Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 9 - Preparations

"Koteeeei~!" A voice that Kotei could recognize among thousands called him from the first floor, through a window of his room.

"Nejire?" He asked, looking toward his girlfriend who had half of her body through the window by now.

"Heeello~." She said, jumping through the window, just above him.

Using his quirk to slow down her fall, she landed quietly into his arms, hugging him close to her.

Kotei didn't hesitate to hug her back, letting her snuggle deeper in his arms.

They stayed like this for a few minutes before Nejire reluctantly part away with him. For now, she was satisfied with only a hug. She also had a 'few' questions for him.

Sighing inside his head, Kotei knew that she was going to burrow him under her curiosity. She was way too enthusiastic and curious. She wanted to know his feelings towards the heroic department and his new classmates. And it only means that she was going to squeeze for every last bit of information.

They walked inside the mansion, and while they were slowly advancing through the corridors, their hands were locked together. Kotei thought about something which was bothering him for a few times, and it was quite a new feeling for him.

He didn't care about fame, money, and influence. Neither was he after becoming the number one hero or saving the most people.

He was after power. Not political power nor the kind of power which can be bought by money. It was the kind of power that only existed with oneself.

He knew that since he couldn't achieve 'perfection' as people imagine it and as the old him imagined it. It's why he wanted to achieve a 'perfection' within his reach.

It was the kind which makes villains cowards, heroes jealous, and citizens flabergast. Kotei knew somebody who achieved this 'perfection'.

It was none other than All Might, the Symbol of Peace. The strongest hero in the world. The man who can with one punch blow away clouds and change the weather and brings hope whatever the situation is.

A few months ago, before his quirk evolves and his body merges with it, he wasn't thinking about this 'perfection' at all.

He didn't realize what 'perfection' meant. But when his body and quirk evolved, it was as if the fog which was keeping him from the truth, suddenly disappeared.

He felt little by little that it wasn't only his body that evolved, but his mind seems to have evolved too, making him realize that his previous goal was foolish and simply impossible.

Perfection with a big 'p' wasn't meant to be reached. It was, but a fool's dream.

He understood that the 'perfection' he imagined was only a chimera, unreachable by anyone even him.

That's why he redefined his sense of 'perfection' and focused on something more... real.

What is his new sense of 'perfection' then?


For him, perfection now means power beyond anything and anyone.

The evolution of his quirk affected his body and mind. Maybe it changed his very core. But to be honest he didn't care at all.

If he can't reach the 'previous' perfection then it means that he can only reevaluate his goal and do his best to reach this 'new'... perfection.


A few dozen minutes after Nejire's never-ending questions, the couple was finally silently cuddling against each other, looking at the T.V inside Kotei's room.

"You are staying this night?" Kotei asked Nejire.

He noticed that she had no intention of leaving his arms. She seems way too comfortable to even think of it.

"Yeah, though I must go to Ryukyu's tomorrow so I will be gone early in the morning." She replied, lifting her blue eyes to look at him.

"Ah! I will be back earlier tomorrow, there is something important that I want you to see. It will be a special gift."

"I can't help but be excited when I hear you." He replied, a smile on his face.

Her positive attitude was intoxicating, and he quite liked this part of her.

"Just you see! I am sure you will love it." Giggling a little, she said.

Whatever she prepared was something that excited her to no ends.

"If it is from you, then it sure will. Let's go eat now, the maids must be almost done with the dishes." He said, lifting her.

His hand unintentionally grabbed her a.s.s, making her blush a little, but she didn't seem displeased at all.

"By the way, when is your family coming back?"

"Big brother is on a business trip, he won't be back until a few weeks. Big sister went to see her friends in France she will probably stay for a while."

"And grandpa?" She asked since she didn't see him today, which was unusual since he stayed inside the mansion the majority of the time. He was a little introverted.

"Him? One day he came to see me..."


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"Kotei!" The old man yelled, opening the door of the teenager who was doing his usual push up.


"You don't intend on taking the regenerative quirk?"

"To be honest, I don't feel as much disgust toward it than I originally did..."

"So you accept!"

"In fact..."

"Great! I will go assemble the necessary people for the quirk's transfer!"


Not leaving him any seconds to react, the old man sprinted out of the room, with renewed vigor.

'What?' Kotei thought, not having been able to give him the reasons why he didn't want the quirk now.

He had so much to learn about his quirk if he takes another quirk now, he doesn't know how his original quirk will react. Which could make him lose precious time.

He then heard the sound of a car drifting in the parking.

Looking through the windows, he saw his grandpa almost jump in a car which immediately drove past the gates with great speed, nearly hitting one of the gate-keeper.

'What?' Was all Kotei could think once again looking at the speeding vehicle which quickly disappeared at a corner.

"This old... man." Completely speechless, Kotei couldn't even muster the strength to be angry at him.

Turning around, he was making his bag for tomorrow, it was going to be his first school at Yuei.

'I wonder why he was in such a hurry... And knowing him he won't answer my calls... I will ask him when he will be back.'


Laughing out loud, Nejire was holding her stomach, laughing at the story her boyfriend just told.

"So he... just ignored you and... left?" She managed to say between her melodious giggle.

"... Yes."

Finally stopping to laugh, she said.

"At least it is good isn't it?"

"It is, but I wanted to have a solid grasp onto my quirk before I gain this one. I just hope it won't make me lose any of my control onto it."

