However, Emperor Ye Xiandi, who stood above the sea of ​​stars, was punished by thunder and heaven!

This is simply to summon countless thunder tribulations and smash them frantically on Ye Xiandi's body.

This Immortal Emperor Ye was naked and fearless in the face of the Thunder Jietian Punishment.

Zhang Bairen and other Heavenly Court powerhouses are all very worried.

"Emperor Ye, you must hold on!"

Heavenly court powerhouses are all praying for Ye Xiandi in their hearts.


The terrifying light suddenly flashed, and countless stars were directly shattered and annihilated.

As for Emperor Ye Xiandi, who was standing in the Sea of ​​Thunder, there were bloodstains on his naked upper body.

Every Thunder Tribulation Dao is tempering his body.

This is the catastrophe of the saint!

Ye Xiandi was ecstatic in his heart, and he went up and down with the sea of ​​thunder.

One after another bloodstain, shocking.

However, Emperor Ye Xiandi endured the pain of bloodstains, gritted his teeth, and resisted this catastrophe.

Either die or perish forever!

Either resist, come to the saints!

He raised his head and looked at the void, his deep eyes suddenly released a brilliance, like a flame.

The majestic thunder robbery and punishment swept across the land of trillions of trillions.

In this sea of ​​calamities, Emperor Ye Xian suffered one disaster after another.



Thunder robbery in the sky, blasting towards him.

The magic weapon on his body was shattered, but his Tao, his belief, and his will were unshakable, as hard as iron!

"My body is immortal and will last forever!"

Ye Xiandi let out a long roar and punched the thunder robbery in the void.


The power of the saint is overwhelming, shaking the universe.

Emperor Ye, his hair is like a waterfall, and his eyes are as deep as a starry sky.

His aura is very tyrannical, and he has the power of being the only one who respects me.

He stood in the void, like a rock.

He is sanctified!

"Sanctified, Immortal Ye has become sanctified!"

Zhang Bairen and other Heavenly Court experts were very happy.

Immortal Ye was sanctified, they were saved!

Covering the universe, there is still hope!

The flood camp!

Many ancient ancestors and great powers were very shocked and full of doubts.

Yuanshi Tianzun, why wait for Emperor Ye to become a saint?

When you are not sanctified, isn't it fragrant to kill directly?

Could it be that the arrogant Yuanshi Tianzun wants to wait for Emperor Ye to become a saint before fighting him?


All the great powers of the Great Desolation have been blinded.

Except for Yuanshi and Tongtian, none of them understand what Yuanshi Tianzun means.

An ancestor roared in surprise: "Daoist Yuanshi, why didn't you kill this surnamed Ye when he was not holy? Now that he is holy, wouldn't it be more difficult to kill him?"

Yuanshi Tianzun heard the words, turned around, and looked at the old ancestor with deep eyes.

"When I started doing things, it was not your turn to teach. Even if he became a saint, in my opinion, he would be like an ant."

The old ancestor heard the words, snorted, and stopped talking.

Anyway, it was you who fought from the beginning, not him!

Chaos Void!

Covering the heavens and the universe, he burst into laughter.

"Haha, my Immortal Ye is extremely tyrannical, who would dare to fight against him?"

This is something to be happy about.

Even if he was suppressed by the Great Desolate Heaven, he couldn't stop his excitement.

Qin Tian heard the words and looked at the battlefield that covered the sky.

The primordial spirit of Yuanshi is entrusted with the way of heaven.

He instantly knew what Yuan Shi was thinking, and why he allowed Emperor Ye to be sanctified!

Cover the universe!


Emperor Ye Xian drank in a deep voice and looked at Yuanshi Tianzun.

"I have been sanctified, do you dare to fight me?"

Emperor Ye Xian stood proudly and was very tyrannical.

Yuanshi Tianzun heard the words, smiled lightly, and said: "What can I do to become a saint? In my opinion, you are like an ant."


Yuanshi Tianzun has the Pangu flag above his head, as majestic as the sky.

When Emperor Ye Xian heard this, he was furious.

He has been sanctified, and this Primordial Beginning still looks down on him so much.


Emperor Ye Xian shouted loudly and punched Yuanshi Tianzun.

He who was sanctified was indeed tyrannical.

This punch is like breaking the sky of a trillion trillions of trillions.


With the power of one punch, countless galaxies collapsed and annihilated.

This punch went straight to Pangu Fan.


Emperor Ye Xiandi smashed Pangu Fan with a punch.

However, the Pangu flag was only shaking.

Immortal Ye was taken aback, this Pangu banner, even if he was sanctified, couldn't be shattered?


Emperor Ye Xian shouted angrily, took a step, and threw another punch.

Zhang Bairen and other Heavenly Court experts were stunned.

How powerful is Immortal Ye's punch.

But this Pangu flag is still shaking?


Ye Xiandi, who looked annoyed, shouted and punched again.

This punch is like breaking the universe and reshaping the world.


On the Pangu flag, a brilliance suddenly released, as if swallowing the sky and devouring the earth.

Emperor Ye Xiandi punched, causing Pangu Fan to make a loud bang.

Even that piece of brilliance was cracked.

Such a change made Emperor Ye Xian's face full of joy.

Finally, is it finally going to shatter this Pangu flag?

Can I finally be ashamed?

Hair like a waterfall, very public!

Emperor Ye Xian drank in a deep voice, held the imperial soldiers, and slashed at Pangu Fan.


The power of a slash is very tyrannical.

However, as soon as the imperial soldier collided with Pangu Fan, he was immediately shattered.

Emperor Ye Xiandi was taken aback and hurried back.


He became a saint, but he still couldn't break the Pangu banner.

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