
In the void, the Eye of Heaven made a sound.

As soon as these words came out, a mighty force of heaven fell into Zhen Yuanzi's body.

The sky is chaotic, and the ground is swarming with golden lotuses!

The Lord of the Longevity Mountain, verifies the Tao and becomes sanctified.

His way is to protect the way of sentient beings!

Kunlun Mountains!

Sanqing heard the words and looked at each other.

Lao Tzu looked at Wanshou Mountain and smiled with relief: "Friend Zhenyuan is a member of my Taoism."

Immediately, Lao Tzu stepped into the air and went to Longevity Mountain.

Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, and they both followed.

Longevity Mountain!

Zhen Yuanzi suddenly felt refreshed.

He had just fallen off Yunguang when Hongyun stepped forward and said with a smile, "Congratulations, fellow Daoist, for becoming a saint."

Zhenyuanzi looked at Hongyun and said, "Fellow Daoist Hongyun, I will protect the Dharma for you, how about you try it too?"

Hearing this, Hongyun revealed a hint of joy.

The sanctification of an old friend gave him a lot of motivation.

"Not urgent!"

In the void, a voice came.

The saints of Sanqing all fell into the clouds and came to Longevity Mountain.

Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun looked at each other, hurried forward, and bowed.

"I don't know if the Sanqing Saint is coming, we will be far away!"

When Lao Tzu heard the words, he gently held it up, so that Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun didn't have to be too polite.

"Today, Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan has been sanctified, we Sanqing, come to congratulate!"

Zhen Yuanzi was a little flattered when he heard the words.

He hurriedly said, "Three fellow Daoists, please!"

Immediately, Sanqing, Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi went to Wuzhuang Temple.

Just arrived at Wuzhuang Temple, there was a loud noise in the void.

Sanqing, Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun were all shocked.

Is there another saint?

Prehistoric, three saints a day?

All the prehistoric monks also felt it.

Countless creatures are in shock!

Nether Sea of ​​Blood!

The ancestor of Ming He was sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​blood.

This time, in the battle against the Heavenly Tomb World, the [-] million blood gods under his command have contributed a lot.

And he also beheaded a strong man in the Heavenly Tomb World.

Returning to the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld, Ancestor Ming He began to cultivate and improve his cultivation.

"I don't know, when will I be holy?"

Ancestor Ming He looked into the distance, the endless void.

He heard that the demon emperor Jun and the Yuanzi of Longevity Mountain were all sanctified.

There are two saints in one day!

When I think about it, I feel envy for a while.

The sea of ​​blood rolled, and countless blood gods were immersed in it.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​blood, the ancestor Ming He was practicing again.


A will of heaven, passed into his mind.

Ancestor Ming He suddenly thought of something, and he suddenly opened his eyes with joy.

This is?

Ancestor Ming He felt something, and he said excitedly: "I would like to entrust my primordial spirit to the way of heaven!"

He was ecstatic.


Old Ancestor Ming He was sitting cross-legged. He didn't know that Qin Tian, ​​in the Heavenly Dao space, dropped a holy seat to the sea of ​​blood in the Netherworld.

Ancestor Ming He felt extremely excited.

It's so touching!


The sea of ​​blood in the nether world rolled over and over, and the smallpox fell from the sky.

Blossoming golden lotuses crowded around the ancestor of Ming He.

The entire Nether Sea of ​​Blood is shaking!

The whole flood is shaking!

The world shook, and countless creatures looked into the distance.

A figure, standing in the void!

Sanqing, who was about to step into Wuzhuangguan, was startled.

This is the direction of the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood!

In the void, the figure that appeared was the ancestor Ming He.

Could it be that the ancestor of Ming He is about to be sanctified?

Today, are there three saints in one day?

Whether it is the Sanqing sage, or the other great powers of the Great Desolation, they all show a look of shock.

In fact, all the gods in the prehistoric world know that the ancestor of Ming He, who fought in the other world, has a lot of credit.

Now, all beings in the prehistoric world see that the ancestor Ming He is about to become a saint, and they all feel that this is what he deserves.

Throughout the prehistoric wilderness, countless creatures are looking at the void.

"The way of heaven is above, the disciple Ming He, the ancestor, is willing to protect the flood with the sea of ​​blood, prove the Dao and become holy, and beg for the approval of the Dao of heaven!"

Ancestor Ming He, worship him sincerely.

All the prehistoric creatures are shaking.

In the Great Desolation, there will be three saints in one day!

Compared with the Six Saints of Heavenly Destiny, these three Saints are the holy positions that countless prehistoric beings strive to conquer other worlds and improve their prehistoric status.

The Eye of Heaven, unleashing a mighty force of Heaven.

A voice spread throughout the whole flood.



Countless prehistoric creatures have seen it.

Today, there are three saints in one day.

"Thank you for your approval!"

Old Ancestor Ming He bowed reverently, and he was so happy.

Immediately, the ancestor of Ming He returned to the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld, summoned the Asura Sect and [-] million blood gods, hurry up to practice, and prepare for battle at any time!

In the prehistoric world, countless creatures are shaking and discussing.

Prehistoric times, three saints in one day.

In one day, three saints, Di Jun, Zhen Yuanzi, and the ancestor of Ming He appeared.

Many great powers and gods of the great wilderness are envious.

After issuing three holy positions, Qin Tian began to distribute merits in the chat group.

"Emperor Demon Clan Emperor Jun, the powerhouses in the Zhantian Tomb World have meritorious deeds, and will be rewarded with [-] billion merits!"

"Yu Yaozu Taiyi, the powerhouses in the Zhantian Tomb World have meritorious deeds, and they will be rewarded with [-] billion merits!"

"Rahu, the ancestor of the demon, the Demon Lord of the Zhantian Tomb World, rewards three billion merits!"

"Er Hongjun, Zhantian Tomb World Dugu defeated Tian, ​​reward [-] billion merits!"

"Er Tongtian, the world powerhouse of Zhantian Tomb, reward [-] billion merits!"


In the entire prehistoric world, whoever killed the Heavenly Tomb World, whether it was a strong man, a god, a demon, a heavenly soldier, etc., every prehistoric cultivator who participated in the war obtained varying merits.

Countless cultivators in the prehistoric desolation all bowed devoutly and thanked Heavenly Dao.

At the same time, they are all waiting for the next battle.

Moreover, many gods in the wild are envious of Di Jun, Zhen Yuanzi and the ancestor of Ming He.

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