Ji Meng and Bai Ze named the top ten demon saints and surrounded and killed several figures.

One of the figures was furious and said, "々' My Lord Li, are you afraid that you won't be able to wait?"


Master Li was furious and killed Bai Ze!

Bai Ze drank in a deep voice, directly sacrificed the magic weapon, and attacked Master Li.


With a sound, Master Li was directly pierced by the magic weapon and shattered to pieces.

Seeing this, the other demon saints seemed to have found a trick.


In the void, these demon saints sacrificed magic weapons and killed several figures.

At this moment, it was really a one-sided situation.

How can several figures block the magic weapon of these ten demon saints?

Several figures were killed on the spot!

Meng Yaosheng was furious when he saw this.

This scene, all in an instant, made him unable to react.


Meng Yaosheng shouted loudly and smashed his fist at the ten demon saints.

This punch ripped apart the sky and shattered the universe.

With the power of one punch, these ten demon saints will probably all turn into powder.

God, trembling!

Earth, howling!

The ten demon saints suddenly felt fear.

This fierce punch is enough to destroy hundreds of millions of stars, covering the top ten demon saints in the sky!


Tai shouted loudly, the Chaos Bell above his head, and killed Meng Yaosheng.

Meng Yaosheng felt the power of the Chaos Bell, he hurriedly turned around, and punched the Chaos Bell.


The powerful impact, even the saints Meng Yaosheng and Taiyi, each retreated thousands of miles away.

And the billions of trillions of heaven and earth are collapsing.

Countless universes have been reduced to ruins.

Hundreds of millions of living beings seemed to be directly sacrificed.

Meng Yaosheng's sharp gaze swept hundreds of millions of beings, and he was furious!

"I want to seal the sky!"

"I want to shatter this flood!"


Meng Yaosheng was furious, shouted angrily, and directly sacrificed his strongest spell!

"(You got it) Seal!"

It was another terrifying seal, as if the heavens and the world were to be sealed.

"I want to seal the sky!"

Meng Yaosheng shouted in a deep voice, and the sound shook the heavens and the world.

This terrifying seal is his strongest forbidden technique.

"Seal the sky!"


All the heavens and the world are trembling, trembling!

This seal is enough to destroy the eternal sky!

God, can you seal it?


The one who seals the sky is only my demon saint Meng!

Countless stars turned into powder.

Countless galaxies were directly shattered.

The land of billions and trillions is covered by a huge seal!

Seal the sky!

Seal all the worlds!

Meng Yaosheng stood proudly, as if he had penetrated the heavens and the world.

Seeing this, Luo Tiandao Jie Tiandao showed an extremely surprised look.

The gods of the Great Wilderness changed slightly.

Countless demon monks looked up at the sky.

Taiyi snorted coldly and said, "Fengtian? Break it for me!"


Taiyi directly sacrificed the Chaos Bell and went to the void.


This heaven-opening holy artifact directly suppresses the heavens and the world.


Taiyi sacrificed the Chaos Bell, a bell from ancient times, which directly shattered the eternal river.


This bell rang through the heavens and the world, dispelling the infinite seal.

At this moment, Meng Yaosheng was dumbfounded.

He was extremely shocked: "How is it possible?"

At this time, he was horrified!

"seal up!"

Meng Yaosheng drank in a deep voice and sealed it again!

Suddenly warehouse!

Di Jun sacrificed Hetu Luoshu, attacked directly, and hit him.


Meng Yaosheng screamed, and the smashed body shattered.

A streak of brilliance poured out from the broken body of Meng Yaosheng!

"seal up!"

Meng Yaosheng gritted his teeth and decided to seal this day!


Tai Yi sacrificed the Chaos Bell and directly hit Meng Yaosheng.

A drop of blood dripped from Meng Yaosheng's body! .

Chapter 94

A drop of blood fell on a galaxy.

Countless stars could not bear the pressure of this drop of blood and collapsed.

This galaxy, which gave birth to countless stars, was also pierced and shattered by this drop of blood!

One drop of blood, another drop of blood, kept dripping from Meng Yaosheng's body!

Countless bright stars have been reduced to powder!

"I want to seal the sky!"

Meng Yaosheng muttered to himself, his face full of hatred.

Di Jun and Taiyi looked at Meng Yaosheng and sneered together.

Seal the sky?

Really funny!

"I don't agree!"


Meng Yaosheng stepped out and walked forward, one step after another.

The stars are all squeezed and broken.

Countless monks died tragically at his feet.

He wants to seal the sky!

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