"I am the way of heaven!"

"Today, I have prepared a mission for you to conquer another world!"

"I'm afraid you also know this space channel, and this other world is in this space channel."

The words of the Dao of Heaven have aroused the excitement of countless prehistoric monks, and countless prehistoric monks are boiling.


The mission to conquer another world is finally here!

Hearing this, Hongjun asked Void: "The way of heaven is above, I don't know what are the characteristics of this world?"

"This is a super big world called the universe that covers the sky. In this world, the strong are like clouds, and you should not be underestimated!"

Hearing the super big thousand world, the strong are like clouds.

Many great powers and experts in the great wilderness are very excited.

They all know that once they conquer this universe that covers the sky, they will definitely gain considerable merit.

"I would like to fight for the heaven and the universe!"

"I would like to fight for the heaven and the universe!"

These prehistoric gods, prehistoric great powers, all bowed devoutly to the way of heaven.

Qin Tian heard the words and said solemnly: "Don't worry, this universe covers the sky, the task is huge, and it can't be destroyed by one's own power.

"I will inform you of the information about the universe that covers the sky!"

With a big wave of Qin Tian's hand, one after another of the will of Heaven and Dao fell into the minds of these great powers.

Soon, these great powers of the Great Wilderness knew the distribution of the universe.

It turned out that the universe that covered the sky was divided into Donghuang, Beiyuan, Zhongzhou, Nanling, and Western Desert.

Qin Tian swept away the gods of the Great Desolation and said solemnly: "If you fight in the universe that covers the sky, whoever gets the most merit will be rewarded with a piece of Hongmeng Purple Qi."

The words of the Tao of Heaven inspire the hearts of all living beings.

This time, the more merits and virtues gained in this expedition to the other world, the more radiant purple qi that will be rewarded by Heaven.

Countless great powers in the wild, excited and boiling.

If you can get the purple qi of Hongmeng, and you can prove the Tao and become sanctified, it is just around the corner.

Thinking of this, the ancient ancestors such as Fortune and other ancestors were very happy.

Chat group!

Demon Emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi quickly found a force in the universe that covered the sky.

"The way of heaven is above, the emperor Jun and Taiyi of my demon clan are willing to fight for the way of heaven in this universe that covers the sky, the land of Nanling!"

In the void, a pupil of the Heavenly Dao suddenly released a Heavenly Dao holy prestige.

A voice said solemnly: "Yes!"

As soon as these words came out, Di Jun and Tai Yi closed the chat group.

The two demon saints, in the supreme demon court, convened an army of billions of trillions of demon races, digital demon saints, to fight against the universe.


The supreme demon court is shrouded in battle clouds.

The army of the trillions of monsters, the flags cover the sky, and the land of the trillions of trillions is shrouded.

In the sound of the drums of war, countless armies of monster clans went to the space channel of Jiehai.Husband.

Chapter 111

The universe that covers the sky is divided into Donghuang, Beiyuan, Zhongzhou, Nanling and Western Desert.

Nanling, with high mountains and dense forests, is home to three major forces, the Temple of War, the Temple of the Demon Emperor and the barbarians!

The Temple of the Demon Emperor, hidden in the deep mountains, has the power to traverse the three thousand worlds.

Demonic misty, mysterious!

Over the Demon Emperor's Palace, the wilds of the Nanling Mountains!

The lonely moon hangs high!

Countless battle clouds and countless wild monsters are hidden in the sky.

The army of billions of trillions of monsters entered the space channel from the sea of ​​​​the prehistoric world.

Under the leadership of the second saint of the demon clan, he concealed his demonic energy and crossed from the ancient forbidden land to the sky above the Nanling boundary!

Demon Emperor Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi, looked down at the Demon Emperor Hall from above the battle clouds.

A demon saint, stepping on the clouds.

"Your Majesty, there are three major forces in Nanling: the Temple of War, the Temple of the Demon Emperor and the barbarians. We are in the sky above the Temple of the Demon Emperor!"

A demon saint will report the information that he has discovered one by one.

"Demon Emperor Palace!"

With a pair of deep demon eyes, Di Jun looked to the next world.

The Demon Emperor's Palace shrouded in an ancient grand formation.

"In all the worlds, only I am the demon emperor!"

Become a saint, Di Jun is powerful.

He stood on the demon cloud and condensed a celestial demon palm.


With endless demonic energy, this Heavenly Demon Palm swept down!


The void trembled violently, and the mountains crumbled, star after star, crushed by the Heaven-defying Demon Palm.

This Celestial Demon Palm directly crushed this ancient formation into the sky!


A huge earthquake sounded, shaking the Demon Emperor Palace.

The Demon Emperor Palace Master, who was in retreat, suddenly felt fear.

With a loud shout, he led countless demon soldiers and stepped out of the Demon Emperor's Palace.

He looked up and was surprised.

"The ancient magic circle, broken?"

In the sky above the Demon Emperor's Palace, a demonic palm that held the sky shattered the guardian formation that enveloped the Demon Emperor's Palace.one five three

"This is?"

The Demon Emperor Palace Master's expression changed suddenly, with panic.

This sky-high demon palm is shrouded in endless demonic energy.

Even while shattering the ancient formation, he greedily sucked the demonic energy of the Demon Emperor's Palace.

The Demon Emperor Palace Master rose into the air and said solemnly: "Who are you, who dares to destroy my Demon Emperor Palace's great formation!"


Countless demon emperor armies drove up the demon cloud and enveloped the entire Nanling Mountains.

Nanling stretches endlessly and hides countless mountains.

The shaking of the Demon Emperor's Hall aroused the vigilance of the War God Temple and the barbarians.


In the void, Taiyi sneered, showing a look of contempt.

This Demon Emperor Palace Master is nothing but an ant.


The Celestial Demon Palm slammed into the air, directly knocking the Demon Emperor Hall Master flying out.

The Demon Emperor Hall Lord shouted and fell directly onto the Demon Emperor Hall.


With a sound, he directly blasted a big hole.


What the Demon Emperor Palace Master felt, he shouted angrily and said, "You wait to invade my Nanling Land and destroy my Demon Emperor Palace, don't even think about leaving!"

Sound off!

The Lord of the Demon Emperor's Palace, sacrificed a magic weapon and turned it into an infinite demonic energy.

"is it?"

In the void, Emperor Jun Taiyi sneered, showing a look of contempt.

Hundreds of trillions of monsters, driving the demon cloud, covering the land of billions of trillions.

The Demon Emperor's Hall Master snorted, startled.


He was shocked and speechless.

In this void, countless demon clans ride up demon clouds.

The Demon Emperor Palace Master suddenly felt an unprecedented fear hit.


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