
Nu Wa opened her eyes, as if receiving some kind of guidance.


Nuwa stood up and flew away.

Fuxi said in surprise, "Sister!"

He hurriedly chased after him.

I saw Nuwa landed on the bank of a big river.

She sat cross-legged and used the art of creation in her mind to create a clay figurine similar to her shape.

(Well done) Fuxi was surprised when he saw this.

The soil used by this clay figurine turned out to be Nine Heavens Resting Soil.

"Sister is this?"

Fuxi was shocked.

He saw the clay figurine fall down, jumping up and down, and in high spirits.


Fuxi stuttered and was stunned.

Is this a new race in the Great Desolation?


In the void, a pupil of the Heavenly Dao gradually gathered.

Fuxi was surprised and excited.

After a while, there were more than [-] races that Nuwa called people.

Nu Wa raised her head and looked at the void.

"The way of heaven is above, Nuwa upholds the will of heaven and created a family called the human race!"

"I would like to take the human race as the Dao, and ask the Dao of Heaven to learn from it!"


Throughout the flood, Nuwa's voice was heard.

All the prehistoric creatures couldn't help but look around Shouyang Mountain.


A series of merits and virtues fell into Nu Wa's body.

Nuwa stood in the void and created a human race!


The pupil of the heavenly path made a sound.

The whole void is shaking!


Kunlun Mountains!

Pangu Sanqing was shocked when he heard that Nuwa created the human race and used the human race to testify.

Moreover, the Tao of Heaven recognized Nuwa's sanctification of the Tao.

As a direct disciple of the sage, the Three Pure Ones felt that they had fallen behind Nuwa.


The sky is chaotic, and the ground is full of golden lotuses.

The gentle rains nourished all living beings.

"Thank you, Saint Nuwa!"

"Thank you, Saint Nuwa!"

Countless flood monks bowed to the sky.

And in Jiehai dam, the Great Wall of Chaos.

Those prehistoric cultivators who were nourished by the rain have multiplied their strength.

And the strange creatures in the true realm of the gods will turn into a blood mist and dissipate when they are stained with the rain.

"We Sanqing, congratulations to Junior Sister Nuwa for attaining sanctification!"

"The West receives Zhunti, congratulations to the saint!"

"The Twelve Ancestral Witches, congratulations to the sage on his sanctification."

"Emperor Jun of the Demon Race, Taiyi, congratulations to the saint, to prove the Tao and become a holy noon!"

The whole flood is congratulating Nuwa on her sanctification!

Standing on Shouyang Mountain, Fuxi sighed with emotion.

Sister Nuwa, finally broke through and became sanctified.

She also founded a family called the Human Race!

Nu Wa was wearing a long skirt, she raised her head and looked at the endless void.

In her beautiful eyes, there was a flash of brilliance! .

Chapter 69

Nuwa is sanctified, and the innate human race is blessed!

Since then, the innate human race has appeared in the wild land.

The congenital human race, although the saint Nuwa was formed with nine heavens.

However, the human race's foundation is unstable and its strength is not strong!

It is far inferior to that of the dragon, phoenix, unicorn and other prehistoric clans.

Even, it is not as good as the demon clan, the witch clan and the demon clan.

Today, the human race has a shallow foundation, and it is always infested by some ancient beasts.

For the future of the human race, Nuwa asked the way of heaven to place three thousand human races on the coast of the East China Sea.

The coast of the East China Sea is full of spiritual energy.

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space, and he heard Nuwa's prayer in Shouyang Mountain.


Hundreds of trillions of the power of heaven, condensed into the pupil of heaven.

The pupil of the heavenly path, making a majestic voice!


Nuwa was overjoyed when she heard the words.

She hurriedly bowed, and excitedly found Fuxi.

at this time!

On Shouyang Mountain, Nuwa and Fuxi sat opposite each other.

Fuxi looked at the innate human race in Shouyang Mountain and asked, "Sister, what does the Tao of Heaven say?"

"I asked the way of heaven to place the innate human race on the coast of the East China Sea, and the way of heaven has approved it."

Nu Wa smiled with relief, and a strange splendor flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Hearing the words, Fuxi nodded and said, "That's very good. In my opinion, you will send the human race to the coast of the East China Sea with your supreme holy prestige."

"Brother, that's what I mean, but I'm asking my brother to help me with one thing!"

Sound off!

Nu Wa raised her star eyes and looked at Fuxi.

Hearing this, Fuxi was stunned.

He asked in surprise: "Sister, but it's okay, I don't know what's wrong?"

"Eldest brother, I founded the innate human race, the Virgin of the human race, and I asked my brother to be the emperor of the human race. I wonder what the elder brother thinks?"

Fuxi thought for a moment, then said: "You and my brother and sister are of one mind. Since this is the case, I, Fuxi, would like to be the emperor!"

Fuxi looked at Nuwa and nodded.


In the void!

The pupil of Heavenly Dao suddenly lit up.

Among the three thousand human races, a human race golden dragon fell into Fuxi's eyebrows.

Seeing this, Fuxi was taken aback and said, "This is?"

Fuxi was shocked.

This is the luck golden dragon of the human race!

As a human emperor, he got the luck golden dragon of the human race!

Nu Wa said very happily: "Congratulations, brother, for obtaining the Golden Dragon of Human Fortune!"

Fuxi nodded and said, "It's not too late, I'll go to the coast of the East China Sea."

When Nuwa heard the words, she said excitedly, "Good!"

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