Countless demon emperor hall army, also startled.

Such a terrifying demon army has never been seen before.

Tai Yi took out the Chaos Bell, shouted loudly, and moved towards the Demon Emperor Hall Master to suppress it.


A bell from ancient times, like a sonic boom, made countless monks in the Temple of the Demon Emperor feel like they were hit hard.

In this battle, countless monks from the Temple of the Demon Emperor died under the Chaos Bell.

Di Jun and Taiyi looked at each other, and suddenly felt a little excited.

This Demon Emperor Palace Master is simply too weak!


Swept away by the sound of the Chaos Bell, the Demon Emperor's Hall Master was directly shattered.

His primordial spirit, panicked, fled in a hurry.


In the shattered Demon Emperor Palace, a demonic light suddenly appeared.

This demonic light turned into a terrifying sky-high demonic pillar.

A strong man walked out of the towering demon pillar.

"I am the ancient demon emperor, who would dare to destroy my demon emperor's palace!"

This is the first hall master of the Demon Emperor Palace, a great power who has crossed over from the ancient times.

The ancient demon emperor shouted angrily and sacrificed one of his magic weapons.

A gust of demonic wind blew, blowing his white hair, making him look majestic.

"It seems that you are also a demon clan, it is better to join my ancient demon emperor!"

The ancient demon emperor saw that the second saint of the demon clan was powerful!

Hundreds of trillions of monsters stand on the cloud of monsters.

If the Second Sage of the Monster Race submits to him, he will be able to dominate the world.

The ancient demon emperor snorted coldly and asked.


Di Jun heard the words and smiled lightly.

He sneered, and a demon palm that held the sky moved towards the ancient demon emperor to suppress it.

The ancient demon emperor is a quasi-sage power.

He roared loudly and said, "It seems that you want to die in my hands, so I will kill you, my ancient demon emperor, and collect this army of hundreds of millions of demon races!"


The ancient demon emperor released billions of trillions of demon energy, directly destroying countless mountains and rivers!

The entire Nanling was shaken by it!

Di Jun sneered, holding the Heavenly Demon Palm and hitting the Ancient Demon Emperor's face.


With a loud noise, a figure was directly fanned out.

The ancient demon emperor suddenly felt his body crack, and he was shocked.

This Celestial Demon Palm blew him up in the Quasi-Saint Realm?


The ancient demon emperor screamed and roared, "I'm not reconciled!"

His body shattered, and his primordial spirit was still roaring.

Taichi sneered, and with a flick of his finger, the sun burst into flames.


In the screams of the ancient demon emperor, he was swallowed up by the true fire of the sun and turned into ashes.

The Demon Emperor's Palace, turned into nothingness!

Countless Demon Emperor Temple monks, before they could react, were immediately swallowed up by the true fire of the sun and turned to ashes.


Just as the Temple of the Demon Emperor was destroyed, Di Jun and Taiyi led hundreds of millions of demon clans and were about to go to battle the Temple of War.


The entire Nanling Mountains, all over the mountains and plains, are filled with countless barbarian armies.

The huge earthquake in the Demon Emperor's Hall was known by the Temple of War and the barbarians.

This War God Hall Master learned that there are hundreds of millions of troops, invading Nanling, and fighting the Demon Emperor Hall.

The Lord of the God of War knew something was wrong, so he came out of nowhere and went to find an alliance with the barbarians.

When the barbarian emperor learned that, he immediately dispatched numerous barbarian armies, together with monks from the Temple of War, to fight the hundreds of millions of demon soldiers who had invaded Nanling.

The Temple of War formed an alliance with the barbarians, and the Lord of the God of War and the barbarian emperor led the army to conquer the alien invasion.


The originally high mountains and dense forests of Nanling have turned into nothingness!

The army of hundreds of millions of demon clans fell into the battle cloud, led by several demon saints, arrayed on the ruins of the demon emperor hall.

The Lord of the God of War, the barbarian emperor strode out, and behind him are countless monks and barbarians of the God of War Temple.


"Why did you trespass into Nanling and kill the Demon God Temple Master!"

As soon as the voice fell, the War God Temple Master and the Barbarian Emperor were both startled.

The demon temple was gone, and the master of the demon temple was also killed.

Even the ancient demon emperor who stepped out of the ancient times was reduced to ashes.

These billions of otherworldly monsters are really powerful!

Emperor Jun Taiyi looked at the countless monks and barbarians in the Temple of War.

The second saint of the demon clan sneered and said, "We are here to destroy Nanling!"


A vast holy might, vented down.

The whole Nanling is trembling!

The barbarian emperor stabilized his figure, he was provoked!

The barbarian emperor was furious and shouted: "Destroy Nanling? What a big tone, where is my barbarian army?"


There was a loud noise, and all over the mountains and plains, there were barbarian armies.

The barbarian army, shouting loudly, shook the mountains.

This group of barbarian army, wielding giant axes, wielding sticks, and holding spears, slaughtered and left.

"Kill, kill a blood-stained sky and kill this group of invading alien ants!"

"Kill, let these otherworldly monsters know the power of barbarians!"


Dozens of barbarian powers, roaring, led the barbarian army to fight!

The three barbarian beasts of the barbarian clan, Canglong, Xuanwu, and Baihu, also shouted loudly and killed the demon clan.

The army of hundreds of millions of demon clans fell to Zhanyun and looked at it coldly.

Several demon saints said solemnly: "Kill, slaughter this Nanling force!"


Hundreds of millions of demon clan, wielding spears, wielding big axes.

A monster clan, burly stature.

A barbarian with a majestic figure.


As soon as the axe went down, the heads of several barbarians flew high, and blood gushed out of their necks.

The barbarian army, which bore the brunt, was hit hard.

Hundreds of millions of monsters are very tyrannical.

Among the barbarians, a barbarian elder who had lived for thousands of years roared, "Divine Archery!"


Countless barbarian armies shot out rows of ancient barbarian arrows!

Countless ancient divine arrows, with endless roars, cut through the void, cut through the Nanling Mountains, and cut through the chests of many demon races.

Flesh and blood flew, and countless monsters were shot and killed on the spot by the ancient divine arrows!


Several demon saints, exerting their supreme mana, drank in a deep voice, and rows of savage ancient divine arrows fell into the sky!

The army of monsters, one after another, slayed the army of barbarians.

Canglong, Xuanwu, and White Tiger, the three savage beasts, slaughtered towards the demon clan, rushing towards the camps of countless demon clans.

A demon saint, shouting loudly, slashed in the air, beheading the head of the white tiger beast!

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