On the distant horizon, strange creatures appeared one after another.

These strange creatures spewed endless death energy.

The dead air filled the air, shaking the sea dykes!

Above the Great Wall of Chaos!

Countless great armies have assembled, and the morale of the dragon, phoenix, unicorn, demon, witch and other armies is high!

Hongjun returned to Zixiao Palace and sat cross-legged.

He saw that this God's True Realm did not send Xeon's existence.

Instead, they are some lowly weird creatures.

These strange creatures are dead, with black blood flowing, rotting clothes, rotting bodies, and rotting smells!

Rahu, the ancestor of the devil, stood on Mount Sumeru with his hands behind his back.

"This God's True Realm, there is no Xeon sent?"

The Demon Ancestor, Luo Hu, was a little confused.

Hongjun killed the ancestor of Ashes, and this other world was so calm.

In fact, the demon ancestor Rahu wanted to wait for the Xeon existence in the real world to appear, and he would kill one of the Xeon existences.

Who knows, this God's True Realm has not sent a powerful existence.

The demon ancestor Rahu showed a very angry look.


The demon ancestor Rahu was very angry. He ordered the army of the demons to go to the Jiehai dam to fight against these prehistoric creatures.


The army of hundreds of millions of demons crossed the void and came to this sea dam.


The army of hundreds of millions of demons, with a deep voice, rushed into the formation!

The strange creatures seem to be very slow, but they are actually very fast.

Every strange creature released a terrifying breath.

Many cultivators in the prehistoric wilderness will die on the spot once they inhale this terrifying death energy.

The entire prehistoric world, hundreds of millions of troops, are fighting against other worlds.

The strange creatures of the other world are endless.

From time to time, strange creatures from other worlds are killed.

There are also monks in the floods, who died unexpectedly.

The army on both sides is like a tide.


The heaven and the earth shook, and in the universe, there were traces of battles left by one after another.

This war has lasted for [-] years!

Ten thousand years are fleeting.

However, the battle between the prehistoric monks and the strange creatures in the true realm of God is still going on.

The most bizarre thing is that neither the prehistoric world nor the real world of God has sent top-level combat power and powerful existences to participate in the war.

For example, Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other great powers in the wild.

The nine ancestors of the real world of God have not appeared!

This strange phenomenon is considered by many experts in the wild that the battle between the two sides is like training soldiers!

a thousand years!

The monks in the flood and the army of strange creatures from the gods all suffered casualties.

Countless monks have died.


Daozu Hongjun sat cross-legged in the Zixiao Palace.

He was surprised to find that in this battle, the dragon, the phoenix, and the unicorn were the three prehistoric tribes.And the army of the demons, each with casualties.

And the new Witch Race and Monster Race seem to be more and more.

This strange phenomenon surprised Hong Jun.

He didn't understand what was going on.

Countless strange creatures exuded a strong sense of death.

Every strange creature was killed, turned into ashes and dissipated.

God real world!

The nine ancestors sat cross-legged beside nine ancient bronze coffins.

One of the first ancestors said in shock: "We sent strange creatures to fight the flood and test the strength of the flood. This flood seems to be testing our strength!"

The rest of the ancestors heard the words and agreed.

Ten thousand years, ten thousand years of war.

Neither Honghuang nor the True Realm of God sent powerful beings to participate in the war.

Even if it is the Great Desolation, the top dispatched is nothing more than Da Luo Jinxian.

Like the quasi-holy realm, the saints have not participated in the war.

An ancestor shouted angrily and said, "Honghuang, it's really hateful!"

The wild world!

Heavenly Space!

Qin Tian swept away the dykes of the Realm Sea, the Great Wall of Chaos.

Countless cultivators from the prehistoric realm and the strange creatures of the real world are still at war.

However, neither side of the battle has sent top combat power.

Qin Tian sneered, he knew that this was the first ancestor of the nine gods of the real world, and he was testing the real world.

And he is also testing this real world.

Ten thousand years have passed.

Not Zhoushan!

In the Pangu Palace!

The twelve ancestor witches, reunite.

Emperor Jiang Zuwu swept away the Zuwu present, and he showed a very excited look, saying: "々' Everyone, our Wuzu, in these ten thousand years, the population of the Wuzu has increased, and our Wuzu has become more and more popular. , will be able to become the No. [-] clan in the Great Desolation after this war!"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu looked at the increasing population of the Wu tribe, and was excited and excited.

Hearing the words, Houtu Zuwu said solemnly: "Brother, this time, to resist the invasion of other worlds, will our witches save their strength, will they be noticed by the saints?"

The Ancestral Witch of Houtu said with a little worry.

"It's okay!"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu smiled faintly and was very happy.

Most of the monks who resisted the invasion of strange creatures were dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and demon.


Di Jun and Taiyi looked at the demon army, like a big explosion, the two demons were very excited.

"My demon clan will definitely become the first clan in the prehistoric wilderness!"

Di Jun and Taiyi showed extremely excited expressions.

In this battle, they retained the strength of the demon clan!

Thinking of this, Di Jun and Tai Yi were even more excited.

There are more and more clansmen of the two Lich clans.

These are all known to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian didn't care about this.

At this moment, he thought of something big!

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space and swept the direction of Shouyang Mountain.

He saw Nuwa and Fuxi retreating in Shouyang Mountain.

Back from Zixiao Palace, Nuwa and Fuxi have been practicing.

Qin Tian smiled slightly and said, "It's time!"

Immediately, Qin Tian waved his hand, and a message of Heavenly Dao's will was passed on to Nuwa!

Shouyang Mountain!

Nuwa and Fuxi were sitting on Shouyang Mountain.

In the past ten thousand years, she has not made any breakthroughs, as if she has encountered a bottleneck.

"I was accepted as a disciple by the sage. In the past ten thousand years, my cultivation has made no progress, alas!"

Nu Wa sighed softly, feeling depressed.

Fuxi saw it in his eyes and wanted to persuade her, but he didn't know how to speak.


A will of heaven passed into Nu Wa's mind.

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