Chapter 74

In the void!

A white and jade-like palm gently repelled the ancestor.

There aren't any fancy moves.


This ancestor, stepped back.

His expression changed slightly, he was startled, and suddenly looked up at the void.

Countless petals fell from the sky.

A woman dressed in white, holy as jade, with a delicate face, as if in a sea of ​​flowers, floating down!


The ancestor showed a look of surprise.

It was a woman who repelled him?

The withered figure is like being blown by a hurricane.

The ancestor looked up and looked at the void!

In the void, there are no outsiders!

It seemed that it was this woman who repelled him.

The empty eyes flashed with shock.

The ancestor was furious!

He was repelled by a woman with one palm?


The woman who fell from the sky and fell down, fell to Fuxi's side.

A pair of star eyes, full of worry.

"Brother, is it okay?"

The concern on her face warmed Fuxi's chest!

"Nüwa, I'm fine."

Fuxi nodded and looked at Nuwa.

It turned out that this woman was none other than the sage Nuwa!

Nuwa learned that her brother was fighting an ancestor in another battlefield.

She was very worried and came to help.

Who knows, she saw that her brother was almost killed by this ancestor.

In desperation, Nu Wa directly intervened to shake off the ancestor.

Fuxi looked at the withered figure, revealing an infinite strange breath.

He sighed softly and said to Nuwa: "Sister, you have to be careful, this is the first ancestor who was shocked by God, and you should not underestimate the enemy!"

If it weren't for Nuwa, he would have died under the hands of this ancestor!

In Fuxi's heart, he was very grateful to Nuwa!

When Nuwa heard the words, she nodded lightly and said, "Don't worry, big brother!"

Sound off!

Dressed in white, like snow.

Nu Wa stood in the sky, looking down at the heavens.

With a pair of star eyes, she stared at the withered figure with a hint of coldness.

Seeing this, the first ancestor drank in a deep voice and said, "If you come here, you will die!"


The ancestor waved his hand, and behind him, a strange breath spread.

Dozens of quasi-holy realm powerhouses appeared in the void!

These dozens of powerhouses in the quasi-sacred realm are all emperors of the true realm of the heavens, powerful existences of the earth!

Fuxi looked worried as Nuwa faced dozens of quasi-sage powerhouses.

Nu Wa gave a deep smile and said, "It's just ants, you dare to run wild in front of me?"

Suddenly, a touch of coldness climbed onto her pretty face.

Nuwa said coldly, "Kill!"


The vast holy prestige is shrouded in the battlefield of the billion trillion land.

The majestic killing intent suddenly came out.

Nuwa is extremely cold and stern, not afraid of these dozens of quasi-sage powerhouses.


Dozens of quasi-sage powerhouses burst out with a terrifying and strange aura.

Everything collapsed, and the land of hundreds of millions of miles was reduced to ruins.

In the void, there is a terrifying death aura.

Dozens of quasi-sages seemed to emerge from the tomb.

The dark blood is still dripping.

Every quasi-sage burst out with a strange light.

They are not as withered as the ancestors.

Every step, every punch, there is a star, and then annihilated!

God, howling!

Earth, trembling!

These dozens of quasi-sages obeyed the ancestors and killed Nuwa!

Nu Wa stood proudly, she was peerless in white, and she was dazzling in the world!


Nu Wa fluttered with her palm, and a galaxy broke in an instant!

The quasi-sage powerhouse who didn't have time to dodge was smashed to pieces by Nu Wa's palm, and even the primordial spirit was shattered.

Black blood is still dripping.

The rest of the quasi-sages looked at each other and rushed again.

They are also from endless years.

They have also killed many strong people.

Now, they want to kill Nuwa, the sage of the Great Desolation.

Under the saints, all are ants.

It is impossible not to know these dozens of quasi-sages.

But the empty eyes gave off a dead light.

Nuwa's face was cold, as if she understood something.

Holy light, enveloped.

Even if he killed a quasi-sage powerhouse, the black blood that splashed out was blocked by the holy light and did not splash on Nuwa's white dress.

That ancestor had a cold look on his withered face.

"Is this woman a saint?"

At this moment, the ancestor finally saw clearly that this woman was the saint of the flood.


Several quasi-sage powerhouses, too late to dodge, were smashed by Nuwa's palm.

These few quasi-sage powerhouses came from endless years.

Nu Wa was enveloped in holy light and killed a quasi-sacred powerhouse with one palm.

When Fuxi saw it, he couldn't help saying, "The girl is really amazing."

He couldn't help but feel happy for Nu Wa.

Nuwa is sanctified, the power of a saint, who dares to challenge?

But he was worried about Nu Wa.

This ancestor of the real world is also a saint.

He believed that the ancestor was testing the strength of Nuwa.

Or, he was letting Nuwa consume her strength.

Thinking of this, Fuxi hated in his heart: "It's really despicable!"


The fighting continues.

This is not dozens of quasi-sage powerhouses who want to kill Nuwa.

It was Nuwa who was slaughtering dozens of quasi-sages.

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