The emperor of Shenzhou was full of anger.

Jiutian Kunpeng sneered and turned into a body of billions, covering the sky.

This billion-dollar body covers the sky and the sun, showing supreme power!

The faces of countless soldiers of the Divine Dynasty changed suddenly, and they were shocked.

Who can stop this terrifying trend?


Jiutian Kunpeng's shape is like covering the sky and the sun, a hurricane, as if blowing from the abyss of the sky, straight to the cauldron.

The emperor of Shenzhou suddenly felt the hurricane rushing towards his face, and the divine cauldron also flew out of his hand and went straight to the sky.

The emperor of Shenzhou was shocked and shouted: "々` Return my emperor's soldiers!"

He was about to rush forward, but was suppressed by a divine might, unable to move.

"How dare a broken cauldron even be called an imperial soldier?"

Jiutian Kunpeng smiled jokingly, and stretched out his hand to crush the divine cauldron.


This cauldron suddenly turned into a situation of swallowing the sky and devouring the earth, but it was about to swallow the nine-day Kunpeng.

Countless spiritual energy was sucked in by Shen Ding.

Seeing this, Yuan Feng said solemnly, "You're just breaking the cauldron, you dare to be brave in front of me?"

Yuan Feng stepped forward, stretched out his hand and suppressed Shen Ding!


How could this piece of imperial soldiers resist the power of Yuanfeng, and it suddenly burst apart.

Yuan Feng stretched out his hand to wrap it and rolled the cauldron away.

Nine-day Kunpeng, standing in the void, swept away the emperor of Shenzhou.

Do not!

The emperor of Shenzhou roared and said angrily: "Damn, return my god!"

The countless armies of the Divine Dynasty under his command rushed towards Jiutian Kunpeng.


Jiutian Kunpeng directly lowered a divine power to suppress the soldiers of the Chinese Dynasty!

The army of hundreds of millions of Phoenix tribes fell into the battle cloud and killed the army of the Shenzhou Dynasty.

The expressions of the Daxia Emperor, Jiuli Emperor, and Guhua Emperor changed suddenly.

An almighty guarding the Great Xia Dynasty strode out and shouted, "Little birds, dare to go wild!"

This great power punched Jiutian Kunpeng with a punch.

The power of a punch, the surrounding is like annihilation.

Jiutian Kunpeng transformed into a form and shouted, "I'm afraid you won't succeed?"


As soon as the phoenix fist came out, the infinite source of heaven and earth condensed on the fist strength.

Jiutian Kunpeng took a step forward and punched him.


This almighty, with a scream, suddenly turned into ashes.

The Great Xia Emperor suddenly changed color.

He bowed devoutly, and said, "Please emperor soldiers!"


A giant earthquake in the void, a beam of brilliance, suddenly appeared.

A dragon roar resounds through the ages!

An imperial dragon energy, wrapped in a brilliance, (by Li Hao) suspended in the void.

The Emperor Daxia said with a pious expression: "The Taihuangjian was born and suppressed the heavens, who can resist?"

Hundreds of millions of troops, worship sincerely.


This Emperor Sword can almost crush the heavens and the world, a dragon hovering in the air.

Endless brilliance illuminates the sky.

The Jiuli Dynasty bowed devoutly and said, "Please emperor soldiers!"


Between heaven and earth, there was a tremor.

A dazzling ancient scroll flew out of the head of the Jiuli Emperor, suspended in the void, covering the sky and the sun.

This is the Jiuli map of the Jiuli Emperor, which can accommodate the heavens and the world, and smelt all things in the world.


As soon as the Taihuang Sword and Jiuli Map came out, countless soldiers of the immortal dynasty worshiped sincerely.

These two imperial soldiers also suppressed the army of the three clans.

Zu Long gave a deep smile and said, "I want this Emperor Sword!"

With a big wave of his hand, Zu Long stepped forward to take the Emperor Sword.


This Emperor Sword suddenly exudes a sword intent covering tens of thousands of miles.

A terrifying sword light slashed towards Zulong.

Zu Long sneered and directly sacrificed the Zulong seal, releasing hundreds of millions of brilliance, blocking this sword energy.


Infinite sword qi collided with Ancestral Dragon Seal, forming a strong wind sword light that annihilated the world one after another.

When the Emperor Daxia saw this, he immediately showed a sneer.

With the Taihuangjian, he will be able to suppress the dragon clan in the great Xia Dynasty.

The Jiuli Emperor drank in a deep voice, and Jiuli Tu was swallowed up by countless battle clouds in the void like swallowing the starry sky.

Above the battle clouds, there are hundreds of millions of soldiers!

"seal up!"

Shi Qilin stepped into the air and punched in the air, as if destroying the heavens and the world, towards the Jiuli map!

The Emperor Guhua shouted, and a golden battle suit appeared impressively.

This is the handed down holy soldier of the ancient Hua Dynasty.

At this moment, the three emperors all sacrificed imperial soldiers.

For a time, it will shock the heavens and the world!

The patriarchs of the three Honghuang clan looked at each other and laughed together! .

Chapter 114

Taihuang Sword, Jiuli Map, and Golden Battle Clothes!

It is extremely rare that three imperial soldiers of the Immortal Dynasty were born.

In the sound of the dragon's roar, the Taihuangjian flew into the air and slashed towards Zulong, but was blocked by Zulong with the Zulong seal.

Shi Qilin stepped out in one step, suppressing the Jiuli Tu that devoured all worlds.

The Emperor Daxia waved his hand and shouted in a deep voice, "The emperor's soldiers are out, where are the hundreds of millions of divine soldiers!"


The magical soldiers of the billions of immortal empires suddenly appeared.

The Emperor Daxia, the Emperor Jiuli, the Emperor Guhua, and the Emperor Shenzhou shouted loudly and said, "Hundreds of millions of divine soldiers, kill me!"


With the sound of killing, hundreds of millions of divine soldiers attacked the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn tribes.


The three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn have hundreds of millions of troops, killing hundreds of millions of divine soldiers.

A new plane battle has begun.

The Emperor Daxia urged the Taihuangjian to kill Zulong Liwei!


With a loud bang, the Emperor Sword released billions of brilliance.

A dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the world.

A celestial dragon rushed towards Zulong.


Zulong smiled in a deep voice, and the body of a trillion trillion turned into shape.

Countless battle clouds shrouded in, obscuring the sky and the sun.


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