He strode forward and looked at Emperor Ye.

When Emperor Ye Xian heard this, he smiled arrogantly and said, "You might as well be Ming He, leave as soon as possible!"

He obviously despised Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face turned cold and angry.


With the Pangu flag on his head, he stepped forward.

Immediately, five colors of light shone on the heavens.

The vast holy prestige, shocking the world!

Yuanshi Tianzun not only did not retreat, but stepped forward.

Emperor Ye Xian snorted coldly and said, "I told you to retreat, but you were looking for death, no matter what, I will kill him today!"


Ye Xiandi shouted loudly, volleyed a punch, and hit the Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun stood under the Pangu banner, not afraid of danger.


With a violent momentum of trillions of trillions, Emperor Ye Xiandi slammed onto Pangu Fan with a punch.

This Pangu flag was standing still, not even the five-colored ray of light was dejected.

Yuanshi Tianzun, standing under the Pangu banner, sneered, without any fear.

Immortal Ye was shocked!

With this punch, he defeated Old Ancestor Ming He and shook the heavens and the world.

However, under this Pangu banner, it can't play any role.


Emperor Ye Xian was furious, he shouted loudly and punched Pangu Fan again.

This punch is like breaking through countless universes, and the power is even stronger!

Zhang Bairen and other experts in the heavenly court were shocked.

Compared to the punch just now, this punch is enough to reshape the world!

It seemed that Emperor Ye's punch would definitely shatter the banner that enveloped the sage of the Great Desolation!

Laozi, Tongtian, with expressionless faces.

The Second Sage knew that this Pangu Banner had the power to tear apart the primordial chaos and shatter the heavens, time and space.

It can even create the boundless flag, control the power of the myriad laws and profound meanings, and open up the power of the universe.

This Immortal Emperor Ye's fist strength can't hurt Pangu Fan at all!


Immortal Ye threw a punch, and the world was collapsing and destroying.

This punch hit Pangu Fan with a bang.

However, Pangu Fan was still unaffected.

This Immortal Emperor Ye couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

He suddenly realized that this magic weapon is really terrifying!

Yuanshi Tianzun, with the Pangu flag above his head.

He sneered and shouted in a deep voice, "Destroy!"


In an instant, a terrifying mystery of annihilation poured out from the Pangu banners, instantly covering the land of trillions and trillions!

Break the world!


This profound meaning of annihilation, instantly destroys countless heavenly soldiers and generals, and destroys the universe that covers the sky!

Even, Immortal Emperor Ye was directly knocked out and sprayed blood.

The mighty Ye Xiandi was injured.

Zhang Bairen and other experts in the heavenly court showed a look of fear.

This profound meaning of annihilation directly destroyed the heaven!


Ye Xiandi shouted angrily, and regardless of the injury, he punched Pangu Fan again.

"々' Broken!"

Yuanshi Tianzun drank in a deep voice.

But seeing that the void in front of Immortal Ye was torn apart, even time, time and space were being torn apart.

What was torn apart was the punch of Emperor Ye Xiandi, his clothes, and his body.

Do not!

Emperor Ye Xian roared wildly and hurriedly backed away.

This profound meaning of breaking, directly tore the long river of time.

The entire void was also torn apart and extremely dark.

Countless cosmos powerhouses were torn apart before they responded.

Blood stained the sky!

Chaos Void.

Covering the heavens and the universe, he roared angrily.

Emperor Ye Xiandi was naked, and his body was torn apart with shocking scars from this profound meaning!

His face was full of anger, and he shouted sharply: "I, how can (the king's) be defeated by your hands, absolutely impossible!"

He is still roaring, roaring wildly, shaking the heavens and the world!


When Emperor Ye Xian was shouting angrily, a light suddenly flashed in his mind.

This is an idea that emerges from the avenue.

When Immortal Ye was furious, there was a sudden burst of ecstasy.

This is simply prepared for him!

Emperor Ye looked up at the broken starry sky, the collapsed universe.

This vast world, this vast universe, and the stars are all exploding.

"My chance has come!"

Ye Xiandi was excited, he stood in this void, enjoying the countless stars, rushing towards him.

One after another divine brilliance bloomed in an instant.

"This kid has some qualifications!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said in his heart that he wanted to accept him as his disciple!

Immortal Ye's whole body was incomparably brilliant, like gold.

At the same time, endless blood energy, like a real dragon, rushed out of his heavenly cover.


In an instant, the punishment came! .

Chapter 124


In an instant, the heavenly punishment came, shocking the heavens!

Even Emperor Ye Xiandi was shocked by this terrifying punishment.

Zhang Bairen and other heavenly powerhouses were shocked.

The flood camp!

Those gods in the wild are very depressed.

This Yuanshi Tianzun, why didn't he take the opportunity to fight against Ye Xiandi?

What is he waiting for?

Tongtian's lips twitched, something to say.

Lao Tzu glanced at him and smiled meaningfully.

The three clear minds were connected, and Tongtian instantly understood.

"I see!"

Tongtian thought in his heart, and also gave birth to the meaning of accepting disciples.


God's punishment came, and it was violent to the point of terror.

Jiuxiao was shocked by thunder, shocking the heavens, and madly vented down.

The entire Xinghai was submerged.

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