Dugu Baitian was extremely angry, but he couldn't penetrate this crystal wall at all!

"Damn it!"

Dugu defeated the sky and roared in the sky, and the sound shook the four fields.

He didn't want to be trapped in it.

He is a strong man, an ancient great god who has conquered countless worlds!

"The Lord of Chen, the Lord of Demons, the Lord of Ghosts, you, etc. all died in the hands of the ants in the flood. Now, I am alone and defeated. Do I have to die in this crystal wall's divine light?"

Do not!

Dugu Baitian shook his head, he must not be defeated!

He can be defeated even in the sky, why can't he break the crystal wall of Hongjun?

This crystal wall divine light is only a thin layer!

Dugu Baitian roared, and once again sacrificed Dugu!


Under the shroud of divine light on the crystal wall, countless stars, unable to resist Dugu's power, burst apart.

However, Dugu still could not break through.

Dugu Baitian is going crazy.

"I came from the ancient times, and I have lived for so long. This is the first time I have encountered such a strong person. Hongjun, do you dare to withdraw this crystal wall of divine light and fight me?"

Dugu Baitian glared at Hongjun and said coldly.

Hearing this, Hong Jun said lightly, "No way!"


Dugu Baitian threw his fist into the crystal wall of divine light.

This crystal wall divine light does not shake.

Dugu Baitian was furious and scared.

So terrifying, who can stop it?


With a loud bang, another punch hit the crystal wall.

Hearing this, Hong Jun sneered and said, "No matter what means you use, you will never break the crystal wall of divine light."


Hongjun drank in a deep voice and waved his hand.

This piece of crystal wall divine light suddenly shrank.

Dugu Baitian, who was trapped in the crystal wall, was shocked.

He shouted angrily and said, "Hongjun, I am immortal!"

Hongjun sneered and took away the Jingbi Shenguang directly.

Dugu Baitian, who was trapped in the divine light of the crystal wall, screamed and did not know the news.

None of the powerhouses in the Heavenly Tomb World who fought in the prehistoric world survived.

The powerhouses of the heavens, the seven celestial women, and the four souls of Zhantian were all killed by the gods of the Great Desolation.

All the gods of the Great Desolation are very happy.

In this way, considerable merit can be obtained.

Daxian Yang Mei sighed softly.

No matter which Heavenly Tomb World Ant, he has no chance to fight.

Heavenly Tomb World!

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, the face is like dust.

Dugu defeated Tian, ​​trapped in the divine light of the crystal wall, his life and death are uncertain!

What is that terrifying crystal wall divine light?

He didn't even know the way of heaven in the world of the heavenly tomb.

The heavens were killed, and the four souls of Zhantian were also annihilated.

As for the King of Humans, he was beaten to death by the prehistoric way of heaven, and then vanished into ashes.

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, his face changed suddenly, extremely pale.

In his heavenly tomb world, there is no strong man anymore.

Countless creatures are trembling and trembling.

In the world of Heavenly Tomb, Heavenly Dao, suddenly thought of the forbidden method.

He shouted angrily and said, "War! Countless beings in the world of the Heavenly Tomb, sacrifice for me and let me devour!"


With a loud bang, countless creatures in the tomb world came out.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Tian saw that these countless creatures were exploding.

After every creature exploded, his soul went to the altar of the Heavenly Tomb World!

Obviously, the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World wants to break through Qin Tian's suppression!

Qin Tian looked at the earth, and every creature in the Heavenly Tomb World that exploded, created a blood mist!


Qin Tian was furious, and he slapped his palm in the air, as if pouring out from a trillion trillions of golden light.

There was a loud noise, and the altar that was swallowing countless living beings couldn't bear Qin Tian's suppression, and it shattered!

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao was furious.

He shouted angrily and said, "Damn, Honghuang Tiandao, you actually destroyed my altar!"

The enraged Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao wanted to break free.

But in Qin Tian's suppression, he couldn't break free at all!

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, roared, roared!


With a big wave of Qin Tian's hand, it is another Dao Law that suppresses the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World!


Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, roared, not afraid!

His strong men are dead, and his altar is broken.

Do you want to exterminate this prehistoric world?


The Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Tomb World slammed the earth, leaving traces of cracking.

The whole world of the Heavenly Tomb is in a state of collapse.

Countless heavenly tomb world creatures died in this destruction!

Qin Tian waved his hand, and the laws of the Great Dao followed one after another, suppressing the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World!

Do not!

The Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World feels like it is about to burst.

"I would like to dedicate the origin of the Tao of Heaven!"

He hurriedly shouted this sentence, for fear of being suppressed again by the Great Desolate Heaven.

At this moment, he saw that the strength of Honghuang Tiandao was above him.

This Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao hurriedly offered the origin of the Heavenly Dao.

Qin Tian took over the source of the Dao of Heaven, and with a wave of his hand, he withdrew the Dao Law.


Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, a long sigh of relief, a feeling of relief.

Qin Tian used his supreme magic power to integrate the world of the Heavenly Tomb into the sea of ​​the Great Desolate Realm.


Qin Tian and the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World are standing overseas in the prehistoric world!

At this moment, I was shocked to see countless worlds floating on this vast boundless sea, the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World.

At the same time, he was even more surprised to see it.

This day, the world of the tomb, integrated into the sea of ​​​​the prehistoric world, is just like a wave.

That's right!

Every wave is a world, a universe.

The Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World was extremely shocked. He deeply felt the power of the Prehistoric Heavenly Dao!

Qin Tian looked at the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World and said solemnly: "々' You are in the sea of ​​​​boundaries, listen to my arrangements!"


The Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Tomb World, a pious worship, is completely different from the one who roared before.

At this moment, the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World sincerely bows to the Prehistoric Heavenly Dao.

He was shocked by the power of the Great Desolate Heaven.

Even, he felt his own insignificance and self-control.

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