These three people not only gained merit, but also sanctified the Dao.

This has aroused the envy of many gods in the wild.

After distributing the merits, Qin Tian ordered all living beings to cultivate with great concentration, waiting for the next mission to conquer the other world.

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

Countless cultivators from the prehistoric times paid their respects.

Afterwards, the entire flood was silent.

A hundred years, fleeting.

In a rain of rain, Qin Tian heard a system prompt sound. .

Chapter 110

The rains are pouring down, nourishing all living beings in the wild!

Qin Tian distributed merit and divided three holy positions.

Afterwards, it rained down the hundred years of rain for all living beings in the prehistoric wilderness.

For hundreds of years, in the wild land, the sound of pop and pop is heard from time to time~.

Prehistoric became three saints in one day. Those prehistoric powers and gods, while envious, practiced desperately.

Every prehistoric power is enjoying the nourishment of the rain.

Every prehistoric great power is improving his cultivation.

Standing in Tiandao space, Qin Tian swept away the quiet flood.

Even Human Race, there are quite a few who have practiced the Golden Core avenue.

And in Longevity Mountain, the Sanqing, Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun have been discussing Taoism for a hundred years in the rain.

This made Lao Tzu smile even more, and said, "Friend Zhenyuan, you are really a person in my Tao!"

For this discussion, Hongyun benefited a lot.

He, who had always been stuck at the bottleneck, suddenly felt enlightened and seemed to understand a lot.

The whole prehistoric, quiet.


Qin Tian heard a system prompt.

He knew that the mission to conquer another world had arrived.

This time, what kind of alien world will it be?

"Ding, congratulations to the host, found a super big thousand world, do you get through?"

A burst of system prompts came to my ears.

When Qin Tian heard the words, he was stunned for a moment.

Super big world?

This world may be even more powerful than the Heavenly Tomb World.

Qin Tian smiled slightly. If he fought in this super great world, the rewards he would get would be even more generous.

"get through!"

After thinking for a while, Qin Tian said.

"Ding, getting through for the host!"

"Ding, the world has been opened up for the host, and the host is being scanned!"

"Ding, the scan is successful, the world is being analyzed!"

Another system beep came.

Qin Tian smiled slightly, this mysterious super great world is finally about to appear.

In the end, what kind of world will it be?

Soon, the system scan was successful, and the information of this world was also passed over.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, this world is the universe that covers the sky!"

"Covering the universe?"

Hearing the system prompt, Qin Tian was stunned for a moment.

The universe that covers the sky is a super big world.

In this universe that covers the sky, there are countless great emperors.

These great emperors are all quasi-saint level powerhouses.

Even in this universe that covers the sky, there are powerful beings that are infinitely close to saints!

Soon, the information of the universe that covered the sky was seen by Qin Tian.

Immortal Ye!

Ruthless Emperor!

Beginning Emperor!


In this sky-covering universe, the strong are like clouds.

Knowing about the universe that covers the sky, Qin Tian smiled lightly.

This mission to fight in another world is a little more difficult.

However, this is also a great opportunity to test the strength of the great power of Honghuang.

"Get through!"

Since he decided to fight, Qin Tian let the system open up the space channel!

"Ding, opening a space channel for the host!"

"Ding, the space channel has been opened for the host, and the space channel is being placed in the sea of ​​chaos!"

A system prompt sounded, and Qin Tian's figure disappeared in the Heavenly Dao space!

Cover the universe!

This is an enhanced version of the universe.

In this universe, there are countless great emperors.


Over the sky covering the universe, there was a sudden violent vibration.

Soon, a space channel with a size of [-] billion light-years appeared in the forbidden area of ​​life in the universe.

Forbidden land!

The appearance of a space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years shocked the powerhouses in the heavenly court.

These powerhouses looked at the space passage located in the ancient forbidden area in astonishment.

The brilliance circulated, and this space passage was so huge that it aroused the discussion of the Heavenly Court powerhouse.

"What's going on with this space passage? It's actually located in the ancient forbidden area!"

A Heavenly Court powerhouse showed a touch of shock.

He looks like an ape, looking at the forbidden area of ​​life.

This is the most mysterious place in the universe.

"I thought that this space channel must be weird, could it be together with the other world?"

A certain Heavenly Court expert pondered for a moment and asked in surprise.



All the great masters in the heavenly court looked at him in astonishment.

"Look, that space channel seems to overflow with spiritual energy."

A certain Heavenly Court master stretched out his hand, and the rest of the great masters saw it.

This [-] billion light-year-long space channel is permeating with spiritual energy.

"Is it really another world?"

If it is really another world, the spiritual energy of this other world is very abundant!

A certain Heavenly Court master rubbed his palms, showing a greedy look.

"It's a big matter, we'd better be cautious, everything, wait until the Immortal Emperor returns!"

A dignified and powerful man looked at the ancient forbidden land.

He was covered in ink, and his eyes shone with deep light.

The rest of the Heavenly Court nodded in unison and said, "Yes!"

For a time, this space channel with a size of [-] billion light-years attracted the attention of countless powerhouses in the universe.

But no one knows what this space channel is linked to.

For a time, this tens of billions of light-years-long space passages aroused discussions among countless powerhouses in the universe.

At the same time, there are also some strong people who want to find out.

But when he saw the ancient forbidden land, he didn't dare to move.

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