Immediately, Nuwa exerted her supreme holy power and placed three thousand innate human races on the shore of the East China Sea.

The coast of the East China Sea!

The vast East China Sea is magnificent!

Since then, the human race has survived on the coast of the East China Sea.

Countless great powers of the Great Desolation are all looking towards the coast of the East China Sea.

The human race founded by this Nuwa is the bottom of the flood.

Zixiao Palace!

Ancestor Hongjun made a calculation and knew the end.

He said in shock: "The future of this human race is very prosperous, surpassing the demon race and the witch race!"

Demon ancestor Luo Hu, Twelve Ancestor Witch, Emperor Jun Taiyi and other great powerhouses all looked at the human race.


The coast of the East China Sea!

Fuxi was the emperor, he taught the people some ways of life.

The innate human race, under the professors of Fuxi and Nuwa, learned to survive and reproduce.

The human race is constantly growing!

Looking at the innate human race, from three thousand to thirty thousand, three hundred thousand, and even one million.

Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other and felt very happy.

During this time, Nuwa also went to the demon clan and informed Di Jun and Taiyi.

Go to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea and learn about the ancestor of the dragon family.

The foundation of the human race is too shallow, Nuwa thought about how to improve the strength of the human race.

Nuwa was sanctified and the human race developed.


Pangu Sanqing, looking towards the coast of the East China Sea, the human race is constantly growing.

This Pangu Sanqing, although before, congratulated Nuwa.

But now that I think about it, I feel very uneasy.

After all, they were the direct disciples that the sage accepted first, and then Nuwa.

Nuwa is equivalent to the little junior sister of the Sanqing.

But now, the little junior sister Nuwa, who founded the human race, was recognized by heaven and became a saint.

The hearts of Laozi, Yuanshi and Tongtian were very uncomfortable.

Yuan Shi snorted coldly and said, "Brother, we are the direct disciples of saints, but Nuwa gave us the first step to become saints."

Tongtian heard the words and sighed: "Yuanshi's elder brother, eldest brother, and junior sister have been sanctified, and have been recognized by the Tao of Heaven. We should congratulate and be happy when we learn."

After the conversation changed, Tongtian said again: "In my opinion, I should step up my cultivation and break through the cultivation base."

When Yuan Shi heard the words, he secretly scolded Tongtian for being ignorant.

Lao Tzu thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Tongtian Junior Brother's words are reasonable, we should do this, and we can break through as soon as possible!"


What else can Yuan Shi say?He nodded in support of Big Brother Lao Tzu.

Immediately, the Sanqing returned to the cave and began to cultivate.

In the sea of ​​​​the prehistoric realm, strange creatures from the real world of God invaded from time to time.

These intruders were quickly defeated by the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, Qilin Clan and other prehistoric clans, and returned to the real world.

Countless strange figures, flowing with black blood, climbed to the space passage.

Jiehai dam, Great Wall of Chaos!

All ethnic groups in the prehistoric wilderness, hundreds of millions of monks guard!

Heavenly Space!

Qin Tian is also testing the real world of God.

Since the ancestor of Ashes was killed, for [-] years, in the entire real world, no supreme power has dared to come to the wild!

The remaining nine ancestors seemed to have disappeared.

Only some strange creatures came to the great wasteland to seek death.

Qin Tian knew the bottom line about this.

These nine ancestors may be to paralyze the flood.

At that time, the army will go to war, which will catch the powerhouses of the prehistoric world by surprise.

Qin Tian thought about it in his heart, now, in this prehistoric time.

There are only Hong Jun of Zixiao Palace, Yang Mei Daxian of Honghuang Starry Sky, and Luohu of Xumi Mountain, the three supreme saints.

Nuwa, who founded the human race, is a female saint.

Of the six saints determined by heaven, only Nuwa became a saint.

This Pangu Sanqing, the Western Second Sage, has not moved yet.

Therefore, Qin Tian intends to make these saints sanctified as soon as possible.

At that time, it will be able to block the nine ancestors of the real world!


Qin Tian was in a good mood after sweeping away the entire trillion-dollar flood.

Every prehistoric clan is working hard to protect the prehistoric.

Especially that one, the Prince of the East who was reincarnated.

"My East Prince, willing to shed the last drop of blood for the flood!"

Qin Tian looked at the entire Great Wilderness. He knew what every Great Great Master of Great Wilderness was doing!


A burst of system prompts came to my ears.

"Ding, because Honghuang exudes its own aura, all the heavens and the world know the existence of Honghuang!"

Qin Tian was stunned when he heard the words.

The heavens and the world, know the existence of Honghuang?

Qin Tian was a little surprised.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, there are now three Great Thousand Worlds, and they are about to come to the flood. May I ask the host, do you want to fight?"

At this moment, another system prompt sounded.

When Qin Tian heard the words, he was stunned on the spot.

Three Great Thousand Worlds, about to come to the flood?

He now knows nothing about these three Great Thousand Worlds.

Immediately, Qin Tian said solemnly, "Scan these three great worlds for me!"

"Ding, the system is scanning for the host!"

A burst of system prompts came to my ears.

Qin Tian waited quietly.

What kind of world will these three great worlds be?

Qin Tian doesn't know about this for the time being.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the scan for the host was successful!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the three Great Thousand Worlds are the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Vientiane Realm, and the Chilong Realm!"

A system beep sounded quickly.

Qin Tian heard the words, the system's introduction to these three worlds appeared in his mind.

These three worlds are the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Vientiane Realm, and the Chilong Realm!

Among them, the strongest existence in the demon world is called the demon emperor.

Although this demon emperor is a quasi-sage peak, he can use the power of heaven to possess the combat power of a saint!

Next, is the Vientiane Realm.

Its master is the Lord of the Dragons.

This Xeon existence, like the Demon Emperor, although he is a quasi-sage peak, can use the power of heaven to possess the combat power of a saint.

Finally, for the Chilong Realm.

Its Xeon existence is the Chilong God.

The Red Dragon Lord, in the quasi-sacred realm, is like the Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons in the Vientiane Realm and the Demon Emperor in the Demon Realm. He can use the power of heaven to possess the combat power of a saint!

After reading the system's introduction to these three worlds, Qin Tian sighed: "The prehistoric world is too attractive, isn't it?"

Immediately, Qin Tian seemed to have thought of something, and he already had some arrangements in his heart!

And in the heavens and the worlds, the three great thousand worlds!

Heavenly Demon Realm!

Filled with billions of trillions of supreme demon power.

As the ruler of the Heavenly Demon Realm, the strength of the Heavenly Demon Emperor has reached its peak.

However, for a strong man, this is not enough.

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