At the beginning, seeing the space channel as large as [-] billion light-years and the overflowing spiritual energy, he gave birth to the idea of ​​​​conquering.

Thinking about it now, this idea is really stupid!

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, deeply remorseful.

If it wasn't for his temporary greed, he wouldn't have buried the many powerhouses in the Heavenly Tomb World.

Fortunately, he was relieved.

Qin Tian thought about it for a while, and then pulled Tiandao, the world of the tomb, to the Tiandao chat group.

In this Tiandao chat group, there are many world Tiandao.

Initial World Heavenly Dao, Dou Qi World Heavenly Dao, etc.

These days, when they saw the arrival of the Heavenly Tomb World, they all introduced them.

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao was shocked.

These Heavenly Ways all belong to the Prehistoric Heavenly Way.

Among them, naturally also includes him!

This day, Tomb World Heavenly Dao, suddenly thought of something.

He and these Heavenly Dao got to know each other for a while.

Qin Tian left the Tiandao chat group, and he ordered these cultivators, except those guarding the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos, to go back and recuperate.

Countless cultivators in the prehistoric times paid their respects.

"Abide by the laws of heaven!"

"Abide by the laws of heaven!"

All the clans in the prehistoric wilderness have left a clan to guard the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos.

The rest of the prehistoric tribes went back separately.

Zulong led the dragon clan and returned to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Yuan Feng (De Li's) led the Feng Clan and returned to the Undead Volcano.

Shi Qilin led the Qilin family and returned to Qilin Cliff!

Emperor Jun and Taiyi, leading the demon clan, returned to the Supreme Demon Court.

The twelve ancestral witches, leading the witch clan, returned to the Pangu Temple on Buzhou Mountain.

This time, the Twelve Ancestors have spent a lot of magic power, and they need to go to the Pangu Blood Pond in Buzhou Mountain to nourish them.

The saints of the Three Purities went to Kunlun Mountain respectively.

Among them, when the Master Tongtian went to Kunlun Mountain, he saw an overseas immortal island.

This overseas immortal island, under the sunlight, is shaped like a golden ao.

The Master Tongtian, seeing this overseas immortal island, said in his heart: "This place is full of spiritual energy, and it is shaped like a golden ao, so I will call this place the golden ao island!"

Having said that, Tongtian recognized the location of Jin'ao Island, and he stepped into the air to go to Kunlun.

The emperor Fuxi returned to the coast of the East China Sea.

Many innate human races have cultivated to the Golden Core avenue!

The rest of the Great Desolate Powers, the ancestors, etc. also returned to the cave.

As for Hongjun, the demon ancestor Luohu, Yangmei Daxian and Nuwa, they are still the four positions guarding the Jiehai dam.

Countless cultivators of the Great Desolation all left.

This time, the other world attacked, and Honghuang also killed and injured many strong people.

These prehistoric monks all went back to practice.

Supreme Demon Court!

Emperor Jun and Taiyi, who returned to Yaoting, ordered the Yaozu to concentrate on their cultivation and prepare for battle at all times.

And Di Jun looked very excited and excited.

This time, he will be sanctified.

Thinking of this, Di Jun greeted Taiyi and went to retreat to practice.

Tai looked at Di Jun's back and knew the end.

The Western Second Sage returned to the Bade Pool.

The demon ancestor Rahu ordered Demon Venerable Jidu to lead hundreds of millions of demons to return to Mount Sumeru and concentrate on cultivation.

"Follow the decree of the ancestors!"

"Follow the decree of the ancestors!"

Hundreds of millions of demons, crossing the void!

At this time, Qin Tian returned to the Heavenly Dao space and began to refine the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Tomb World!hook.

Chapter 109

Prehistoric age does not know!

Ever since the battle against the Heavenly Tomb World, all ethnic groups in the Great Wilderness have been cultivating.

Every prehistoric monk has tasted the sweetness of fighting in another world.

They are all improving and preparing for battle.

And those who died in battle entered the cycle of six paths.

The gentle rains nourished all living beings, as well as every plant and tree.



From time to time, a sound came from a certain cave.

This is a cultivator of the Great Desolation, breaking through the cultivation base.

The entire prehistoric wilderness, except for the poof sound and the rustling rain, was very quiet.

Whether it is in the three prehistoric clans such as the dragon clan and the phoenix clan, or in the witch clan and the demon clan.

Everyone is retreating and practicing!

The coast of the East China Sea!

In this sweet rain, the innate human race learned to plant under the guidance of the emperor Fuxi.

Humans, unlike other races, have learned to be self-sufficient.

In the land of the innate human race, spiritual grass and the like are planted.

These spirit grasses grow vigorously in the rain.

Heavenly Space!

Qin Tian finally merged with the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Tomb World!

Qin Tian didn't know how long it took for this fusion.


After the fusion, the tomb world that day was completely integrated into the world sea.

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao, felt a violent shaking.

Immediately, he discovered that this Heavenly Tomb World had become a part of the Chaos Realm Sea, a wave in the Realm Sea.

"Lord, mighty!"

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao sincere way.

Recalling that he had rebelled against the Lord before, he felt a burst of shame.


With the integration of the Heavenly Tomb World, the entire prehistoric personality has been promoted again.

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space, he saw a flash of light, and in front of him, nine holy places appeared!

This is the promotion of the person, and the increase of the holy position.

With the holy seat, there is a saint born!

The promotion of personal status, the more holy positions, the easier it is to conquer other worlds.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, fighting the world of the tomb of heaven!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, reward the host with [-] billion merits!"

A burst of system prompts came to my ears.

Qin Tian was stunned when he heard the words.

This time, he fought in the world of the Heavenly Tomb and gained [-] billion merits.


Qin Tian smiled faintly. He glanced at the entire flood and began to distribute merits and holy positions for these flood monks and gods.

This time, all beings in the prehistoric battles fought in the world of the tomb of heaven and massacred many strong people in the world of the tomb of heaven.

This time, Qin Tian's extensive meritorious deeds brought blessings to all sentient beings.


Whether it's in a chat group or somewhere in Honghuang.

All the prehistoric creatures raised their heads and looked at the sky, the Eye of Heaven, which condensed the mighty power of Heaven.

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