And the remaining Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were killed by countless cultivators, none of whom survived!


The powerhouses of the heavens were slaughtered, and the monks of the flood and desolation returned to the Jiehai dam.

That day, the tomb world, the cemetery of gods and demons.

Zhantian Four Souls, silence for a while!

Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Chen Lord, and Ghost Lord have learned that the powerhouses in the heavens have been killed.

"Sure enough, as Baitian said, the strong in the wild are not weak!"

The powerhouses in the heavens are all saints.

But in the floods, they were all beheaded, and none of the heavenly soldiers and generals they brought with them survived.

It can be said that the whole army was wiped out!

Lord Chen had a sword in his hand, he licked his lips and said solemnly: "The more this is the case, the more you can see that Honghuang is different from other worlds. If you can conquer it, you will benefit a lot!"

The ghost master moved his skeleton and said indifferently: "It's better, let's go to battle together, when that time comes, it will be easy to take down the Great Desolation!"

The ghost master knows that if they fight together, the odds of winning are great.

The Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian have not spoken yet.


In the void, a pupil of the Heavenly Dao appeared.

The Eyes of the Dao of Heaven unleashed incomparable anger and resentment!

"I hate it!"

In the Eyes of Heavenly Dao, came the anger of Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Tomb World.

"My gods were all killed. They cut off contact with me!"

The powerhouses of the heavens, such as the Supreme Heaven, the Qingtian, the Cangtian, and the Netherworld, are all related to the way of heaven.

Today, Heavenly Tomb World Tiandao can't feel the breath of the powerhouses in the heavens, and he learned that the powerhouses in the heavens have all been slaughtered!

Zhantian Sihun raised his head and looked at the pupil of the heavenly way!

"Dugu defeated the sky, the Lord of Chen, the Lord of Ghosts, the Lord of Demons, you, etc., will avenge the powers of the heavens for me, fight the prehistoric world for me, slaughter all the living beings in the prehistoric wilderness for me, and reduce the prehistoric waste to ruins for me. .In this way, Fang can solve the hatred in my heart!"

The Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World roared and roared.

When Dugu Baitian, Chen Zhu and other Zhantian four souls heard about it, they said in unison, "Don't worry!"


Dugu defeated the sky, with a sword in his hand, he stood up in the sky and said solemnly: "Where are the trillions of gods and demons, fight for us in the prehistoric world!"

Sound off!

The originally peaceful cemetery of gods and demons is being shaken by some kind of force.

One after another, gods and demons climbed out of the tombs of the gods and demons cemetery.

At first, the skeleton was stiff, and then they all stood up.

The land of billions and trillions is shrouded in the sky!

These trillions of gods and demons all greedily look at the void.

Dugu Baitian, the Lord of Chen, the Lord of Demons and the Lord of Ghosts, with a big wave, billions of trillions of gods and demons rushed out of the gods and demons cemetery!


A terrifying battle cloud shrouded the four fields.

These trillions of gods and demons climbed out of the mausoleum, and each one was very terrifying.

Dugu Baitian, the Lord of Chen, the Lord of Demons, and the Lord of Ghosts, led billions of trillions of gods and demons, left the world of the tomb, and entered a space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years.

They, the four souls of Zhantian, are going to conquer the prehistoric world.

Several powerful figures in the heavens were slaughtered, causing the Heavenly Tomb World Tiandao to be furious.

"I want to let the prehistoric world be destroyed!"

"I want to make countless creatures in the prehistoric world a sacrifice!"

"I want to make the prehistoric world of heaven kneel in front of me and bear my heavenly punishment!"

"Damn, these wild ants, dare to kill my heavens, Dugu defeats the heavens, the devil, Chen, ghosts, etc., fight to your heart's content!"

"Conquering the floods and destroying the floods, I want the heavens and the world to bear my anger!"

Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Tomb World, roaring and roaring in the Heavenly Tomb World.

Countless creatures bowed down, trembling and trembling all over!


The army of trillions of gods and demons stepped out of the space channel.

The entire world sea, the waves are rolling.

Above every wave, a world, a universe emerges!

The Demon Lord, Chen Lord, and Ghost Lord just arrived in Honghuang, and they were immediately attracted by the aura of Honghuang.

This place is simply prepared for them.

Zhantian Four Souls, looking at the distant Jiehai dam, the Great Wall of Chaos!


Countless flood cultivators have also seen hundreds of millions of trillions of troops invade the flood.

The army of billions of trillions of gods and demons rides on endless battle clouds.

Above the clouds of war, the drums of war shook the sky!

All the prehistoric monks are excited and excited in their eyes.


Here's your chance to earn merit!

The four souls of Zhantian have come to the Great Desolation!

In the void, a billion trillions of ghosts gushed out from the horizon.

A figure full of ghosts, revealing scarlet ghost eyes.

"Jie Jie, my ghost master is here!"

He moved his skeleton, smiled wickedly, and looked at the countless cultivators in the distance.

Eyes turned, the stars collapsed and turned into nothingness!


A demonic energy formed a terrifying shadow.

"My Demon Lord is here!"

This ghostly shadow appeared on the sky, looking down on the world!


A sword intent seemed to cut through the trillions of voids.

In this sword intent, a figure emerged.

With a sword in his hand, he stands in the air!

"With a sword in hand, the clouds move in all directions, and the Lord Wuchen is here!"


Countless stars collapsed, countless galaxies collapsed!

The entire void seemed to be destroyed.

That one figure that shocked Honghuang before.

That majestic and unparalleled, heroic powerhouse, came.

Billions of trillions of gods and demons, worship sincerely.

"I, Dugu Baitian is here!"

The void collapsed, and the first taboo god of the ancient times appeared!

The four souls of Zhantian swept the Jiehai dam and sneered.

Jiehai dam, Great Wall of Chaos!

Countless cultivators of the flood and desolation looked into the distance.

This is the Four Souls of the Heavenly Tomb World?

A mighty existence that can fight the Heavenly Dao!

Hong Jun, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other prehistoric powerhouses snorted coldly.

"Wait ants, who would dare to fight with us!"

The four souls of the war, the mighty, looked at the cultivators of the prehistoric wilderness.

These countless cultivators were trembling.


Suddenly, there was a silver bell-like laughter in this void.

"Hehe, I'm coming too!"

The sky is collapsing!

A beautiful figure, clear and beautiful, appeared in the air! .

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