Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao is roaring.

Suddenly, a terrifying holy might descended from the sky and enveloped the world of the Heavenly Tomb.

Even, this holy power is stronger than him.

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, took a closer look and was surprised.

This figure, which was transformed into a form, stood with his hands behind his back, raised his hands and gestures, and was quite majestic.

His pupils shrank suddenly, knowing that this is the Dao of the Wilderness!

"I heard that you are going to fight with me, I will come to the world of the tomb to see."

Qin Tian stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking the world of the Heavenly Tomb shrouded by the aura of gods and demons.

Although, billions of trillions of gods and demons are fighting the floods.

There are countless creatures in the world of the tomb.

Tiandao of the Heavenly Tomb World heard the words, snorted coldly, and said, "The Great Desolate Heavenly Dao, Erhong Desolate ants, kill the powerhouse of my Heavenly Tomb, today, I will suppress you!"

He stood proudly, surrounded by terrifying heavenly power.

"is it?"

Qin Tian smiled lightly and looked into the distance!


Below the world of the Heavenly Tomb, a figure said angrily: "Why do you need Heavenly Dao to do something, my king is here to slay this prehistoric Heavenly Dao!"


The King of Humans drank in a deep voice, stepped into the air, and killed Qin Tian.

"Human King? You are not even as good as ants!"

With a big wave of Qin Tian's hand, a law of the Dao directly turned into a divine chain of order, running through the rushing King of Humans.


With a scream, the human king's primordial spirit was shattered, and his body died!

Countless creatures are shocked.

And Dugu Baitian, Chen Lord, and Demon Lord, who are also connected to the world of the Heavenly Tomb, were shocked!

The King of Humans, was wiped out by the Great Desolation Heavenly Dao with a wave of his hand?

Dugu Baitian and other strong warriors in the sky are all very shocking.

Human king, even if it is not as good as the way of heaven, it is impossible to be destroyed so quickly.

It can be seen that the strength of the Great Desolate Heaven is beyond imagination!

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao was furious.

He roared angrily and said, "You wait to fight in the prehistoric world, this prehistoric heaven is handed over to me!"

The King of Humans was killed, and the Tao of Heaven was furious!

There is no need to be shocked by his voice transmission Dugu Baitian and other strong warriors.

He, the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World, can fight the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao!

The Battle of Heavenly Dao unfolds in the Heavenly Tomb World.

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, smiled proudly.

This prehistoric and heavenly way came from across the border, purely to court death!

This day, the tomb world is under his control.

He can use everything in the Heavenly Tomb World.

"Honghuang Tiandao, today, I will suppress you!"

With a loud shout, the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World, condensing the mighty power of the Heavenly Dao in the trillions of trillions, slayed towards the Prehistoric Heavenly Dao.

One after another divine chain of order, shaped like a spider web, shrouded the entire sky of the Heavenly Tomb World!

The battle of heaven is so terrifying!

Countless creatures are wailing and trembling!

Seeing this, Qin Tian smiled!

With a big wave of his hand, a mighty force of the Dao of Heaven directly blocked the divine chain of order of the Dao of Heaven in the Heavenly Tomb World.


One after another, the divine chain of order shattered in front of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian waved his hand, and the power of the Three Thousand Great Dao Law rushed away.

The Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World, the Law of the Great Dao, suddenly appeared!

At this moment, he was extremely shocked.

This is the law of the three thousand avenues!

This prehistoric world is so terrifying?

"The Law of the Great Dao, what can I do, in this world of the tomb of heaven, I am the way of heaven!"

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao shouted angrily.

The battle of heaven is still going on.

And in Honghuang, Lord Chen had a sword in his hand and said solemnly, "I'm coming!"

Sound off!

The Lord Chen strode out and stepped in the void!

"Honghuang ants, who dares to fight me?"

Lord Chen has a sword in his hand, and the land of billions of trillions is shrouded in sword intent.


A soaring sword pillar appeared in the void.

Lord Chen stood proudly and looked at all directions.

"With a sword in hand, the clouds move in all directions, my Chen master is fighting the floods today, and the ants in the floods, who would dare to fight with me!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared in the void.

Dugu Baitian, seeing the appearance of this figure, couldn't help snorting coldly.

This figure is the sage of the Great Desolation who fought with him before.

Master Tongtian!

Coming from the sky, he said solemnly: "I will fight with you in the sky!"

Around him, a terrifying sword intent was formed.

When Lord Chen heard this, he sneered and said, "Where is your sword?"

"There is a sword in the chest, and everything can be a sword!"

Tongtian waved his big hand, looked up to the sky, and shouted: "Sword come!"

In the void, a terrifying sword intent turned into a sky-high sword pillar, standing in the void!

This soaring sword pillar forms a confrontation with Chen Zhu's soaring sword pillar.

Sword Qi enveloped the land of trillions of trillions, and a sword light, holding endless rays of light, then fell.

The sword name Qingping fell into Tongtian's hands!

A bright light flashed in Chen Zhu's eyes, and a strong fighting spirit suddenly appeared.

"The strong are not afraid of loneliness. The scary thing is that on the road of pursuing strength, they are stagnant and do not have the heart of the strong."

"Tongtian, today, let my sword suck up your blood essence and use it for me!"

Lord Chen stood proudly, surrounded by sword intent.

"A lot of nonsense!"

Tongtian is light and authentic, with no waves on his face!

As soon as this statement came out, Chen Zhu was furious and said: "Since you are so arrogant, I will let you know the strength of the strongest swordsman!"

Chen took the initiative to get angry.

This prehistoric powerhouse named Tongtian is too arrogant.

Lord Chen has a sword in his hand, and he must be beheaded.


Behind the Lord Chen, the sword pillar soared into the sky, rising from the ground, exuding a might that shook the prehistoric wilderness.

Behind Tongtian, the sky-rocketing sword pillar made a loud noise.

In the void, two sword pillars that are also billions of trillions of swords fight in the air.

The sword light pierced through the void, and the universe collapsed.

Nine days of thunder, shaking the flood.

Above the boundary sea, the turbid waves are raging to the sky.

Every wave is a world, a universe.

God, howling!

Land, roaring!

The heavens and the world were all shaken by the confrontation of the sky-rocketing sword pillars.

"Master Chen, you are indeed the powerhouse in our world!"

"I heard that Lord Chen can break the sky with a sword in his hand. Such a powerful existence, this prehistoric ant, can't be stopped at all."

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