With a loud shout, he directly transformed into a billion trillion body, and grabbed the blessing god pestle with one hand.

Upon seeing this, he was furious.

He sacrificed the twelve-grade merit lotus platform and directly hit the back of the ghost master.


With a sound, the ghost master was instantly beaten to its original form, still a skeleton!

The ghost master was furious, with billions of trillions of ghost qi, and grabbed it towards the twelve-grade lotus platform.


A piece of brilliance overflowed from the twelve-pin lotus platform.

This piece of brilliance has dispelled trillions of ghosts.

When the ghost master saw this, he was furious!

He shouted loudly and fought the two Western Saints alone.

The two Western Saints do not fight the ghost master recklessly, they just block it with magic weapons.

"The two Western saints, although poor, their magic weapons are not ordinary."

Yuan Shi looked straight at the battlefield.

The two saints of the West have always said that the West is barren and poor.

But now, seeing the magic weapon of the two Western saints, Yuan Shi suddenly felt deceived.

Is this poor?

Hearing the words, Tongtian said, "The magic treasures of the two Western sages are all congenital spiritual treasures."

Many gods of the Great Desolation also saw that the two Western saints who always called poverty on weekdays finally revealed their wealth.

Where is this poor?

The magic pestle, the [-]-grade lotus platform, the blessing god pestle, the treasure tower... Which of these magic weapons is not a unique spiritual treasure?

The gods of the Great Desolation, suddenly felt that the two saints in the west would really be able to act.

Heavenly Tomb camp!

Chen Zhu looked at the battlefield and said solemnly: "I don't know if the ghost master can block these magic weapons. This is a sage!"

With a sword in his hand, he couldn't help but look worried when he saw the ghost master surrounded by the two Western saints.


on the battlefield!

Countless ghost soldiers were suppressed by the three tribes of Honghuang.

Seeing this, the ghost master was furious.

He was besieged by the two Western Saints, and he was blatantly not afraid, and that skeleton also rattled!

Zhun mentioning and receiving, he said solemnly: "Today, we will get rid of this ghost master for Honghuang!"

Zhunti sacrificed a magic weapon and smashed it towards the ghost master.

The ghost master released hundreds of trillions of ghost qi and turned it into a ghost blade.


The ghost blade was sacrificed, carrying hundreds of trillions of ghost lights, and slashed towards the magic weapon.

Ying Yin picked up the treasure building above his head and shouted: "Broken!"

A loud bang.

The receiving treasure building flew into the sky, smashing the ghost blade.

The ghost master was furious, and volleyed to catch and lead.

Zhunti sacrificed the lotus platform, and with a bang, he hit the ghost master.

The ghost master's body shook, and the skeleton seemed to be scattered.


The two Western Saints looked at each other and rushed forward.

Picking up the treasure tower, swinging the magic pestle, blessing the divine pestle, lotus dais... many magic weapons, attacked the ghost master.

Even if he is as powerful as a ghost master, he is also hit by these magic weapons.


The twelve-pin lotus platform directly smashed through the ghost master's skeleton.

The ghost master screamed, and the entire skeleton was broken.


The [-]th grade lotus pedestal, received the treasure tower, and offered it again.

"I am the master of ghosts, forever immortal!"

"I hate it, this damned ant!"

The ghost master screamed and was killed on the spot by the [-]th rank Lotus Terrace!

The strongest existence in the Heavenly Tomb World, the ghost master of one of the four souls of Zhantian, was killed by the Second Saint of the West!

The gods of the Great Desolation showed a look of joy.

And countless ghost soldiers, as the ghost master was killed, instantly dissipated.

The two Western saints were full of joy.

Merit, earned it!

Zu Long, Yuan Feng, and Shi Qilin hurriedly bowed to the Western Second Saint.

Heavenly Tomb camp!

Dugu Baitian, Chen Zhu, and Demon Lord suddenly looked at each other, shocked!

Ghost Lord, was killed?

This is one of the four souls of the Heavenly Tomb and the Heavenly Tomb.

That mighty existence of Zhantian was killed?


From the space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years, came the roar of the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World! .

Chapter 105

"Damn it!"

"Tu, slaughter all the living creatures for me!"

"Destroy, destroy this flood for me!"

From the space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years, the roar of the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World is heard!

It turned out that the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World was always looking at the battlefield.

Heavenly Space!

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, roaring, roaring.

The powerhouses who were sent to conquer the prehistoric world fell one by one, how could he bear it?

In particular, the heavens were slaughtered and the ghost master was killed, making the world of the tomb even more angry~.



In the sky above the Heavenly Tomb World, a man with black hair like a waterfall emerges from the power of the billions of trillions of Heavenly Dao.

He is exactly what he came out of - Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao!

"Damn it, so far, this prehistoric heaven has not yet appeared, I want to fight the prehistoric heaven!"

In the void, the space channel of tens of billions of light years, the roar of the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World came out.

In his form, he was worshipped by countless creatures.

The spirit of the gods and demons enveloped the world of the tomb of heaven.

One after another, Jiuxiao thundered, piercing the sky.

Countless creatures are trembling and trembling.

Prehistoric, heavenly space!

Feel the roar from the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World.

Qin Tian sneered and said, "Satisfy you!"


With the infinite power of heaven, Qin Tian came across the border.

In the sky above the Heavenly Tomb World, two Eyes of Heavenly Dao appeared!

A pupil of the Heavenly Dao, standing in the Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao formed out of shape.

On the other hand, there appeared a youth who also took shape.

He has sword eyebrows and star eyes, black hair like waterfalls.

He stood with his hands behind his back, standing proudly in the sky.

All living beings were shocked.

"The Great Desolate Heaven?"

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