At this moment, Di Jun and Tai Dunjue were overjoyed.

"Is this space channel linked to another world?"

"Could it be that my demon clan has been favored and favored by Heavenly Dao?"

The Second Saint of the Monster Race couldn't help being very excited.

It's so touching!

However, the Second Saint of the Monster Race still doesn't know which world this space channel is linked to!

Just when the Second Saint of the Monster Race was in doubt, they heard a sound from the chat group.

Heaven is coming!

The second saint of the demon clan was ecstatic and hurriedly stepped into the group.

Heavenly Dao came, and the entire chat group was shocked!

The great powers and powerhouses of this chat group are all waiting.

Qin Tian swept away all the powerhouses and said, "I am the way of heaven, I have discovered a new other world, who will break the other world?"

The words of the Tao of Heaven made all the great powers very excited.

Soon, the public learned that this was a great world called the Longevity World.

In this great world, there are five quasi-sage late-stage powerhouses.

"Longevity world? Quasi-Saint late stage?"

Seeing some information about the longevity world, many great masters of the Great Desolation have signed up in the group.

Zulong: "The way of heaven is above, I am willing to lead hundreds of millions of dragons to conquer the world of longevity!"

Yuanfeng: "The way of heaven is above, I am willing to lead hundreds of millions of phoenix clan to conquer the world of immortality!"

Beginning Qilin: "The way of heaven is above, I would like to lead the Qilin clan to conquer the world of immortality!"

These three tribes, the three veteran overlords, have all requested a battle!

After all, this is the virtue of walking.


Nuwa, the Second Saint of the West, the Saint of the Three Purities, these six sages of Heavenly Destiny, also know the benefits of merit.

Especially that Tongtian, who refined all the merits obtained before.

As a result, Tongtian's cultivation level quickly broke through to the third heaven of saints.

Therefore, he did not want to let go of the merits of this battle against another world.

"The way of heaven is above, I am willing to fight for the world of longevity for the way of heaven!"

Tongtian was the first saint to speak.

Yuan Shi heard the words and said, "Junior Brother Tongtian, you have obtained tens of billions of merits, why don't you give me the task of conquering other worlds."

Yuan Shi was quite cheeky.

In particular, the merit he has obtained is obviously under the sky.

This made Yuan Shi's heart very uneasy.

Tongtian said lightly: "Brother Yuanshi's cultivation base is higher than mine, my cultivation base is too low, and I want to go to war!"

Laozi stroked his beard with a smile and said, "Two junior brothers, how about leaving this task of the immortal world to me?"

The two saints of the West suddenly burst into tears.

"Senior Brother Sanqing, we are poor in the West, lacking merit and magic, can you give us the task of conquering the world of immortality?"

at this time!

The two Western saints wiped away tears.

All other saints know that the two Western saints are acting.

Especially Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun were very angry.

When the sage preached the Zixiao Palace.

Seeing this quasi-promotion and reception, Hongyun cried and cried, moved with compassion.

He even offended Jiutian Kunpeng for this.

Who knows, this quasi-received and become a saint, is not grateful to him at all.

Now, the two Western saints have re-applied their old skills, causing Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun to look down on these two Western saints.

Yuan Shi heard the words, hehe smiled, and said: "Second saint Taoist friend, this holy position can be earned by crying, but when it comes to this task, it will not work well."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the Western Second Sage was very ugly.

Ersheng felt ridiculed by Yuan Shi.

Seeing this, Hongjun snorted coldly, and a vast holy prestige fell into the group.

The Western Second Saints and the Three Purity Saints were all suppressed by Shengwei.

At this moment, these saint disciples did not dare to move.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu wanted to sneer a few words, but he didn't sneer when he thought of something.

For a time, these great powers were arguing.

Some said that this mission should be given to those quasi-holy realms.

Some say that this mission should be given to a saint.

Di Jun and Taiyi looked at each other, and the two saints said in unison: "Everyone, don't argue anymore. This space channel appeared in the Jiehai dam guarded by our demon clan, and you didn't see anything?"

"This is the task that Tiandao gave to the five-cent demon clan. This longevity world should be conquered by us!"

As soon as these words came out, the ancient ancestors of Ming He, Yin and Yang ancestors and other great powerhouses were not calm.

Especially, the ancestor Ming He, who released [-] million blood gods, said angrily: "What a ridiculous statement, if I go to the demon clan, will the demon clan return to me?"

As soon as Di Juntai heard the words, he showed an angry look.

The words of the ancestors of Ersheng Dunjue Minghe are false!

For a time, the entire chat group was arguing endlessly.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu sighed in a deep voice and said, "Shut up for me, all of you, this longevity world, my demon clan wants it!"

As soon as these words came out, some of the great powers in the wild, although they did not dare to respond, they all showed angry expressions.

Qin Tian saw it in his eyes, and he released a holy power of the heavens to quell these gods.

"I will send you the task of fighting the longevity world here, and you and others will grab it. Whoever can grab it can conquer the longevity world."

As soon as these words came out, the gods of the Great Desolation were very happy and excited.


A task falls into the chat group.

Without waiting for the other gods to react, Tai Yi immediately grabbed the task.

He laughed and said, "I am indeed the chosen demon!"

When Di Jun heard this, he was also very happy.

This time, the demon clan got the task and could go to the longevity world.

The rest of the great gods are envious, and some are jealous and angry.

But anyway, accept this fact.

There are also the gods of the wild, looking at the demon clan, and planning to cooperate with the demon clan to conspire to conquer the longevity world!

"Emperor Jun Taiyi, the Wulong family is willing to fight with you in another world!"

"Emperor Jun Taiyi, my Phoenix clan is willing to fight with you in another world!"

"Second saint of the demon clan, my twelve ancestor witches are willing to lead the witch clan to form an alliance with the demon clan to conspire in another world!"

"Emperor Jun Taiyi, the beginning of my Yuan Dynasty is willing to form an alliance with you and others to conspire in another world!"

For a time, the gods of the Great Desolation, the patriarchs of the three clans, the twelve ancestors of the witch clan, and so on, all thought of cooperating with the demon clan.

At that time, once you conquer the longevity world, you will be able to get some merits.

The demon ancestor Luohu sighed in a deep voice and said, "Tai Jun Taiyi, how about my demon ancestor Luohu fighting against other worlds with you today?"

Even the ancestor Rahu spoke up.

Immortal Yang Mei swept away Di Jun and Tai Yi, and said solemnly: "Di Jun, Tai Yi, I, Immortal Yang Mei, would like to fight with you to another world, what do you think?"

Many gods in the wild and wild have asked to join the demon clan to fight the other world.

This made Di Jun and Taiyi very angry when they heard the words.

Listen, why are you so upset?

Could it be that the demon clan can't conquer the longevity world?

The second saint of the demon clan was very angry.

They looked at each other and said in unison: "The battle for the longevity world. We can do it with the demon clan, and we don't need your help."

The second saint of the demon clan has the confidence to win the world of immortality.

Immediately, Ersheng closed the group chat.

The ancient gods such as the demon ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian, etc. were very angry, but they did not dare to go against the will of heaven.

Many gods of the Great Wilderness showed an indignant look.

The two saints of the demon clan closed the group chat, and gathered the great powers of the demon clan in the land of the demon clan.


Over the land of the demon clan, war clouds shrouded the sky, obscuring the sun.

This time, Di Jun Tai Yixing is the top ten demon saints, three hundred and sixty-five demon kings, and even an army of [-] billion demon clans.

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