Zu Long was excited when he heard it.

He looked at the sky, bowed reverently, and said, "Thank you Heavenly Dao!"

These sounds are all dragon cultivators who are breaking through their cultivation.

The combat power of the dragon clan will definitely climb a step.

Zu Long showed a relieved look.

And on the sun star!

Emperor Jun and Taiyi also ordered hundreds of millions of monsters to enjoy the arrival of three hundred years of merit.

In the past three hundred years, some monks of the Monster Race, who are not high in cultivation, have improved their strength after absorbing their merits.

Many monsters and monsters have also broken through their original cultivation.

Not only that, the Twelve Ancestors of the Pangu Temple also ordered hundreds of millions of witches to absorb the merits from heaven!

Since the Wu people have no primordial spirit, they can only rely on their powerful fleshly bodies.

Therefore, it is more difficult for the Wu clan to cultivate compared to the dragon clan and the demon clan in the prehistoric wilderness.

However, the great witch of the Wu clan was not discouraged.

Therefore, in the past three hundred years, the cultivation of the Wu clan has also risen to a new level.

This is very satisfying for the Wu people who are tyrannical in their bodies.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches, worship sincerely, and thank Heaven for rewarding merit!

The coast of the East China Sea!

Compared with the two Lich clans, the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin and other Prehistoric clans.

This innate human race has also improved its cultivation in the past three hundred years.

The human emperor Fuxi, the leader of the human sect, Lao Tzu, taught the human race from time to time.

This made the Terran quickly cultivate a group of Terran monks.

These human cultivators are based on the Golden Core Road of Lao Tzu, the leader of the human sect, and enjoy three hundred years of merit.

For other powerful prehistoric clans, human races are like seedlings and need to be cared for.

Therefore, after seeing that the human race has two saints, Nu Wa and Lao Tzu, some powerful prehistoric clans did not dare to have any unreasonable thoughts about the human race.

Moreover, among the monks of the human race, there have also been several strong people, and their cultivation has improved a lot.

Qin Tian in the Heavenly Dao space knows the development of the various ethnic groups in the prehistoric realm.

But he did not interfere with these prehistoric races.

After three hundred years of merit, the strength of the entire flood has improved.

Whether it is the three prehistoric clans or the two lich clans, they have all improved.

The monks of these races have improved a lot of cultivation.


In the Great Desolation, there are some more powerful beings, and their cultivation has also improved!

The entire flood is immersed in the joy of improving cultivation.

Moreover, the arrival of three hundred years of merit has made the prehistoric land more abundant in innate spiritual energy.

Three hundred years later!

Every Prehistoric monk is very grateful to Heaven.

For three hundred years, the strength of the entire Great Desolation has once again risen a step.

As a result, a strange scene appeared in Honghuang!

The entire prehistoric world has reached the point where Daluo walks all over the land, and Jinxian is not as good as a dog!

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness showed a look of gratitude to Heaven.

Three hundred years passed by in a flash!

Qin Tian stepped out of the Heavenly Dao space and came to the Great Desolate Realm Sea!

The Great Desolate Realm Sea, the four corners of the land, guards the four saints.

Qin Tian transformed into the Heavenly Dao and ignored these.

He came directly to the Immortal Immortal Realm!

The immortal world of heaven, feeling the arrival of the prehistoric heaven.

He hurriedly transformed himself and looked towards the Great Desolate Heaven.

"Immortal Immortal World Heavenly Dao, bow down to the Lord!"

This immortal world of heaven has already surrendered to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian heard the words and said solemnly: "Immortal Immortal World, you have meritorious deeds to the real world. I am here to send you merits!"

Sound off!

Immortal Immortal Realm Tiandao heard the words, and suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Could it be that the Great Desolate Heaven has already conquered the true realm of God?

That is a dead world!

Immediately, the Immortal Realm Heavenly Dao felt the power of the Prehistoric Heavenly Dao.

He bowed devoutly and said, "Thank you, Lord!"


A loud bang came over!

"Immortal Immortal Realm Heavenly Dao, dedicate meritorious deeds to the true realm of God, my prehistoric Heavenly Dao, reward you with a billion merits!"

Hearing one billion merits, the immortal world is stunned.

After confirming that he heard correctly, he hurriedly said, "Thank you, Lord!"

This immortal fairy world is very grateful to the Lord on the prehistoric heaven.

After rewarding the Immortal Realm Heavenly Dao, Qin Tian talked with him a little more.

Afterwards, Qin Tian left the Immortal Immortal Realm and went to the True Realm of Heaven.

Whether it is the Immortal Immortal Realm or the True Realm of God, they are all integrated into the Great Desolate Realm Sea.

In the wild world sea, the waves are rolling.

Every wave is like a universe, a world.

Qin Tian soon fell to the real world of heaven.

Here, it is still dull and eerie.

It's like being in a world of death.

Strange light, black blood, still flowing.

However, compared to before, the entire God Realm was obviously much quieter.

The bloody altar has cracked.

The dead universes are reduced to ashes!

In the void!

A withered old man suddenly appeared.

He is the real world of heaven!

This Heavenly Dao of the True Realm of God, seeing Qin Tian, ​​hurriedly bowed!

"God's true world, the way of heaven, see the Lord!"

The way of heaven in the real world has already surrendered to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian stood in the void and looked at him.

What did he think of, he said solemnly: "Erke figured it out?"

As soon as these words came out, the withered body of Heavenly Dao of the True Realm of God was slightly shocked.

He sighed softly, as if relieved.

"Lord, I would like to give the source of the heavenly way of the real world to the Lord."


The Heavenly Dao of the True Realm of God directly sacrificed the origin of his Heavenly Dao.

Seeing this, Qin Tian said lightly, "Yes!"

What Qin Tian wanted was the source of the Tao of Heaven in the true realm of God.

Now, the real world of heaven has sacrificed the origin of heaven and gave it to him devoutly.

How could Qin Tian not want it?

Therefore, Qin Tian directly took away the origin of the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Realm.

The Heavenly Dao of the True Realm, who had been taken away from the origin of the Dao of Heaven, breathed a long sigh of relief, as if relieved! .

Chapter 78

Heavenly Space!

Without any hesitation, Qin Tian immediately began refining the source of the Dao of Heaven in the True Realm of Heaven.

This is the origin of the Heavenly Dao offered by the Heavenly Dao of the True Realm of God.

Soon, the source of the Dao of Heaven will be refined!

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