Chapter 103

"Ha ha!"

The silver bell-like laughter echoed in the Jiehai dam, the Great Wall of Chaos, and echoed in the entire flood.

Countless prehistoric monks heard this laughter.

The owner of this laughter must be a very beautiful woman.

In the void, a beautiful figure emerged.

She, as bright as moonlight, revealed a faint sense of hazy.

However, as her laughter fell, her true appearance made the entire flood and countless monks terrified.

Her left face was as holy as white jade, crystal clear and beautiful.

However, on the right side of her face, there were many bones.

That's right, the right side of her face is a skeleton!

She is like a combination of a beautiful person and a skeleton.

At this moment, countless cultivators of the Great Desolation suddenly felt a chill down their spines and a chill.

Some people with low cultivation base are trembling and trembling.

Who would have thought that this world, the heavens and the myriad worlds, could still have such an existence.

Combining beauty and ugliness, she looks down on countless monks and strong men.

A lot of great powers in the wild, saw that this woman has the fighting power of a saint!

"Hehe, are you afraid?"

Her laughter turned into a grimace.

A face, half hideous, half warm.

Her body exudes billions of trillions of holy might, shocking the universe.

"I heard that you ants in the wild, killed the heavens."

Her voice, although icy, had a soul-sucking look.

As soon as she met her eyes, she felt powerless as if her soul had been taken away.

And in the void, she gave a silver bell-like laughter, which looked very strange.

Dugu Baitian, Chen Lord, Demon Lord, and Ghost Lord, the four souls of Zhantian, looked at that strange figure.

The Demon Lord snorted coldly, stood with his hands behind his back, and asked, "Qijue Goddess, what are you doing here?"

"Hehe, I'm here to avenge the heavens!"

She laughed like a silver bell again.

But many cultivators in the prehistoric times heard it, and they were terrified for a while!

Many gods of the Great Desolation have learned that this woman is named Qijue Tiannv!


Lord Chen has a sword in his hand and speaks lightly.

The Seven Wonders of Heaven again gave a silver bell-like laughter, revealing a strangeness.

"Haha, Lord Chen, even if these ants join forces, there is still a gap between me and me. Why? You won't let me fight?"

Her face changed suddenly, and she stared at Lord Chen.

Many gods of the Great Desolation heard the words, and suddenly felt that this Qijue Goddess was too crazy.

Lord Chen has a sword in his hand, but he doesn't talk.

The Qijue Tiannv smiled softly and said, "You guys are fighting against the heavens and the four souls, don't take action for the time being, let me fight these ants."

Sound off!

Don't wait for Dugu Baitian, Chen Zhu, etc. to speak.

Seven unique goddesses, come from the sky.

She seems to have light footsteps, but she has the power to destroy the sky.

One step out, the void is extinct, and the universe collapses.

Her silver bell-like laughter rang again.

"Hee hee, can this void universe be unable to bear my pace?"

This hee hee, uttered from her skeleton-like face, really shocked countless creatures.


She took another step forward, and the colorful divine light enveloped the land of trillions of trillions.

"Wait for the ants in the wild, who will fight me?"

She stood proudly, and suddenly covered her mouth with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I will let you die without pain!"

This sentence instantly aroused the resentment of many gods in Honghuang.

Dugu Baitian frowned, as if thinking of something.

The Qijue Tiannu smiled arrogantly, swept away all beings in the wild, and said with a smile: "Are you very unconvinced and want to beat me? No, you must be jealous of my peerless appearance!"

Her laughter was full of sarcasm.

The cheeks of the skeleton also moved because of the laughter.


Above the Jiehai dam, a figure said indifferently, "I'm just an old witch, and dare to call herself a peerless beauty?"

The voice sounded very suddenly.

The face of Qijuetian suddenly changed, she stared at the sea dam, countless monks in the flood, and said solemnly: "Who?"

Above the Jiehai dam, several female powerhouses from the Great Wilderness smiled sarcastically.

The Qijue Tiannv was furious and shouted: "Stand up. I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces~!"


The land of trillions of trillions is shrouded in colorful divine light.

The Seven Wonders of Heaven snorted coldly, her face full of anger.

She is a very powerful being.

Now, in this flood, someone actually said that to her.

How could she take this breath?

The Qijuetian girl sneered and swept towards several powerful women in the wild.

"My Queen Mother of the West, fight with you!"

The Queen Mother of the West stepped out of the air and looked coldly at the Seven Wonders of Heaven.


A peerless figure in white clothes descended from the sky.

"The Queen Mother of the West, retreat, these seven unique goddesses are saints' fighting strength, I will come!"

She, the peerless graceful and dazzling world, it is Nuwa who has arrived.

Nu Wa swept away the seven celestial women and blocked the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West knew that Nuwa was a sage and would definitely have a plan to defeat the enemy.

She bowed devoutly and said, "Yes!"

Immediately, the Queen Mother of the West retreated to the Jiehai dam!

Nu Wa raised her head, and the holy light illuminated the earth.

She had a cold expression and was dressed in white.

Seeing this, the Seven Wonders of Heaven immediately showed a look of jealousy.

"What a woman, I will take you away and use your appearance for my own use!"

The Seven Absolutes Goddess roared angrily in her heart.

Two female saints, standing in the void.

The Seven Wonders of Heaven snorted coldly and asked, "Who are you?"


Nuwa's white clothes fluttered, and she waved her palm towards the Seven Wonders of Heaven.

This palm seems to be very light, but in fact it has the potential to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

This fluttering palm passed through countless stars.

Those stars, some could not bear it and collapsed, and some were trembling and fearful!

"Hehe, I am lonely, I finally met an ant, and today, I will kill you!"

Seven Absolute Goddess, with a sarcastic smile.

She also fluttered a palm.

With this palm, the colorful divine light was released, and the land of billions of trillions was shrouded!


Nuwa and Qijue Goddess, their palms clashed, unleashing endless terrifying power!

The entire sky was shattered.

Countless stars were shattered.

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