"I am sure it will be alright Kotei~." Nejire said, hugging him closer.

"Mhm... You are right, Nejire." He replied, hugging her closer too.


The next morning, Kotei could be seen seating on his chair, at his designated place as each student around him.

Until noon, they had normal lessons for all required subjects.

'So loud.' Kotei thought, once their English lesson with Present Mic ended.

He was almost sure that his quirk was 'super headache' at this point.

At noon, the students gather at the grand mess hall to sample the cuisine of the cooking hero Lunch-Rush.

Kotei sat with Momo, Kyoka, Toru the invisible girl, and the dual-colored hair boy whose name was Shoto Todoroki.

'Todoroki... I remember my sister talking about someone whose name was Todoroki too... Could be a simple coincidence.'

Kotei couldn't learn information on him since he didn't talk about him at all.

In fact, besides presenting himself, he did not talk.

The invisible girl? She was a pure bubble of enthusiasm. It was a level above Nejire, which was surprising as it was near impossible to achieve.

After eating, the students went back to their class and waited for the next class to start.

A lot of them were excited.


Because the afternoon portion was the daily dose of foundational heroics studies.

'If what was announced in the letter of acceptation, the next teacher will be...'

"It's meeee!" A loud voice interrupted his thoughts.

'... an even louder guy than Present Mic.'

Stepping through the door, he continued to yell.

"Through the door, like a normal person!!"

All Might then walked to the blackboard and made a little pose, flexing his muscles.

The students were excited to see him here, some were yelling almost as loud as him.

"I can't believe it! He's gonna be teaching us for real!!" "That's design so silver age!" "I have goosebumps..."

"For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials... The first one will be the trial of... BATTLE!"


"To go with your first battle... We've prepared the gear we had you send in requests to match your quirks!" All Might said, pushing a button on his the device he was holding.

Boxes popped out of the wall, they were all marked with numbers.

"Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone! Gather at ground beta!" All Might said before he stepped a little out of the way for the students to come and take their costumes.

Seeing that Kotei took his box and was leaving to put it, he discretely called him as he had something to say to him.

However, he wasn't so careful since four students saw it. Midoriya looked at the two of them talking with a little anxiety.

What if All Might asked Kotei to take OFA and abandon him?

Shaking his head at this thought, he went to the changing rooms to wear his costume.

The other two looked at the scene with suspicious and curious eyes.

Bakugou didn't like to see his 'rival' talking with the number one hero. As for Todoroki, he found it suspicious but didn't try to stay longer than needed. He didn't see Kotei as a very serious threat for now.

As for the fourth person, let's say that they looked at it with... 'interest'.


All Might took a paper from his pocket and gave it to Kotei.

"The assistance department was going to make the designed quirk limiter as proposed, but we didn't have enough time nor resources to make it in time.

We were going to make you wait for a while, but your grandfather told us that he got one ready for you to use. He apparently didn't want us to give you something which would mess with your quirk.

I understand him, but since you agreed with it, we didn't think that it was going to be a problem.

It is in fact better than the device is made by your family as you won't worry about what we could do to restrict or control you. Be reassured it isn't in our intention.

The device is in the box with your costume. If you want to modify it you should see with your grandfather as we wouldn't be too efficient, but I am sure that the assistance department would be happy to analyze it.

-Your Principal, Nezu."

'I won't even question how this old geezer knew.' Kotei thought.

Being done with the letter, he looked at All Might who opened his mouth to spoke to him.

"I expect great results from you, young Juryoku! Your performance during the exam was breathtaking."

"I will do my best." He replied, turning around to go change.


A few minutes later, Kotei was wearing his costume. He designed it himself and was pretty happy with how it looked on him.

The hero-costume consists of a pitch-black skin-tight long sleeve t-shirt where the swirling hole in his torso was exposed to the view of all. He also wore black cargo pants which had a few silverish dots, shining at the light.

The pants ended in royal blue boots, which had silver soles.

At his waist was a royal blue belt which had a long clothe tied to it. It was a kind of little cape, it was only hiding the back of his lower body, leaving his upper body with only his skin-tight long sleeve t-shirt.

Kotei also wore large gloves, which looked like mittens at first glance, but his fingers weren't restricted by any fabric.

He tried to move around within it.

"It's quite good." He said, after a few seconds of trying several moves.

Kotei then looked at the device he was supposed to put on his head.

It was a normal-looking crown with four big spades surrounded by a few smaller ones.

Using his quirk to make it fall toward him, he held it in his hand and felt the weight of the device.

'It's heavier than what I thought...'

He then put it on his head, and it began to float automatically, slowly spinning on itself.

"... Let's put the limits to... 60% for now."

Once his sentence was finished, the crown began to spin quicker, before its speed return to what it previously was.

Two of the crown's big spades disappeared and it seems to have become smaller, even if it is by a small margin.

'I indeed feel like if something was restricting my quirk... Even if it a smaller portion.

For now, I will keep it like this. Smaller the quantity in the container is, wider the movements can be.

Once my quirk exceeds 60%, my control over it slip and the damage it can cause is way more important than with the old technique [Collapsing Star]. Not to mention the fact that my body cannot withstand such a gravitational force. I could barely control it enough last time. This crown is useful for now, but I won't rely on it too much.'

Walking toward the exit of the corridor, Kotei couldn't help but sigh.

'It is a pain in the a.s.s.'

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