Countless monsters are standing in the land of monsters on the sea dam.

Di Juntai glanced at each other, and shouted in a deep voice: "You wait for the army of the demon clan, follow us to fight the other world, and win the longevity world!"

The sound fell, and the two saints waved at the same time.

"Conquer the other world and win the longevity world!"

"Conquer the other world and win the longevity world!"

Countless demon clan armies drank in a deep voice, shaking the world.

The land of trillions of trillions is shrouded in terrifying demon clouds.

The army of tens of billions of demon clans, riding the demon cloud, went to the space passage.

The wild world!

A lot of great powers in the wild, looked up.

The army of tens of billions of demon clans, riding the demon cloud, went to the space passage.

For a time, it shook the flood.

Many great powers in the wild are jealous of the demon clan.

This demon clan actually won the task of conquering the longevity world.


Rahu, the ancestor who guarded the Jiehai dam, was very angry.

Longevity world!

For a large world.

In the world of longevity, the five supreme emperors are retreating.


The five supreme emperors were suddenly awakened by a sudden change.

"Who is it? Disrupting my retreat?"

The five supreme emperors drank in a deep voice and stepped out of the retreat.

In the void, a space channel appeared.

About ten billion light-years in size!

The five supreme emperors were stunned.

"what is this?"

One of the Supreme Sovereign Ancestors did not see anything when he checked his divine sense.

However, from this space passage, the five supreme emperors vaguely felt the innate spiritual energy, as if overflowing.

"Is this space channel linked to a certain other world? Such a rich spiritual energy overflows, it can be seen that this other world is full of spiritual energy, and it is an excellent place for cultivation!"

Sound off!

The rest of the supreme emperor showed a touch of excitement.

It turned out that the five supreme emperors had already reached a bottleneck in the longevity world.

If you want to break through cultivation, you can only go to a higher level world.

During this time, the five supreme emperors have been discussing this matter.

And the appearance of this space channel made the five supreme emperors seem to think of something.

"We have been in seclusion for countless years and fought in countless worlds. However, our cultivation is still unshakable. And the appearance of this space channel is because of the blessing of heaven, so that we can go to war?"

"Conquering this world? If we can win it, I am sure that we will be able to break through the cultivation base!"

Nothing is more important than breaking through the cultivation base.

These five supreme emperors showed a touch of excitement.

Immediately decided to send someone to try a wave.

After all, this world may be stronger than the world of longevity.

It can be seen that these five supreme emperors are still very cautious!


In the void!

A loud bang, shaking the sky!

But see, from the space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years, an army of hundreds of millions has appeared.

The demonic aura obstructs the land of trillions of trillions.

Shrouded in battle clouds, there are hundreds of millions of soldiers from other worlds!

The two leading demons, like emperors, stand in the void.

Exactly, the Emperor Jun and Taiyi who came from the prehistoric realm to fight in this immortal world!

The two saints of the demon clan stood in the void, sweeping away the billions of trillions of longevity worlds.

"Listen to the living beings of the longevity world, we are the demon emperors of the prehistoric wilderness. We have come to levy the longevity world, and those who descend will not be killed!"

The army of hundreds of millions of demon clans came across the void on the battle cloud.

Donghuang Taiyi and the demon emperor Jun, unleashed infinite demon power, shocking the billions of trillions of creatures.

Star after star, unable to resist the demon power, collapsed and shattered.

The spiritual energy of the entire longevity world also seems to have dropped a lot.


The huge battle cloud shook the world of longevity.

Countless creatures knelt down and did not dare to move.

The invasion of the demon clan alarmed the Xeon existence in the longevity world.

In the void, five powerful emperors appeared one after another! .

Chapter 80

The air of the emperor, the prestige of the supreme!

In this void, five supreme emperors appeared.

These five supreme emperors look like illusions.

It turned out to be the projection of the five supreme emperors~.

It seems that these five emperors feel that the invasion of the wild monsters is not - powerful.


Just the projection, it caused a huge earthquake in the world, and the galaxy burst like a burst.

The projections of the five emperors stand in the void, shocking the endless void!


The projection of each supreme emperor released an invincible breath.

Invincible, is lonely!

This is the loneliness of the invincible strong!

Every supreme emperor has fought countless worlds.

Now, the alien invasion is coming.

The five supreme emperors just cast phantoms.

This phantom can kill everything and slaughter the invading army of hundreds of millions!

The five supreme emperors, exuding endless evil spirits, enveloped the land of trillions of trillions.

In the void!

A galaxy burst open!

Countless creatures from the longevity world bowed nervously to the ground!

Blood stained the sky red.

Terrifying blood light shrouded the land of trillions of trillions.

Countless immortal creatures trembled.

The projections of these five supreme emperors stood in the sky, looking at the army of hundreds of millions of monsters.

"Who are you, who dares to invade my longevity world!"

A projection of a supreme emperor, with a deep drink, pointed to the two seemingly very powerful almighties that invaded the other world.

Dijun and Taiyi!

Emperor Jun Taiyi, looked at each other and smiled.

The Second Saint of the Monster Race, disapprove!

There are only five projections in the district, how dare you make a mistake?

"These ants, I accept them!"


Taiyi drank in a deep voice, and sacrificed the Chaos Clock, a magic weapon close to him!

Chaos Clock is an innate treasure!


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