At this moment, no matter who they are, they are shocked and trembling.

The six ancestors of the Great Desolation were all killed in an instant.

This Immortal Emperor Ye is really tyrannical.

The six ancestors were directly swept away.

The powerhouses in the heavenly court were very happy as if they had seen hope.

"As expected of Emperor Ye Xiandi!"

"Emperor Ye's suppression of the ancient world will surely sweep away the ants in the wild!"

"Yeah, all the six great ancestors of the Great Wilderness were killed, Immortal Ye is mighty!"

The powerhouses in the heavenly court were overjoyed and discussed one after another.

The flood camp!

The six ancestors were killed, and the rest of the ancient ancestors, although angry, were also frightened.

The ancestor of Ming He, holding the sea of ​​blood in his hand, stepped forward.

"I'm coming!"

He entrusted his primordial spirit to the way of heaven, and he has already proven and sanctified.

Therefore, he is sure to defeat this Immortal Emperor Ye.

Holding the sea of ​​ghostly blood in his hand, the ancestor of Ming He stepped out in one step.


A universe, unable to resist the ancestor of Ming He, exploded with a bang.

Countless stars were instantly annihilated!

Ancestor Ming He waved his hand, and [-] million blood gods roared out.

"I'm here to fight this surnamed Ye, you are Honghuang, and I will fight against those countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals!"


Four hundred and eighty million blood gods roared to kill countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

Hundreds of trillions of prehistoric army, and billions of trillions of soldiers and generals, launched a fierce battle of planes.

Ancestor Ming He pointed at Immortal Emperor Ye, and said solemnly, "He who's surnamed Ye, I'll come!"

When Emperor Ye Xian heard this, he smiled solemnly and said, "It's just ants, how dare you make trouble?"


He held the imperial soldiers and slashed towards the ancestor of Ming He!

The land of trillions and trillions is trembling!

The land of trillions of trillions has been reduced to ruins!

Ancestor Ming He waved his big hand, and Yuantu Abi's double swords suddenly came out.


The land of billions and trillions is shrouded in the ferocious aura of Yuantu Abi's double swords.

The two magic weapons of the ancestor Ming He, and the imperial soldiers of Emperor Ye Xian, fought fiercely in an instant!

Ancestor Ming He gave a deep smile and said, "If you surrender, I will not die!"

Ye Xiandi's face turned cold, and he shouted: "Arrogant!"

With a loud shout, the fighting spirit around him surged.

Infinite fighting intent enveloped the sky.

This Immortal Emperor Ye screamed in the sky, and with a bang, he smashed his fist at the ancestor of Ming He.

The fist style is like splitting chaos, and the fist sound is more like a sonic boom.

This Immortal Emperor Ye's madness is shocking, shocking the heavens and the world!

Ancestor Ming He drank in a deep voice and said, "I'm afraid you won't succeed?"


He stepped out in one step and punched in the air, as if shattering the sky.

In the land of billions and trillions, countless stars are annihilated, and countless galaxies are trembling! .

Chapter 123


Void giant earthquake, the universe collapses!

Crazy as Immortal Emperor Ye, as powerful as the ancestor of Ming He!

The two powerful beings slammed their fists.

The entire sky was annihilated in an instant.

This punch, really terrifying, directly pierced through countless galaxies.

Time has stopped.

Ye Xiandi's cold eyes were like lightning, he looked at the ancestor of Ming He, and said solemnly: "Today, I will clear the floods!"

The second punch comes in an instant!

The heaven and the earth shook, and the fist was so strong that it shocked countless great powers.


Ancestor Ming He didn't flinch, and punched him away.

The two powerful beings collided with fists again.

However, this punch made Ancestor Ming He's blood tumble.


Ancestor Ming He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Above his head, Yuantu Abi's double swords suddenly swayed.

Emperor Ye Xiandi sneered and punched again, with a violent momentum of billions of trillions, and smashed at the ancestor of Ming He.

Time stopped and the universe collapsed.

This punch smashes all obstacles!


The fist is extremely powerful, and the entire universe that covers the sky is collapsing and destroying!

Countless creatures were instantly annihilated in this fist.

With this punch, the ancestor Ming He was directly defeated.

He knew the power of this Immortal Emperor Ye, and hurriedly fled back to the prehistoric formation!

Ancestor Ming He, lost!

As a saint, he knew that this was a great shame.

Yuantu Abi's double swords returned to his hands in an instant.

Ancestor Ming He looked at Immortal Ye and said coldly, "Ye, you are very strong!"

Zhang Bairen and other experts in the heavenly court were full of breath and were very excited.

Emperor Ye Xiandi defeated a saint in the Great Desolation.

Like, who can stop it?

Emperor Ye Xian stood proudly holding the imperial soldiers.

His black hair was like a waterfall, and it was raised wantonly.

A pair of star eyes, revealing a deep look like abyss.

He stepped out one step, and the galaxy disappeared!

"Wait for the ants in the wild, who dares to fight me!"

Emperor Ye Xiandi is unparalleled in style, arrogant and uninhibited.

Just this sentence made the galaxy collapse.

Countless heavenly soldiers and generals looked up.

The universe that covers the sky, the heavens and the myriad worlds, Immortal Ye is invincible!


In the prehistoric camp, a Taoist came from the air.

He looked cold and arrogant.

Step out, hundreds of millions of stars suddenly passed away.

"My Yuanshi Tianzun, fight with you 々~!"

The comer is the Yuanshi Tianzun of the Three Purities, a saint of the Tao of Heaven.

Yuanshi Tianzun has been paying attention to the battlefield.

This Immortal Emperor Ye, beheading six ancestors, defeated the ancestors of Minghe, he saw all of them.

He saw that Immortal Emperor Ye was even crazier than him, and couldn't help showing a smile.

"With such aptitude, if you can be my disciple, that would be great!"

A thought flashed in Yuanshi Tianzun's mind.

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