students around him, Kotei thought.

'Nobody's here is worth noticing. Let's hope that the ones in my class are more... powerful.'

A few minutes later, he was walking through the corridor of the school, the majority of students stopped a few classes before. Only a small amount was still moving through the corridor.

'According to the map earlier, the 1-A is the furthest one.' Kotei thought, looking at the approaching door.

On the door was written in big letters '1-B'.

His gaze on the door lasted a few seconds. He immediately looked to the next door, it was quite far but he could imagine that it was the 1-A's classroom.

A blonde guy before him opened the 1-B's door, when he saw Kotei his face became gloomier.

He glared at Kotei who only looked at him with an expressionless face for two seconds before his gaze returned to what was in front of him. It seems to annoy the blonde guy even more since he gritted his teeth and continued to glare at Kotei who continued to walk, totally ignoring him.

Meanwhile, the blonde was quite pissed off by Kotei's presence.

'Because of him, I couldn't gain a lot of points and was forced inside this second-rate class!'

He was furious about the unfairness of the situation. Because of Kotei, during the exam, he couldn't harvest a lot of points. He either destroyed anything in his sight, leaving the other examinees with a lot less of points or he occupied a lot of locations, leaving behind a zone lacking any pointers.

For sure if Kotei knew what he was thinking, he would be either laughing his a.s.s off, either too perplexed to do anything.

Wasn't this the goal of the exam? For sure it was unfair, but isn't life unfair too? In the end, only the strong are victorious, while the weak can only grind their teeth at the unfairness of the world. It wasn't something that Kotei could understand. After all, he never was weak... Or so he thought.

'There's a bunch of strange seeds here.' Kotei thought, unaware of what the student was thinking.

Once he got inside the classroom and closed the door behind him, he looked at the students already present. Not a lot of them were here, a little less than half.

His eyes sweeping among the students, he saw a few figures that he recognized. Such as the pink girl, she was unmissable.

He also saw Momo. When she saw him, she immediately waved at him.

A smile almost unnoticeable on his face, he went toward his seat which was just in front of her.

On his right was a kid with a raven head.

'It is almost cool.' He thought to himself.

Putting his floating bag on the ground, he turned to talk to his friend.

"Hello, Momo-chan."

"Good morning Kotei-kun! I can't believe that we are in the same class." She said a happy smile on her beautiful face.

"Quite a surprise, yes."

The two of them continued to talk a little for a few minutes. Students were still arriving through the door.


Coming through the door, Bakugou's gaze fell onto the guy he was thinking to encounter here.

'This bastard!' He clenched his fist, remembering what happened during the exam.

'He showed off with that big explosion... Who does he think he is?! I will f.u.c.k.i.n.g kill him with an even bigger explosion!' He thought furious.

Feeling a gaze on him, Kotei turned around to look at where he was feeling it.

His indifferent eyes clashed with Katsuki's red eyes.

They stayed like that for a few seconds until the latest went to his assigned seat, a low growl accompanying him.

Since there was a free seat between them, Kotei was directly behind Katsuki, making the atmosphere even tenser for the students who knew that something was going on.

A few seconds later, the guy who was described in Kotei's mind as a rip-off Sonic due to his hair color, almost dashed toward Katsuki who had his legs on his desk.

Ignoring the two, Momo poked Kotei's shoulder, making him slowly turn around to look at her.

"You know him?" She asked, getting a nod from him.

"Not personally, I just encountered him one time at the exam."

Kotei replied simply, forgetting the Sludge's incident.

A few minutes later, a green-haired boy's head popped through the door.

Immediately after seeing him, Tenya walked toward him and presented himself, adding unnecessary information.

He then began to talk about how the boy bested him at understanding the true nature of the exam.

"Ah! It's you, curly-hair kid!" A bubbly voice emerged from behind him, followed by an auburn-haired girl.

Immediately after seeing her, Izuku began to blush a crimson, deepening after each word of praise she spouted.

"Your punch was like 'Boom'! It was out of this world! Completely pulverized this zero-pointer!"

Stammering, he had a hard time hiding his completely red face.

"N-no It's n-n-not like th-that... than-thank you... hum..."

'He destroyed the zero-pointer...? My first impression on him was quite wrong then. I had a hard time with my attack since I can't completely control my quirk yet. I will keep a close eye on him.' Kotei thought, gazing at the green-haired guy.

Nobody could tell what he was thinking, for the whole time since he entered the classroom his expression didn't change. However, he noticed that Bakugou gritted his teeth when Midoriya walked in.

'They know each other... the weak-looking was quite friendly to him, but it isn't his case. Well... It doesn't matter to me.' Kotei thought, but his thinking process was interrupted by another voice, which emerged from behind the trio still standing up.

"You are hunting for buddies? Go do it far from here...'

Then he seems to have made a small pause during which, a drinking sound echoed a second after.

"...This is the department of heroics!!"

