As soon as the killer comes out, the two ancestors will turn into nothingness.

Even, it directly became the blood food of the demon ancestor Rahu!

The world trembled!

The two ancestors radiated terrifying rays of light and burst out with the sound of ghosts!

Several ancestors, looking at the battlefield!

"This great ant has some strength. Our ancestors woke up from their deep sleep, and I haven't encountered such a strong opponent for a long time!"

"These strong opponents will eventually die in our hands, and we will definitely be able to occupy this prehistoric world and slaughter this prehistoric creature!"

These ancestors all felt that the demon ancestor Rahu would be defeated.

The entire flood will eventually become a purgatory for their sacrifices.


The demon ancestor Rahu was not afraid.

He stomped his foot violently, and a black demonic energy suddenly came out.

The Twelfth Grade Extinguishing Black Lotus has appeared!

The black lotus of the [-]th grade is the demon of the demon ancestor Rahu.

The defense is very amazing, blocking the endless tyranny!


As soon as the [-]th Grade Extinguishing Black Lotus came out, a terrifying black devilish energy shrouded it.


Above the head of the Demon Ancestor Rahu, the Nine Demon Pagoda is suspended.

He drank in a deep voice, took out the God-killing spear, and killed the past.


Rahu, the ancestor of the devil, has the Nine Magic Pagoda above his head and his feet on the [-]th Grade Black Lotus.

Such a strong defense, even Hajime who made the sound of the devil, couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

However, the god-killing spear of the demon ancestor Rahu was directly sacrificed.


A loud shout resounded through the sky!

The god-killing spear directly hit the ancestor who made the sound of ghosts.


The ancestor shouted and sacrificed the ancient bronze coffin.

The God-killing spear flew out of the sky, directly shattering the ancient bronze coffin.


A loud bang!

The god-killing spear erupted with endless demonic energy, madly absorbing the body of the ancestor in an instant.

"々' I hate it!"

This ancestor, screamed, very painful.

The demon ancestor Rahu roared and said, "Death!"


The body of the ancestor exploded.

But his primordial spirit is still there!

This primordial spirit, showing a look of panic, hurriedly fled.

Rahu, the ancestor of the demon, used the Devil's Palm and grabbed it.

Infinite demonic energy entangles the primordial spirit of the ancestor.

The demon ancestor Rahu refined his primordial spirit alive.

"Damn it!"

Like the ancestor of zombies, he roared and slaughtered.

Even if it is a blazing white light that penetrates infinite chaos, it cannot penetrate the defenses of the [-]th Grade World Exterminating Black Lotus and the Nine Magic Towers.

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu drank in a deep voice, took out the God-killing spear, and penetrated into the body of the ancestor.

Immediately afterwards, he waved out the Devil's Palm and slapped the ancestor to death with one palm.

His primordial spirit, before he could escape, was directly refined by the demon ancestor Rahu!

The two ancestors did not escape the palm of the demon ancestor Rahu.

The primordial spirits of the two ancestors were refined by the demon ancestor Rahu.

In the void, the tall and mighty demon ancestor Luo Hu, after refining two primordial spirits, his cultivation is improving!


Hundreds of trillions of demonic energy pervades the void!

After the demon ancestor Rahu refined two primordial spirits, his cultivation level was directly elevated to the fourth level of a saint!

"Sage Nine Heavens, I have broken through to the fourth level!"

The Demon Ancestor Rahu thought in his heart, looking very arrogant!


He has the Nine Demon Pagoda on his head and his feet on the [-]th Grade Black Lotus.

Outside the Great Wall of Chaos, hundreds of millions of demons all cheered after bowing devoutly.

The Demon Ancestor Rahu has become stronger, and the strength of the entire Demon Race has also improved!

God real world!

The withered faces of several ancestors showed a group of anger.

The ancestor of Hongjun, standing on the Great Wall of Chaos, the sea dam.

 (Get Zhao) Seeing that the demon ancestor Luo Hu devoured the primordial spirits of the two ancestors, his cultivation was improved.

Ancestor Hongjun thought: "I should also improve my cultivation!"

The battle of the planes broke out in an all-round way!

And in another battlefield!

The human emperor Fuxi, fighting with an ancestor of the real world!

This ancestor of the real world, but a saint.

After a fight, Fuxi obviously fell behind.

The withered figure of the ancestor let out a burst of laughter.

"You're like an ant, yet you haven't been swallowed by me!"

The ancestor sneered, and a strange breath filled the past.


Unable to resist the strange breath, Fuxi opened his mouth to spurt blood and was seriously injured.

The strange breath that permeated, shattered several stars, and moved towards Fuxi to suppress it.

Fuxi's face was full of shock, and he felt that he was about to be killed by this ancestor.


Fuxi cried out in pain, very angry.

He thought of Nuwa, thought of the human race.

"I am the emperor of the human race and must not be killed!"

Fuxi let out a loud roar, and he must use his last strength.

"Hehe, humble ants, your struggles are in vain!"

The ancestor smiled sarcastically.

Suddenly, his expression changed suddenly, and he felt that the ancestor was bullied.

"Damn it!"

The ancestor, shouting angrily, decided to kill Fuxi as soon as possible!

"Get rid of this waste as soon as possible!"

The first ancestor decided not to kill Fuxi, but to give him a treat.


A strange breath slayed towards Fuxi.

Fuxi calmed down, closed his eyes, and faced death!


In the void, there is a vast holy power shrouded in it!

Immediately afterwards, a palm as white as jade slapped it directly.

This palm shoots out boundless light and countless brilliant petals.Flying all over the sky, sweeping the heavens.


The ancestor who chased and killed Fuxi was instantly repelled! .

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