One after another, the mighty power of the heavens and the road is shrouded in the sky of the trillions of trillions of floods.

The source of the Tao of Heaven was quickly integrated into Qin Tian's body.


A loud bang!

At the moment when the source of Heaven's True Realm was integrated, the entire flood shook violently!


One after another, the mighty power of the heavens is shrouded in the sky.

Every universe is shaking.

The stars are crumbling and turning into ashes.

However, the aura of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world is even more intense.

Countless prehistoric creatures, showing nervous expressions, worshipped the ground and worshipped devoutly.

Up to Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other great masters.

Down to countless cultivators, innate humans, etc.

Countless prehistoric creatures are all bowing to the way of heaven!

The vast Heavenly Dao Shengwei shrouded every inch of the sky in the prehistoric world.

The heavens and the world are shaken by it!


One after another, the divine chain of order extends and spreads from a certain place in the flood.

Centered on the prehistoric world, the chain of order gods seems to extend to the sea of ​​​​and to the heavens and the world.


The world sea is churning, and every wave is a world, a universe!

The whole world is shaking!

The worlds in the realm of heaven, the heavenly way of the immortal world, and the heavenly way of the immortal world are trembling!


Immediately afterwards, a light shot out from the flood.

This ray of light penetrated the Immortal Immortal Realm and the trillions of trillions of dead energy in the True Realm of God.

This ray of light cut through the heavens and the world, shaking countless creatures.

Hundreds of trillions of creatures and monks shuddered when they were suppressed by the sacred power of heaven.

The saint, also under this holy power, crawls on the ground.

These visions, after extending to the heavens and the world, disappear immediately!


The entire prehistoric status instantly improved.



A ray of Hongmeng purple energy suddenly came out.

Immediately after that, there was another stream of Hongmeng purple energy.

The origin of Qin Tian's Heavenly Dao directly condensed ten primordial purple qi.

The appearance of Hongmeng Purple Qi marks the increase of the prehistoric prestige!

Qin Tian was slightly overjoyed, everything was in his plan.

"it's time!"

Incorporating the origin of the Dao of Heaven, Qin Tian thought to himself.

He swept his consciousness and swept towards the system mall.

Soon, Qin Tian discovered something and was stunned.

"That's it!"

If you want to buy this thing, you need tens of billions of merit.

Qin Tian did not hesitate to spend tens of billions of merit to buy it.

This is what Qin Tian has long thought of.

The appearance of this thing will increase the strength of all beings in the wild.

This thing is the law tide!

The Tide of Law is the last gift of Dao’s official withdrawal from the flood and the seclusion behind the scenes!

This gift will benefit the living beings in the prehistoric times.

As for how much you comprehend, it depends on your own comprehension.

After purchasing the Tide of Law, Qin Tian transformed into the Tao of Heaven and opened the pupil of the Tao of Heaven.


A loud bang!

Countless Heavenly Dao might condense into a pupil of Heavenly Dao.

Countless stars trembled under the shock of the Eye of Heaven.

Countless prehistoric experts and prehistoric monks all felt the appearance of the Eye of Heaven.

This Eye of Heaven's Dao covers the vast world of tens of millions of trillions!

No matter where you are in the wild, you can feel the appearance of the Eye of Heaven.

All living beings are trembling, worshiping devoutly, listening!

The Eye of Heavenly Dao suddenly released the tide of law!



Above the sky, there was a huge earthquake!

Every corner of the prehistoric land of billions of trillions of trillions can feel the coming of the tides of this law!

East China Sea Dragon Palace!

The prehistoric starry sky!

Chaos Great Wall!

Boundary sea dam!

This crashing sound spread to every cave, every corner, every inch of land.

Countless creatures raised their heads and were stunned.

Accompanied by the endless rumbling sound, in an instant, the sky was covered with purple air.

These lines of purple energy spread all over the sky.

Even the clouds were dyed purple, and the earth and all things also appeared purple.

In this sky full of purple air, the brilliance of the sun and the moon diminished sharply.

The sky is covered with purple air.

Immediately afterwards, mysterious and unpredictable streamers descended!

This stream of light is manifested in a variety of poses.

They are like rainbows above the sky, like neon lights, like endless fairy lights and divine lights!

Countless streamers fell down.

Every streamer seems to be the presentation of a law.

The whole flood is shaking!

All the prehistoric creatures raised their heads in surprise and looked at the streamers that contained the laws.

"Dao 々~!"

Boundary sea dam!

Daozu Hongjun, who was guarding one of the positions, raised his head with a look of surprise in his eyes.

These laws fell from the sky, and even he couldn't understand it.

But he is sure that all this must be done by Heaven.

Is this a gift from heaven?

A thought flashed through Hong Jun's mind, and he was extremely excited!

"what is this?"

"What is this?"

Countless prehistoric creatures all looked towards the sky.

Every Honghuang monk was shocked.


In the void!

That pupil of the Heavenly Dao suddenly lit up!

"I am the way of heaven!"

"Forty-nine years of Tiandao preaching, you can comprehend and comprehend Hunyuan Dao!"

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