The mighty holy majesty shakes the heavens and the world!


A gigantic phantom appeared in the void.

On it, there is an imperial soldier, as if suppressing this huge incomparable phantom.

The cold and ruthless female emperor looked up and said softly, "Fengshen Bang!"


In the void, there was a bell from the ancient times.

As soon as the bell rang, all the worlds trembled.

All the powerhouses in the heavenly court showed horrified expressions.

In the prehistoric camp, some ancestors are eager to move.

These old ancestors knew that the Beginning Great Emperor was stronger than the rest of the great emperors.

If you can kill, you can earn more merit.

Isn't the prehistoric world fighting the sky and the universe just to earn merit?

Several ancestors, with a deep smile, strode out!


In the void, a vast holy might vented down.

This holy power directly stopped several ancestors and set foot on the way forward.

The expressions of several ancestors changed suddenly and looked up.

But seeing a demon emperor covering hundreds of millions of trillions, he strode out.

"You wait, step back, the Emperor Taiyi of my east, fight him!"

The sound shook the sky, the sky and the earth cracked.

This powerhouse is the Emperor Taiyi of the Second Saint of the Monster Race!

The Chaos Bell above his head is so powerful!

When several ancestors heard the words, they were all a little angry. .

Chapter 118


The great emperors who cover the sky are all falling.

That powerful existence, the Great Emperor Wubei killed the ancestor Qingtian and stepped forward.

The cold and deep eyes swept away the great powers of the prehistoric people.

The corner of his mouth raised a sneer.

Several old ancestors were about to go forward, but were stopped by the East Emperor Taiyi.

The vast holy prestige blocks the way of several ancestors.

Several ancestors were a little angry.

One of the ancestors said solemnly: "Tai Daoyou, you have been sanctified, why don't you give this opportunity to earn merit to us!"

As soon as Dong Huangtai heard the words, his eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "This Beginning Great Emperor, possessing holy power, if you wait for a battle, it is like sending death!"

A grumpy old ancestor shouted: "It is worth dying!"


Several ancestors stepped forward.

Dong Huangtai's expression darkened and he ignored it.

Several ancestors sacrificed magic weapons and looked at the Great Emperor Wu Beginning.

"Our ancestors, come to fight the ants that cover the sky!"

Several ancestors shouted, and the magic weapon they sacrificed rushed towards the Great Emperor Wubei.

The Great Emperor Wushi stood with his hands behind his back, and he said coldly: "A group of ants, also come to die!"


The vast Shengwei descended directly from the sky and suppressed an ancestor on the spot.

The rest of the ancestors, their expressions changed slightly, still sacrificed magic weapons and killed him.

With a wave of the Great Emperor Wu Beginning's hand, the Conferred God Ranking turned into a tens of millions of trillions, and on it, countless avenues of runes were engraved.

Do not!

Even Dao is in this list of gods, trembling, trembling!

This list of gods is really terrifying, and it shocked the avenues!

Several ancestors suddenly felt the horror of the Conferred God List, the land of trillions of trillions, turned into chaos.

Several ancestors seem to be trapped in chaos.

When the Great Dao comes, the heavens and the world will be annihilated.


Countless avenues runes, shocking the sky and the world.

The Beginning Great Emperor, standing proudly and stalwartly, instantly became the nightmare of several ancestors!

These ancestors seemed to have thought of something, and they all looked very frightened.

Emperor Ye Xiandi stood in the sky, and when he saw the Great Emperor Wushi suppressing several ancestors with the Conferred God List, a thought flashed in his heart.

"As expected of the Great Emperor without Beginning 々~!"

In the past, he was also favored by the Great Emperor Wu Shi, and he also fought side by side with the Great Emperor Wu Shi.

Emperor Ye Xiandi was full of heroic appearance, his hair like a waterfall, and he looked into the distance.

Today, in order to cover the sky and the universe, he once again fought side by side with the Beginning Emperor.

"Today, the Great Emperor Wu Shi and I will kill these flood ants that invade the universe. When the time comes, we will fight the flood, kill the heavens, and take the flood as our own!"

Immortal Ye looked at the space passage that was [-] billion light-years in size, located in the ancient forbidden area!

Back then, it had been a long time since he suppressed the ancient forbidden land.


Several ancestors were trapped in the Conferred God List, trapped in chaos.

The Great Emperor Wu Shi swept away these ancestors and sneered: "Wait for the ants, today, die!"


As soon as the word "death" came out, the void shook and the universe trembled.

Several ancestors suddenly changed their expressions.


The Beginning Emperor unleashed a vast holy power to kill several ancestors!

In the void, suddenly, a large bell emitting five colors of light appeared.

This bell released a vast chaotic energy.

Five colors of light, illuminating the heavens.

The vast holy might, shocking the earth.

It was Dong Huang Taiyi who sacrificed the Chaos Bell.

As soon as the Chaos Bell came out, it directly penetrated the holy power of the Great Emperor Wubei, and shattered the chaos that trapped several ancestors.

Several ancestors were frightened when they suddenly saw chaos split open.

One of the ancestors used supreme mana to tear apart the cracked chaos.

In an instant, several ancestors escaped.

"We would like to thank Mr. Tai for saving his life!"

"We would like to thank Mr. Tai for saving his life!"

These ancestors escaped, and they are very grateful to Donghuang Taiyi.

If it wasn't for the help of the East Huangtai, several ancestors would have died and disappeared.

With a big wave of Dong Huangtai, he recalled the Chaos Bell.

The Chaos Bell hovered directly above Donghuang Taiyi's head.

The flood camp!

Sanqing looked at each other and knew that Donghuang Taiyi was a saint of heaven.

In this battle, he will definitely be able to defeat the Beginning Emperor!

Di Jun looked at the battlefield and said solemnly, "If Tai Yi can't beat Wu Shi, I'll go and help him!"

Di Jun secretly sacrificed Hetu Luoshu!


Donghuang Taiyi, with the Chaos Clock above his head, headed towards the Great Emperor Wubei.

Stepping out one step, the power of the sage shakes the heavens and the world.

Ye Xiandi's eyes sank, and he saw that this prehistoric powerhouse was a saint!


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