
The sound of cracking is endless.

This is a universe that can't stop the divine power of several holy emperors and collapses and collapses.

The billions of trillions of sky were torn open, and endless hurricanes mixed with the chaotic energy swept in.

Countless creatures, even the cultivators of the prehistoric world, or the creatures of the initial world.

In this hurricane, I was torn apart alive and died tragically!

A holy emperor, surrounded by the source of the avenue, rushed towards Nuwa.

He felt that this female saint was not strong.

Peerless in white, bright world!

How could this prehistoric female saint be defeated by this holy emperor?


Countless avenues of runes rushed towards Nu Wa.

Immediately after the confrontation, the Holy Emperor suddenly felt a holy might, descending from the sky.

Countless avenues of runes were shattered by Shengwei.


A world-destroying lotus lantern releases an infinite fire of seven treasures.

The flame burns the sky, burns the sky, burns the universe.

This holy emperor's expression changed suddenly, and he felt the surging fire of the sky.


The Holy Emperor shouted loudly, and the Holy Monument flew into the sky.

The mighty power has collapsed the world.

Countless creatures are wailing and trembling!

The heavens trembled, the world trembled.

The creatures under the shroud of the sacred monument in the group were instantly reduced to ashes!

The sacred monument is vast, the land of billions of trillions.

The endless sky fire, with the power to destroy everything, suddenly fell!

The collision between the sky fire and the holy monument scattered away.

This rotten world will eventually collapse!


A drop of blood dripped from the Holy Emperor.

This drop of blood devoured a galaxy.

Immediately afterwards, countless drops of blood fell.

The Holy Emperor was shocked.

The sacred monument made a cracking sound.

Infinite fire engulfed him.

The dripping blood evaporated instantly.

The fire of the sky burned everything and burned the body of the Holy Emperor.

The only remaining primordial spirit was burned and screamed.

It seems that the fire of this day has burned the initial world, burning the heavens and the world.


The Holy Emperor shouted and turned to ashes.

The two Western saints drank in a deep voice and surrounded and killed one of the saint emperors.

This holy emperor, before he could react, was hit by the [-]th rank lotus platform, and he was quasi-raised and received, and killed with holy might.

The rest of the holy emperors were full of anger.

The battle of planes continues.

Hundreds of millions of hordes of prehistoric forces fought against the creatures of the original world.

The situation presents a phenomenon of one-sidedness and one-sided crushing.

Countless creatures from the initial world could not resist the cultivators of the Great Desolation, and were killed!

This battle lasted for ten years.

During the ten years, countless cultivators of the Great Desolation have swept the initial world.

And that Demon Venerable Saint Emperor, there are only two left.

In ten years, seven of the nine demon emperors were slaughtered.

"We came from eternity, from the endless darkness, how can we be defeated by the hands of these ants!"

"I'm not reconciled, I want to kill all these ants."

The two holy emperors roared incessantly.

The seven holy emperors, witnessed by their own eyes, died at the hands of the prehistoric saints.

The two holy emperors were very angry.


Earth shakes!

One after another, the source of the avenues suddenly appeared, sweeping the land of trillions of trillions.

The two holy emperors must behead the sages of the prehistoric wasteland.


In the void, a vast holy might descended from the sky!

This holy prestige is like a Tianhe, sloping down.


A holy emperor was killed on the spot before he could respond!

His primordial spirit was also penetrated by this holy might and turned to ashes.

Only one Holy Emperor remained, and his face changed suddenly.


He looked anxious and hurried back.

But how could this saint who fell from the sky let him escape?

Hongjun exerted his supreme holy power to kill a holy emperor.

Immediately, he used his holy power to trap another holy emperor.

This is the only one among the nine holy emperors.


Hongjun waved a palm and hit the holy emperor lightly.

It seems to be light, but it has the potential to destroy the heavens and the world.

The Holy Emperor couldn't resist at all.


His body shattered directly.

Even Yuanshen was penetrated by Hongjun's palm.

"I'm not reconciled!"

On the verge of death, the Holy Emperor cried out unwillingly.

Immediately, the primordial spirit shattered and turned into ashes!

None of the nine holy emperors were spared.

The creatures of the trillions of millions of initial worlds have also been swept away in ten years.


In the initial world, countless unjust souls flew to the sky.

The initial world of heaven, which had been dormant for countless years, was awakened by the power of countless wronged souls!

The way of heaven in the initial world woke up from a slumber of billions of years.

He saw the power of countless unjust souls, the broken initial world, and this battle of planes.

The battle of planes lasted for ten years.

A monk in the prehistoric era, swept away countless creatures in the initial world.

The initial world Tiandao was shocked, and his face was full of anger.

The devastated world, without a trace of vitality, made the already rotten world worse.

In the beginning of the world, Heavenly Dao, looking at these countless great army, was completely angered!

"If you dare to destroy my world, it should be killed!"

The Heavenly Dao of the initial world, with a deep voice, transformed into shape.

Black hair like a waterfall, standing proudly.

The cold eyes were full of killing intent.

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