Obsession, turned into a demon power that enveloped the land of trillions of trillions.

Meng Yaosheng took another step forward, and everything was trembling.

"I, Fengtian, who dares to stop me!"

He is completely angry!

As a strong existence, he must not be defeated by the hands of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.


A universe turned to ashes!

Meng Yaosheng raised his head, his deep eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

"Who dares to stop me!"

He growled loudly.

It seems that the whole earth is shaking.

"I dare to stop you!"

Taiyi rose into the air, wrapped in the Chaos Clock, and looked at Meng Yaosheng.

All the creatures stopped and looked towards the void.

All the gods of the Great Wilderness can see Meng Yaosheng's last trace of stubbornness from his body!

"You dare to stop me? I'll let you die!"

Meng Yaosheng sneered and smashed Taiyi with a bang.

Tai Yi sacrificed the Chaos Bell, as if from the ancient bell, it suddenly rang.

Chaos clock, shaking violently, circling.

Suddenly, the world was shaking.

Meng Yaosheng punched him, and his entire body shattered again.


His body was shattered by the Chaos Bell, and only one primordial spirit remained!

This primordial spirit of Meng Yaosheng raised his head stubbornly and glared into the distance.


Meng Yaosheng's primordial spirit roared and roared.


Di Jun drank in a deep voice, he sacrificed Hetu Luoshu, gathered the numbers of the day after tomorrow, and instantly formed the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array!


A loud bang!

The Hunyuan Heluo Great Array directly trapped Meng Yaosheng's primordial spirit.

This Hunyuan Heluo Great Array is different from the Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Array.

Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array is the sky!

The great formation of Hunyuan Heluo is the ground!

As soon as this burst came out, it seemed to reflect the flooded mountains and rivers.

Not only that, but time is passing fast.

A lifetime of extinction, a fleet of billions of years!

Hundreds of millions of years, all formed in an instant.

Even if he was as powerful as the Twelve Ancestral Witch, he couldn't bear it all at once.

This Meng Yaosheng's body is broken, and the only remaining primordial spirit, how to stop it?

Between birth and death, billions of years have passed.

His Primordial Spirit could not bear the heavy pressure and cracked.

Do not!

Meng Yaosheng roared loudly, and his Primordial Spirit burst like a spider web.

"I'm not reconciled!"

In the roar, Meng Yaosheng's primordial spirit instantly turned into nothingness.

Meng Yaosheng died in the great formation of Hunyuan Heluo!

Di Jun and Taiyi drank in a deep voice and said, "Wait for the army, still haven't surrendered?"

This is the alien demon race brought by Meng Yaosheng.

Emperor Jun Taiyi intends to include these countless otherworldly monsters.


Meng Yaosheng was slaughtered, and these otherworldly monsters bowed down one after another.

Chaos Void!

Luo Tiandao Jie Tiandao was furious.

Meng Yaosheng, is also dead?

Not only that, the countless otherworldly demon races have betrayed.


If it hadn't been stopped by this monstrous heaven, how could his strong men have died?

He has a way of resurrecting these powerhouses!

Luo Tiandao Jie Tiandao roared in anger.

Wang Shenjun, Void Ghost Sage, Su Ming Demon Sage, Meng Yao Sage, these powerhouses should all be resurrected.

However, he was stopped by this wild world, and he could only see them turned to ashes.

The prehistoric world, is he destroying his foundation?

Luo Tiandao Jie Tiandao roared, very angry.

But he couldn't resist at all.

In this prehistoric world, one hand suppressed him.

Even told him that they played theirs, let's talk!


Luo Tiandao world is going crazy.

But he could not escape being suppressed by the Great Desolate Heaven.


Luo Tiandao Jie Tiandao suddenly felt that he was being ridiculed by Honghuang Tiandao.

The Great Desolate Realm Sea, on the battlefield.

Emperor Jun and Taiyi of the demon clan, leading the demon clan, and the surrendered alien demon clan, were about to leave.


The entire void shook violently.


There is a very terrifying feeling in the hearts of the army of otherworldly monsters who surrendered to Di Jun and Taiyi.


  Every otherworldly monster that surrendered, kneeling directly on the ground, as if being held down by a force of gravity.

None of the otherworldly monsters could raise their heads and look at the sky.

The entire void, hundreds of millions of stars, seem to be distorting.

One after another divine chain of order, one after another of the power of law, in the void, condensed a huge starry body!

The Honghuang monks all looked up at the starry sky outside the world.

Such a huge starry sky seems to have transformed into a life form.

All the heavens and the world seem to have his breath.

He was so huge, so huge that countless cultivators shuddered.

The holy majesty that fell from the sky spread with a bang and fell on every other monk who surrendered.


The living body that is gradually expanding shrinks in an instant.

The otherworldly monks who were crawling on the ground exploded and died in the screams.

No otherworldly cultivator can escape the end of the body being exploded.

Blood turned into blood mist!

The bones are turned into powder!

The billions of trillions of life forms instantly transformed into a figure.

This figure turned out to be a young man!

"Betrayer Meng Yaosheng, those who betray Luotian Daojie, die!"

A dead word, announcing the end of the lives of those monsters.

In an instant, all the demon clan who surrendered died.

Whether it exploded to death, or turned to ashes.

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