Countless galaxies suddenly cracked when they met this murderous look.

The sky collapsed, and the originally decayed world became even more dilapidated.

Qin Tian has been following this battle all the time.

Knowing that the Heavenly Dao appeared in the initial world, Qin Tian transformed into a form and stepped into the initial world.

"who are you?"

The initial world Tiandao was shocked.

"I am the Great Way of Heaven!"

Qin Tian sneered and looked at the initial world of Heaven.

When Tiandao heard the words in the initial world, he was furious.

The Dao of the Wilderness Heaven was the initiator of the invasion of the primordial world by this great army of the Wilderness, and the mastermind behind the scenes.


In the initial world, Tiandao shouted, revealing endless killing intent.

He wants to kill all the creatures in this prehistoric world.

He is going to kill this prehistoric world.

He wants all the creatures in this prehistoric world to be reduced to ashes to avenge the dead creatures of the original world!


The vastness of heaven and holy prestige covers the initial world of trillions of trillions.

Countless great armies shuddered.

In the eyes of the saints, and in the eyes of Tiandao, these countless monks in the flood and desolation are like cannon fodder!

"My God, kill you today!"

Initial World Heavenly Dao, roared and shouted.

Hearing this, Qin Tian smiled lightly.

Such ants dare to be brave.


The vast Heavenly Dao Sacred Power is about to cover the initial world of trillions of trillions.


The Hongjun Daozu suddenly said: "The way of heaven is above, I beg the way of heaven to let me deal with the way of heaven in this initial world."

Hongjun bowed devoutly and looked at Qin Tian.

Hearing this, Qin Tian was slightly startled.

The rest of the great powers and saints were shocked.


Hongjun wants to fight against this initial world Heavenly Dao?

This is too outrageous!

In the beginning of the world, Heavenly Dao, look up to the sky and laugh.

Such ants, dare to fight against the Tao of Heaven?

Do you really think he is a soft persimmon?


In the initial world, Heavenly Dao erupted with a vast Heavenly Dao Shengwei.


Qin Tian nodded and asked Hong Jun to fight the Heavenly Dao of this initial world.


Hongjun agreed, his face full of piety.

He raised his head and looked at the void, the man in the shape of the original world, with gloomy eyes.

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu looked at Hong Jun and said, "Does he really have the strength to destroy the Heavenly Dao of this initial world?"

The demon ancestor Rahu was a little shocked.


The initial world of Heaven, unleashing the infinite power of Heaven.

One after another, the divine chain of order killed towards Hongjun.

Hongjun stood proudly, not afraid of danger.


He steps on the universe, the sky above his head, and the infinite power of heaven is released around him.

Hongjun, this is to use the saints of heaven to fight against this otherworldly heaven.


A sound!

The two mighty forces of heaven collided.

This time, the impact almost shattered the sky.

The entire initial world is like purgatory.

The entire sky, the land of trillions of trillions, set off a hurricane.

Qin Tian drank in a deep voice and said, "Wait for the cultivators of the floods, return to the Jiehai dam!"


Sound off!

Countless flood and desolate monks began to retreat to the Jiehai dam.

After all, in the battle of heaven, countless cultivators in the wild are like cannon fodder.

The way of heaven in this initial world roared and said, "No one is allowed to leave!"

The infinite power of the heavens, turned into terrifying nets, rushed towards those cultivators.

Hong Jun drank in a deep voice and said, "Your opponent is me!"


A terrifying heavenly power suddenly appeared.

Above the sky, the offensive of the initial world Heavenly Dao was blocked.

Such a vision suddenly shocked the initial world of Heavenly Dao!

How dare this saint be so arrogant?


In the initial world, Heavenly Dao, shouted angrily, his origin, such as sweeping the land of trillions of trillions.

A chain of order gods flew towards Hongjun.


Hongjun was not afraid of danger and drank in a deep voice.

Immediately, the terrifying coercion went directly towards this Heavenly Dao.

A loud bang!

The way of heaven in this initial world was repelled thousands of miles away.


Hongjun killed again, the vast holy prestige, suppressed the entire initial world, and suppressed the heavenly way of this initial world.

Heavenly Dao was shocked.

How could this prehistoric saint suppress him?


Heavenly Dao roars, we have to fight again!

But Hongjun didn't give him this chance.


Hongjun shouted loudly, and the infinite power of the heavens turned into a giant blade that swept across the land of trillions of trillions.

God, can it be cut?



The giant blade that slashed the sky, with the terrifying power of the heavens and the world, slashed away wildly.

"I would like to submit to the Great Way of Heaven!"

Suddenly, the initial world of this transformation, the Tao of Heaven, thumped, and knelt down.

With this shout, Hongjun's giant blade of slashing the sky stopped in mid-air.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation were shocked.

Saint Hongjun, suppressed the Heavenly Dao of this initial world?

Even Luohu, the ancestor of the devil, showed admiration for Hongjun.


In the initial world, the way of heaven returned, and Qin Tian appeared.

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