A black-haired a.d.u.l.t walk in the classroom, inside a sleeping bag. He looked like a giant worm.

He had a long scarf around his neck, and his face looked as if he didn't sleep for a long time.

"Hmm... It took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down. Life is short, you're all lacking common sense I think."

'At least he won't waste any time.' Kotei thought, feeling that he wasn't a man who liked to lose his time with useless things.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta."

He then took a thing from his sleeping bag and presented it to the class.

"Wear these immediately and then shove off to the P.E. grounds."


A few minutes later, the students were clothed with the P.E. uniforms.

Waiting for all the students to be here, Aizawa then announced what they were going to do.

"We will now proceed with the quirk apprehension test."

"Wh-what about the ceremony?! And the guidance counselor meeting?!" The auburn bubbly girl from earlier asked the homeroom teacher.

"As future heroes, we don't have time for frilly niceties."


"The activities that you did in middle school, such as seated toe-touch, upper body exercises, sustained sideways jumps, grip strength test 50 meter dash standing long jump and softball pitch.

At the moment you weren't allowed to use your quirk to do the test. Here, it is different."

"Juryoku, you got first during the exam. How far could you pitch a softball in middle school?" Aizawa asked the silver-haired kid.

"80 meters." He simply replied.

"Use your quirk this time. Do not exit the quirk and do not destroy anything this time." He said, remembering what he saw during the exam.

"I will try." Kotei simply replied, catching the ball with his left hand.

Meanwhile, a purple-haired girl, remembered what happened during the exam. She had a few goosebumps when the image of the destruction his attack caused came back to her mind.

His right hand still in his pocket, he looked at the ball he was holding in his left hand.

"It might... slip from my hand."

Using his quirk on it, the ball left his hand, at the same speed if it fell from his hand to the ground, but...

The ball didn't drop to the ground, but the sky. The speed at which it was ascending, increased to an unprecedented level as it didn't meet any obstacle.

A few seconds later, it wasn't visible anymore. Only a small red dot could be seen in the sky ascending at a great speed. It dimmed not too long after. Probably disintegrated.

The students were looking wide-eyed at the scene. They were completely speechless about what just happened.

Looking at the device in his hand, Aizawa spoke to the class.

"Before anything else, one must know what they are capable of. It will form the basis of your "hero foundation". He said, showing the result of Kotei's throw.

But there weren't any numbers, just the symbol of infinity.

"Infinity?! Unreal!!"

"That's looks so fuuun!"

"So we can use our quirk? Dope!"

"Fun? You are saying?"

The classroom teacher said, an ominous tone in his voice.

The students could almost hear the 'To Doom', announcing something bad was going to happen.

"You were planning to spend your three years here, having a lot of fun huh? Becoming a hero is... nothing but a good ol' walk in a park?"

'...' Kotei looked at him, feeling that he was very serious.

"All right then... New rule: the student who ranks last in total points will be judged 'hopeless' and instantly... expelled." He declared to the students.


The students all got a different reaction.

Some were shocked, some other scared shitless. A few didn't care at all as their facial expression didn't change at all. And some seem to be more focused than ever.

"The department of... HEROICS!"

'He is making a creepy face.'

"The kid who ranks last... gets expelled?!"

"This is our first day! No even if it weren't, it is too unreasonable!!" The auburn girl said an ever blush on her cheeks.

"..." Kotei only looked at her as if she was an idiot.

"Natural disaster, massive incidents. all kinds of calamities can happen when we least expect them. Japan's is drenched in 'unreasonable' or 'unfairness'. It's the job as heroes to reverse it and restore reason."

He then stopped to look at the students in front of him.

"Your years here will be one hardship after another. Overcoming them and climbing to the top, it is 'Plus Ultra'."

His little speech seems to have motivated a lot of them since the look on their face immediately changed.

"Time to step up to the plate."


The first trial was a 50-meter dash.

Kotei was against the blue-haired kid who was in his memories, quite annoying.

"Good luck!" He said, not waiting for a reply from Kotei he turned his head and placed himself in a running position.

Kotei who was him too in a running position used his quirk and bend the gravity around him.

'I must limit the strength of my quirk while I use this technique. Since it isn't a fight I can afford to do it.'

'[Gravitational Armor: Hermes]'


Immediately after, the two young men dashed along the track, leaving a trail of dust behind them.

"3.01 seconds!"

"3.04 seconds!"

Arriving a microsecond later than Iida, Kotei seems to be thinking about his performance, since he stopped his quirk and looked at his hand.

'If I would have used more power, I would have beat him for sure... but the quirk would have gone a little astray. I must find the equilibrium between my quirk's power and my control. The device that they proposed will limit my quirk in my stead while I will be able to control it more freely.'

Meanwhile, Aizawa was looking at Kotei.

'Iida is in his element... while Juryoku controlled his quirk with more creativity. So much that he went almost as fast as Iida.'

