Looking at the battlefield, Ye Xiandi's face became more and more ugly!


Another great emperor, turned to ashes! .

Chapter 117



Blood, dyed the sky red, dyed the universe, and dyed the heavens and the world!

The battle between the ancient ancestors and the great emperors covering the sky was very tragic.

Many great emperors, unable to resist, fell on the spot and died.

The ancestors of Honghuang looked very excited when they looked at the slaughtered emperors.

When Emperor Jinwu saw the fall of these great emperors, he couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

He scolded a swear word and jumped straight into the air.

"Ancestor Sun, I won't play with you anymore, I finally came out!"

He sighed in the air and finally got rid of the shadow of Sun Ancestor, which made him feel relieved.

Old Ancestor Sun smiled and said, "I have already said that you are destined to live in my shadow!"

With a loud shout, the True Sun Fire Flag directly covered the Golden Crow Emperor in the sky.

Emperor Jinwu looked flustered and wanted to escape, where could he escape?

Sun Ancestor waved his big hand, and the Sun True Fire Banner directly wrapped the Jinwu Emperor.



Many great emperors died tragically under the magic weapon of their ancestors and fell on the spot.

Ye Xiandi's face was rather ugly.

The Ruthless Empress who was covered by the mask could not see her expression.

30 now!

The Beginning Emperor's divine eyes sank, and his deep eyes were full of killing intent!


In the void, an emperor-level powerhouse strode out.

"My Chaos Emperor is the body of Chaos. You wait for the ants, can you dare to fight?"

"My great emperor at the beginning of the world, I want to wipe out the ants in the great wasteland!"

"My Emperor Yuhua, who came from the ancient times, you wait for the ants in the wild, who dares to fight?"

"My Golden Emperor, sweep you away today!"


Above the heavenly court, the heavens and the myriad worlds shook violently!

There are only a few of the emperors who were resurrected by Emperor Ye Xiandi.

These several great emperors were furious and mighty.


In the prehistoric camp, several ancestors also strode out.

These ancestors have tasted the sweetness of earning merit, and they have sacrificed magic weapons.

Several great emperors drank in a deep voice and sacrificed their soldiers.

For a time, the brilliance covered the sky, and countless stars, unable to resist these magic weapons and imperial soldiers, shattered one after another.


The Chaos Emperor stepped forward, he came from the ancient times, held the emperor's soldiers, and slashed at an ancestor.

This old ancestor laughed loudly in the sky, and a big killing weapon covering hundreds of trillions of trillions burst out.

Before the Chaos Emperor took the second step, he was killed on the spot by this big killer.

A strand of primordial spirit shattered instantly, and the body died and the Tao disappeared!

The expressions of the Great Emperor, Golden Emperor, and Yuhua Emperor all changed suddenly.

"how is this possible?"

The Golden Emperor was stunned on the spot.

This Chaos Emperor is a very powerful existence.

But was killed on the spot by an ancestor's big killer?

The Golden Emperor was furious, and his body released a terrifying Golden Emperor Qi, which was dazzling and dazzling.

An ancestor of the great wilderness stepped forward and shouted: "My ancestor of Qingtian, I will fight with you!"


The void trembled, the universe roared.

This ancestor who lifted the sky, waved his hand, forming a momentum of lifting the sky, and came to fight the Golden Emperor.

The Golden Emperor said angrily, "You are like ants, you dare to go wild?"

With a loud shout, the Golden Emperor stepped forward directly, and a fierce imperial soldier flashing with golden light slashed towards the ancestor of Qingtian!

The ancestor of Qingtian used the sky-high spell to lift the sky.

The mighty power shrouded the land of trillions of trillions.


The Emperor Bing collided with Qingtian, and the surroundings were like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, which was very terrifying.

Countless stars were instantly annihilated.

Heaven is about to collapse.

Many Heavenly Court powerhouses were shocked: "This decisive battle between the ancient ancestors and the ancient emperors is indeed terrifying!"

The gods in the heavenly court looked towards Emperor Ye Xian.

That Immortal Ye, standing in the void, shone with deep eyes.

Earth shakes!

As Qingtian's hand and the emperor's army broke apart, the Qingtian ancestor and the Golden Emperor each took a step back.

The flood camp.

Many ancestors, eager to try, want to earn merit.

Nuwa, Sanqing, and the two saints of the demon clan all looked at the Zhetian camp.


Just when the Golden Emperor confronted the ancestor Qingtian, a terrifying figure stepped forward!

"Wait for a truce, I'll come!"

The sound fell, and the volley grabbed the Golden Emperor behind him.

This golden emperor, but an emperor-level powerhouse, was grabbed by this person and placed directly behind him.

He was furious, and was about to reason, when he saw this powerful figure, his face suddenly changed.

This powerful figure is not someone else, but the Beginningless Great Emperor watching the battle.

The Great Emperor Wushi stood in the void, his stern eyes fell on the ancestor Qingtian.

The ancestor Qingtian knew that if he killed the Great Emperor Wubei, he would definitely earn more merits.

He was heartbroken and decided to take a risk!


The ancestor Qingtian stepped forward, causing countless stars to tremble.

The hand that lifted the sky seemed to come out of the void and grabbed it towards the Great Emperor Wubei.

The Beginning Emperor raised his head, his stern eyes were as deep as an abyss.


When he uttered these two words coldly, he saw the great hand of the Great Emperor Wu Beginning, and a beam of brilliance turned into a giant blade soaring to the sky, directly severing the giant palm up to the sky and slashing it in the air!

Old Ancestor Qingtian was taken aback.

Before he could react, the giant blade in the sky slashed directly at him.


This Qingtian ancestor shouted, and before he could dodge, he was killed on the spot by the Great Emperor Wubei!


To kill Qingtian's ancestor, the Beginning Great Emperor with a cold expression stepped forward.

A holy power fell from the void, covering the land of trillions of trillions.

"My Great Emperor Wushi, today will be the Heavenly Court, sweeping you and others!"

The Great Emperor Wu Shi swept away the prehistoric camp and said solemnly: "You wait for the prehistoric ants, who would dare to fight against me!"


The Beginning Emperor unleashed infinite holy might.

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