The appearance of Amitabha Buddha seemed to make these Buddhist heavenly soldiers see hope.

Several ancient Buddhas followed Amitabha Buddha.

The entire Buddhist holy mountain has set off billions of Buddha lights.

The Buddha's light shrouded the Western Desert, and countless Buddhist monks in the Western Desert who were killed turned into streaks of brilliance and merged into the pagoda in the hands of Amitabha Buddha.


A powerful belief force suddenly appeared, covering the entire Western Desert.

The twelve gods and gods formed by the twelve ancestral witches, the Pangu real body, looked coldly at the void.

In the void, this belief force suddenly spread, covering the world.

At the same time, this belief force was suppressed towards Pangu's real body.

The real body of Pangu waved his hand, drank in a deep voice, and said, "Here comes the axe!"

In the endless void, a beam of brilliance fell into Pangu's hands with lightning speed.

Open the god axe!

Pan Gu grabbed the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe, drank it in a deep voice, and swung it hard.


This Heaven-Opening God Axe seems to reopen the world and split the chaos.

The entire void was cracked open by the power of the Heavenly God Axe.


Open the Heavenly God Axe and smash it.

All the Wu clan armies, the Buddhist heavenly soldiers, all looked up at the sky.


An axe light slammed away.

The faith that enveloped Western Desert Buddhism suddenly made a sound of cracking! .

Chapter 113


Pan Gu held the Heavenly God Axe in his hand and slashed straight at the belief power that enveloped the sky.

The power of an axe shook the land of trillions of trillions.

That belief force, as if cracked, was directly split by the Heaven-Opening God Axe!


The faith that enveloped the entire Western Desert dissipated.

Amitabha opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood, as if he had been severely injured.

Do not!

He roared, looking very pained and angry.


In the entire Western Desert, countless creatures came out from the broken faith.

These creatures looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

The power of belief was destroyed, and the foundation of West Desert Buddhism was severely damaged.

Several ancient Buddhas were furious.

Suddenly, a deep eye, full of hatred.

Amitabha glared at this Pangu figure.

"Destroy my faith in Ximo Buddhism, I want you to pay for my life!"


Amitabha waved his hand, and Ximo Buddhism's pole weapon appeared in the void!

Drop the magic pestle!

He folded his hands together and said solemnly, "Today, I will use the demon-subduing pestle to kill you and others!"

He shouted loudly, took out the demon pestle, and with a bang, smashed at Pangu.

This magic pestle, rising against the wind, is as huge as a trillion trillion.


A loud bang.

How could that pole weapon block the impact of the Heaven-Opening God Axe?

I saw that Amitabha's face changed suddenly, staring at the cracked demon pestle.

"how is this possible?"

Amitabha was dumbfounded and shocked.

This is West Desert Buddha's pole weapon.

All of a sudden, it was cracked?

He rubbed his eyes in shock, making sure he read it right.


Amitabha roared.

What is the origin of this alien ant?

A pole weapon was just cracked.

"Give it to me!"

Amitabha roared loudly, and led several ancient Buddhas to kill them.

The Buddha's light is shrouded, and the Buddha's shadow is heavy.

The cultivation techniques of Ximo Buddhism were all used one by one.

Several ancient Buddhas wanted to break through the great formation of the Twelve Capitals.

Pangu shouted loudly, opened the divine axe, and slashed in the air!


Several screams followed.

Several ancient Buddhas were beheaded on the spot, and their primordial spirits were shattered.


Amitabha roared and transformed into a billion bodies.


A beam of Buddha light shot towards Pan Gu.

Pangu sneered, and the divine axe cut through the void, cut through the universe, and cut through this Amitabha Buddha.


Amitabha cried out in agony, and his body was crumbling and trembling.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Amitabha roared in pain.

He finally founded Ximo Buddhism, how could he be destroyed by this other world?

Suddenly, Amitabha thought of something, and he said in shock: "Nanling, it's you who destroyed Nanling!"

He shouted loudly, showing an extremely shocked look.

What is the origin of this alien powerhouse?

Could it be that it was really them who destroyed Nanling?


Pangu shouted, opened the divine axe, and slashed at Amitabha Buddha.


"How could I be defeated by the otherworldly ants?"

With the unwilling Amitabha, he cried out in pain.

His Primordial Spirit was shattered and his body died.


The twelve ancestor witches, the condensed Pangu real body, dissipated away.

Countless witch tribes killed these countless Buddhist heavenly soldiers.

Every Buddhist Heavenly Soldier could not escape being slaughtered by the Wu clan.

Soon, none of the Buddhist soldiers survived.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch, destroying the Daleiyin Temple, destroying this Buddhist holy mountain, and destroying the Western Desert Buddhism.

Western Desert Buddhism, disappeared in the Western Desert.

From then on, the world did not know that there was Buddhism in the Western Desert!

It was another night, and the West Desert Fomen was slaughtered.

Even the most powerful being, the Amitabha Buddha, has his soul broken and his body dies.

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