"Hm?" Kotei's eyes narrowed at what he was seeing.

The auburn girl who had an eternal blush on her cheeks touched her shoes and clothes with her fingers.

The other couldn't feel it, but Kotei knew what she just did.

'She removed... the gravitational pull of the Earth on what she touched... Is it the extent of her capacity?'

He then looked at her run. She wasn't particularly fast nor did an amazing thing.

'... More observation is necessary.'

The other race who interested him was the guy with half red and white hair. He froze the ground and slide on it with ease. He then touched it and the ice heated and melted away.

'Ice and heat? Maybe ice and fire...'


The second trial was the grip strength test.

Kotei surrounded his fist with a strong gravitational power.

"200 kgw, wow that's high."

Kotei turned his head at her and replied.

"It's not much."

"Compared to my measly 45 it sure is." She said, showing the score on her device.

"My name is Kyoka Jiro."

"Kotei Juryoku."

"I wanted to thanks me for saving me during the exam."

'I did that?'

"Do not worry."

"Good luck with the quirk test, Juryoku-kun."

"Do your best Jiro-chan."


A few trials passed, and it was the time to do the fifth trial.

Since Kotei already did it, he didn't need to redo it.

The Uraraka girl used her quirk on the ball and threw it.

As Kotei thought, the ball was now unaffected by the Earth's gravitational pull.

It floated in the sky and disappeared. She got the same result as him, and infinity sign.

Then, the next student was Midoriya, the green-haired kid.

Looking at him walking inside the circle, he couldn't help but wonder if he destroyed the giant robot.

'His scores were average at best, either he hasn't used it or he can't activate it when he wants. At this rate, he will be expelled.'

"You think that he will be expelled?" Momo asked, walking to Kotei's side.

"If he doesn't have good scores he will be last." He nods.

They then observed how he c.o.c.ked back his arm and threw the ball with all his strength...

He got an astonishing score of... 46 meters.

Aizawa's hair then began to float, like Kotei's hair. His scarf too began to float around his head. He seems to be saying something to Midoriya who began to yell like a bit- like a wild animal.

"The erasing hero, 'Eraserhead'!!"


Some students whispered, as confused as Kotei.

Some already hear his name, but nothing more. He seems to be an underground hero.

Kotei wasn't interested in the hero society, that's why him not knowing a lot of heroes wasn't surprising.

He then used his scarf to pull Midoriya toward him to say something.

After a few seconds, he let him go and Midoriya went in the circle and prepared to throw the ball once again.

Making a throwing motion once again, Midoriya had the ball in his right hand.

Looking closely at his hand holding the ball, Kotei quickly understood what he was going to do.

'He isn't throwing it with his hand... He throws it with.'

'... His finger!!' A blonde guy hidden behind a tree thought, seeing that his heir had such an idea.

Yelling "Smash!!" The ball was sent flying through the air, with incredible strength.

"... Interesting indeed." Kotei quietly said, breaking the silence among the students.

"You got a record suitable for a hero!!" Ochako said, lifting her arms high in the sky.

"His finger is swollen once again, remind me of the exam."

"It's ugly, not stylish at all."


Meanwhile, Katsuki had a lot of thoughts racing through his mind.

A few seconds later, his shocked face morphed in a furious face.

He immediately used his quirk to rush toward the now scared Midoriya.

However, he was stopped by Aizawa's scarf which seems quite resistant enough.

"It's my special capturing weapon, a steel wire alloy woven with carbon nanofiber."

"You are wasting our time... Prepare for the next trial." He said, letting go Katsuki who was now calmer.

'Mh...' Kotei thought, looking at Midoriya.


Once all 8 trials came to a close, Aizawa gathered them in front of him.

"It's time to present the results. It's just the aggregate sum of each of your scores. I will disclose all of them at the same time."

Cl.i.c.k.i.n.g on the device he added.

"Oh yeah, that whole 'expulsion' thing was a lie. It was a logical ruse to pull out your best performances."

"?!" Quite a lot of students were shocked by his announcement.

"?" Even Kotei was surprised by his words.

'I am sure that he wasn't kidding... Has he changed his mind?'

"What?!" The trio composed of Iida, Ochako, and Izuku yelled.

At his side, Momo said to them.

"Come on guys, of course, it was just a ruse! Maybe I should have said it..."

"You should have!"

"With that, it's over. Your curriculum sheets are back in the classroom so give them a once-over."

He then turned to Midoriya who seemed to have a cardiac arrest.

"Go to recovery girl and get yourself patched up." He said, giving him a pass.

Meanwhile, Kotei looked briefly at the scores before he walked him too toward the changing room.

Momo jogged behind him to have a small conversation.

"You got first place, you were insanely good!" She said.

"You got second place. Your ingenuity and imagination are worthy of acclaim." He replied, making her blush. Not that he saw that since she turned her head feeling the blood go to her face.

'1-A huh? These three years will be quite... enriching.'

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