That celestial dragon was trembling under the sacred power of Zulong.

Even the dragon spirit of the Great Xia Dynasty seemed to have collapsed.

The Emperor Daxia took out the Taihuang Sword and shouted, "Please, the emperor's soldiers, kill this dragon for my Daxia Dynasty."


The Taihuangjian slashed into the air, and an extremely terrifying sword glow suddenly appeared.

The momentum of the sword glow seemed to split the sky.


Zulong stretched out his dragon claws, like a trillion trillions, to suppress the Taihuangjian.


The claw of the ancestor dragon directly grabbed the sword of the emperor.

How can this Taihuang sword block the prestige of the ancestor dragon?

The Emperor Daxia was furious and shouted, "Return my Emperor Sword!"

He shouted loudly and flew into the air.

Zulong drank in a deep voice, and the dragon claws were sacrificed.


A great power of the Daxia Dynasty came to the sky to fight Zulong.

Before he could use the magic weapon, he was directly smashed by Zulong's claw.

This great power exploded with a bang, and died.

Countless divine soldiers of the immortal dynasty were pressing towards the army of the three clans.

The army of the three clans, led by the elders of the dragon clan, the elders of the phoenix clan, and the elders of the Qilin clan, killed these countless immortal soldiers.

The Emperor Gu Hua shouted loudly, took out the golden battle clothes, and came to fight Yuan Feng.

The Jiuli Emperor sacrificed the Jiuli map to suppress the heavens.

Shi Qilin sneered, and a beam of brilliance turned into a trillion trillion and hit the Jiuli map.


Jiulitu suffered such an impact, and his time suddenly diminished.

The Jiuli Emperor was shocked and shouted: "You dare to destroy the Jiuli map of my Jiuli Dynasty, it is a death penalty!"

With a loud shout, the Jiuli Emperor Qi turned into a sword soaring to the sky and slashed towards the first unicorn.

"The power of ants, dare to make a mistake?"

Shi Qilin slapped it with a fluttering palm, hitting the sword directly.


This soaring sword suddenly turned into a spider web crack and shattered.

Jiuli's imperial qi suddenly decreased sharply!

Emperor Jiuli was furious.


He resorted to the ancient method of the Jiuli Dynasty, turned into a burly and savage body, and came to fight the unicorn.

Shi Qilin sneered, stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

His fingertips shot out a brilliance.


Only a sound was heard, and the burly body of Emperor Jiuli was pierced by Shi Qilin's finger.


There were also cobweb-like cracks on the body of Emperor Jiuli.

In an instant, Emperor Jiuli died.


The emperor Jiuli was slaughtered, and the emperor Daxia, the emperor Guhua, and the emperor Shenzhou were furious.

The three emperors, drank in a deep voice, the fighting spirit is shocking!

Countless immortal soldiers, killing countless armies of three tribes.

The blood dyed the earth red, the sky red, and Zhongzhou red!

Ancestral Dragon transformed into shape and stood up in the sky.

With a big wave of his hand, he shouted, "Slaughter hundreds of millions of dynasty ants!"


Hundreds of millions of dragons roared loudly, and the sound shook the heavens.


The imperial soldiers, forming various defenses, want to block hundreds of millions of dragons.

The dragon clan roared, and the sound shook the sky.

Overturned rivers and seas, bloody waves!

The entire void is trembling, trembling.

Countless imperial soldiers have been reduced to ashes.

There are also dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, who were killed by the imperial soldiers.

The Great Xia Emperor came to fight Zulong with a sword in hand.

This sword released an incomparably turbulent power.

Zu Long drank in a deep voice and waved his palms to disperse the surging power instantly.

The Great Xia Emperor shouted, blood spurted from his mouth, and his whole body trembled.

too strong!

This Ancestral Dragon took away his Emperor Sword and defeated him.

The Emperor Daxia raised his hands to the sky and roared in grief: "The emperor, the emperor, beg the emperor, save my Daxia Dynasty."

The Emperor Daxia shouted, and a bloody altar appeared out of thin air.

This blood-colored altar is shrouded in endless imperial aura!

The Emperor Daxia bowed devoutly, bang bang loudly.

In the void, the souls of the slain soldiers all entered this bloody altar.

In the altar, the blood was tumbling, like a stormy sea.

Emperor Guhua, Emperor Jiuli smiled proudly, as if seeing hope.

Yuan Feng released endless flames and directly burned the Emperor Gu Hua to death.


The Emperor Gu Hua screamed and shouted desperately: "The emperor, the ancestor, save me!"

He was swallowed up by flames and instantly annihilated!

Emperor Jiuli was startled and hurried back.

Shi Qilin stepped into the air and took one step, shattering the image of Jiuli, the imperial soldier of the Jiuli Dynasty.

One step, the heart of the Jiuli Emperor was shocked!

One step, Emperor Jiuli screamed, and died!

The Great Xia Emperor is extremely sad and angry.

He quickly stepped onto the altar and shouted, "The Emperor!"


The Emperor Daxia jumped directly into the altar.

"The Emperor!"

"The Emperor!"

Countless magic soldiers were shocked.

Immediately, the expressions of these countless divine soldiers suddenly changed, and they all went to the bloody altar.

Ancestral Dragon's power was shocking, and he said solemnly: "It seems that in this bloody altar, there will be a strong man of the Immortal Dynasty!"

Yuan Feng heard the words and said coldly: "Then kill this strong man together!"

The patriarch of the three clans looked towards the bloody altar.


Soaring blood, rendering the sky!

A figure of the emperor walked out of the bloody altar.

"I came from the ancient times, who would dare to destroy my Daxia Dynasty!"

The comer is full of imperial energy and is very tyrannical.

He is the ancestor of the Great Xia Dynasty.


He looked coldly at the patriarch of the three clans and said angrily, "Who are you waiting for?"

The emperor noticed that the Great Xia Dynasty was in a mess, and the casualties were irrelevant!

He came from the ancient times, his expression was cold and very angry.

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