"This demon world has brought my cultivation to the peak. Now, I can only find a higher world!"

"The heavens and the world, who can let me achieve a higher realm?"

Just when the demon emperor sighed.


In this void, a strong aura suddenly appeared.

This rich aura made the Demon Emperor quickly grab it and greedily suck it.

"This is the prehistoric world?"

The aura emanating from this world, the Demon Emperor, knew that this was a prehistoric world hidden in the heavens and the world.

Moreover, the aura of this prehistoric world.Very rich.

Thinking of this, the Demon Emperor revealed an extremely excited world.

"This prehistoric world is the world where I will break through my cultivation base in the future. I want to occupy this world and seize its spiritual energy!"

The Demon Emperor roared with great excitement.


A terrifying demon shrouded the land of trillions of trillions.

Countless demon races worship at the feet of the demon emperor.

"The monks of the demon world of my heaven, come with me to take down this prehistoric world!"


A loud bang.

In the land of trillions of trillions, countless creatures have heard of it.

All the monks in the Heavenly Demon Realm, ride the demon cloud and go to the place where the Heavenly Demon Emperor is!

Vientiane world!

The Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons is sitting cross-legged.

His cultivation has reached its peak.


The Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons felt a strong spiritual energy.

"This is?"

The Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons probed into this world with his divine sense.

It turned out that this was a world called Honghuang.

"The prehistoric world, there is such a strong spiritual energy?"

Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons, rise into the sky, stand in the void!

This rich spiritual energy made the Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons suddenly show a look of shock.

This is an outpouring of spiritual energy!

Why is spiritual energy overflowing?

It is that there is too much spiritual energy in this world, and there is a phenomenon of spreading and overflowing.

From this, it can be inferred that the spiritual energy of this world is very rich.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons showed a hint of coldness.

"This prehistoric world, my Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons, I want it!"

The Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons, he looked up to the sky and smiled.

Immediately, a supreme divine might erupted.

Shrouded in divine power, the Vientiane Realm of trillions of trillions was shaken.

Countless creatures stuck their heads out and looked into the void.

Why did this supreme existence in the Vientiane Realm burst out with a terrifying divine might?


Above the billions of trillions of sky, the Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons stands proudly!

"Where is my cultivator in the Vientiane Realm? Join me and fight the other world!"

The voice of the Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons spread throughout the Vientiane Realm.

Countless cultivators from the Vientiane Realm heard the words, stepped out of the cave, and went to the location of the Lord of Wanlong!

Red Dragon Realm!

Infinite flames burned the Chilong Realm, turning it into a sea of ​​fire.

Lord Chilong, stand in the void!


As the Chilong God, he has reached a bottleneck!


A spiritual energy from another world made the Lord Chilong's expression change suddenly.

"This spiritual energy is so rich, this place is the cultivation place of my Chilong God!"

The Chilong God became ecstatic.

He drank in a deep voice, and directly summoned the monks of the Red Dragon Realm, and together with him, went to battle this world called Honghuang.

The three Great Thousand Worlds, the existence of the three supreme powers, all fought against each other at the same time.


Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space, and he thought of something.

Immediately, Qin Tian appeared in the group!

"I am the way of heaven, where are the gods in the wild!"

Qin Tian drank in a deep voice in the group.

His voice spread throughout the entire flood.



Every prehistoric great power hurriedly came to the group.

The patriarchs of the three prehistoric clans, including Hongjun, Demon Zu Luohu, Yang Mei Daxian, Twelve Ancestors, Dijun Taiyi, Nuwa Fuxi, Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin.

In the group, all the gods of the Great Wilderness are all worshipping sincerely!

"We will see the way of heaven!"

"We will see the way of heaven!"

These great gods all bowed to the way of heaven.

Qin Tian heard the words and said solemnly, "Wait, no ceremony!"

Sound off!

These great powers of the Great Wilderness listened intently and obeyed the arrangement of Heaven.

However, these prehistoric masters know that Tiandao came this time, did he find another other world?

Or, do you want to post yet another task?

Thinking of this, these great powers are very excited and excited.

Ancestor Hongjun bowed reverently and asked, "The way of heaven is above, I don't know why you called me to wait, why?"

Hongjun's words are also what these great masters want to ask.

Qin Tian said solemnly: "Today, I came here to inform you and the other gods of the Great Desolation. Today, there are three Great Thousand Worlds that are about to invade the Great and Wild World. I will inform you of the information about these three worlds!"


A sound!

The information of the three great thousand worlds, the Vientiane Realm, the Heavenly Demon Realm, and the Chilong Realm, were all known to these great masters.

They whispered to each other for a while, and they all bowed reverently.

"I beg the Tao of Heaven, the Wuwu clan is willing to go and conquer the Vientiane Realm!"

"I beg the Tao of Heaven, my demon clan is willing to go to battle the demon world!"

"I beg Heaven, the Wulong family is willing to go to the Red Dragon Realm!"

The witch clan, the demon clan, and the dragon clan are all requesting Tiandao to apply for a battle!

The three prehistoric clans all want to take on the task of conquering another world.

Every prehistoric powerhouse, prehistoric powerhouse, looks towards the way of heaven reverently!

Rahu, the ancestor of the devil, bowed devoutly, and said: "The way of heaven is above, you don't need these great powers in the wild, all ethnic groups in the wild, my ancestor, Luohu, is willing to fight these three great worlds for the way of heaven."

As soon as these words came out, many great powers in the Great Wilderness scolded the demon ancestor Luo Hu in their hearts, but did not talk about martial arts.

Why do you let your demons conquer these three worlds?

You want to eat meat, don't you want to drink soup?

This food is too ugly, isn't it?

The Demon Ancestor Luohu didn't care about the strange expressions of these great powers.

He stood proudly and looked at the sky, the pupil of the heavenly way that released the vast holy power!


A vast holy power was suppressed.

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