Overnight, Nanling and Western Desert were all executed, shaking Zhongzhou, Beiyuan and Donghuang!

The land of Zhongzhou is full of gloom and mist!

The Nanling Mountains were destroyed, and the Western Desert was slaughtered.

Will Central State be invaded?

Countless Zhongzhou creatures are trembling and afraid to go out.

Great Xia Dynasty!

The battle song was loud, and the battle cloud shrouded.

The emperor of Guhua, the emperor of Jiuli, the emperor of Shenzhou, the three emperors of the immortal dynasty, with hundreds of millions of soldiers, gathered in the Daxia dynasty.

Countless Zhongzhou creatures seemed to see hope.

After sweeping away the haze, it boiled.


The emperors sat separately, with solemn expressions on their faces.

The Emperor Daxia swept away the three emperors and said in a solemn tone: "The situation is getting more and more serious. Nanling and Ximo have been destroyed one after another. We still have no clue as to who did it!"

Knowing that Xi Mo was slaughtered, the Emperor Daxia sent monks to find out.

As a result, one question and three do not know.

The creatures in the Western Desert don't even know what Buddhism is, and they seem to be brainwashed.

The Great Xia Emperor was immediately worried and hurriedly invited the three Emperors to discuss the matter.

The Emperor Guhua pondered for a moment, and said, "Nanling and Western Desert were destroyed, and the means were very cruel. I thought, could it be that space channel? I heard that this space channel is linked to another world!"

A space channel as large as [-] billion light-years appeared in the ancient forbidden land.

The Jiuli Emperor said in a deep voice: "The soldiers will come to block. The water will cover the earth, the gods will kill the gods, and the Buddha will kill the Buddha. My Lord Jiuli, I'm not afraid of these ants!"

The Emperor Shenzhou pondered for a moment, and said: "That said, but overnight, the Nanling West Desert was slaughtered one after another. Such strength is very tyrannical. Could it be that it is the existence of Xeon?"

"We seem to have overlooked a big problem. Even if it is the existence of Xeon, how did Nanling Ximo offend this powerful existence?"

Thinking of this, Emperor Daxia and Emperor Jiuli fell silent.

The emperors suddenly felt that this powerful existence was a bit unreasonable!

Emperor Jiuli said solemnly: "We are discussing here, and we can't guess the result. It is better to guard Zhongzhou and take precautions before it happens!"


The other three emperors nodded in unison.


Suddenly, a thunderous thunder sounded above the Great Xia Dynasty.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of war drums and the sound of dragon roars were heard.

The vast divine might descended from the sky.

Outside the palace, footsteps were chaotic.

A monk came to report with blood spurting from his mouth.

"Your Majesty, over my Daxia Dynasty, suddenly, hundreds of millions of dragons suddenly appeared!"


As soon as these words came out, the expression of the Great Xia Emperor suddenly changed.

Emperor Jiuli, Emperor Guhua, and Emperor Shenzhou were all shocked.

Billions of dragons?

The Emperor Daxia strode out, raised his head, stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.

In the void, war clouds shrouded, and war drums sounded.

Hundreds of millions of dragons seem to be swallowing up the Great Xia Dynasty.

Several dragon powerhouses unleashed vast divine might.

Shrouded in divine might, shocking the Great Xia Dynasty!

Emperor Jiuli said solemnly, "Who are you?"

The head of the hundreds of millions of dragon clan, a powerful being, said coldly: "I am Zulong, the patriarch of the dragon clan, today, destroy the Great Xia Dynasty!"

The ancestral dragon is mighty and powerful, and there is no one who can stop it!

When Emperor Jiuli heard the words, he smiled solemnly and said, "Destroy the Great Xia Dynasty, you are so loud!"

The Daxia Emperor's eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "I am the Daxia Emperor, my Daxia Dynasty, and I have nothing to do with the Dragon Clan. I don't know why Zulong violated my Daxia Dynasty!"

Zulong stood in the void and said indifferently: "I need a reason to destroy a small dynasty?"


With a loud bang, the Emperor Shenzhou waved his hand and said, "Please emperor soldiers!"

There was a huge earthquake in the void, and a divine cauldron, like swallowing the sky of all ages, descended from the sky and fell into the hands of the Divine Emperor.

This is the imperial soldier of the Shenzhou Dynasty.

God Ding!


The emperor of Shenzhou strode out and shouted: "Do you dare to fight me?"



Countless soldiers of the Shenzhou Dynasty shouted in unison.

The sound shook the four fields, resounding through the sky.

Zu Long saw this and sneered.


There was a huge earthquake in the void, and countless colorful clouds came one after another.

Above the colorful clouds, there is an army of hundreds of millions of Phoenix clan.

"Zu Long, I didn't expect you to arrive first!"

The person who came was Yuan Feng, the patriarch of the Feng Clan.

Beside him is Jiutian Kunpeng, the eldest son of the Feng clan.


There was a huge earthquake in the heaven and the earth, and a unicorn man who released a vast divine might descended from the sky.

"Zulong, Yuanfeng, my first unicorn has arrived!"

Behind the first unicorn, hundreds of millions of unicorns ride on the battle cloud.

It turned out that the dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and the three tribes saw the emperor Juntai of the demon clan battle the Nanling Mountains, and the twelve ancestors of the witch clan battle the Western Desert.

The three prehistoric clans are envious, and they do not want to fall behind the two lich clans.

The patriarchs of the three clans gathered together to discuss an alliance.

Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin all agreed to form an alliance.

Afterwards, the three tribes joined forces, and the alliance army stepped into the universe that covered the sky and fought in Zhongzhou!

The patriarchs of the three clans, the army of hundreds of millions of the three clans, stood on the endless clouds of battle.

This time, the emperor of Shenzhou, the emperor of Daxia and others were startled.

In this void, there are three major races, hundreds of millions of soldiers!

The Great Xia Emperor suddenly felt that he had encountered a formidable enemy!

The emperor of Shenzhou held the cauldron and shouted: "Who dares to fight me!"

Sound off!

When Jiutian Kunpeng heard the words, he sneered and said, "I'm coming!"


Nine Heavens Kunpeng, stepping into the air.

The breath of a strong man made the Emperor Soldier Divine Cauldron emit a humming sound.

The emperor of Shenzhou, holding the divine cauldron in one hand, and angrily pointing at Jiutian Kunpeng with the other.

"I am the emperor of Shenzhou, and I rule the dynasty of Shenzhou. You wait for the ants, don't you bow down?"

Jiutian Kunpeng sneered and said, "It's just ants, how dare you call yourself the emperor?"


Nine-day Kunpeng, rose into the sky, and killed the emperor of Shenzhou!

The emperor of Shenzhou directly sacrificed the divine cauldron and smashed it towards Jiutian Kunpeng!


Jiutian Kunpeng waved his big hand, and that terrifying divine power directly blocked Shen Ding.

Do not!

The emperor of Shenzhou, suddenly felt that Shending was suppressed.

He was about to collapse.

The imperial soldiers of the Divine Dynasty can devour the heavens and the world.

However, this Kunpeng's divine might suppressed the divine cauldron.

How can this be?

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