An unprecedented sense of frustration made Immortal Ye very angry and furious!

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Emperor Ye Xian, he smiled lightly, and said: "Emperor Ye, I feel that you are quite qualified, I want to accept you as a disciple, are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

The words of the beginning of the Yuan shook the floods and the famine, and shook the sky.

Countless powerhouses all looked at Yuanshi Tianzun.

It turns out that the Yuanshi Tianzun has been forgiving Ye Xiandi to accept him as a disciple?

A lot of great powers in the wild are instantly stunned.

Zhang Bairen and other Heavenly Court powerhouses were also taken aback and looked at Emperor Ye Xian.

Ye Xiandi, will he worship this Yuanshi Tianzun as his teacher?

Many heavenly court powerhouses and sky-covering powerhouses were all shocked.

When the Ruthless Empress heard the words, her eyes lit up and she was very happy for Emperor Ye Xian.

Emperor Ye Xiandi was naked, and he released a holy might, shocking the heavens.

He stood proudly, and a pair of deep eyes fell on Yuanshi Tianzun.

"I am a saint, how can I worship you as my teacher?"

With a cold expression on his face, he directly refused! .

Chapter 125


Emperor Ye Xiandi was not happy, even a little angry.

He is still suppressed by the Pangu Fan of Yuanshi Tianzun!

In the void, Ye Xiandi stood proudly with a face full of anger.

He was naked, shrouded in the aura of the Great Dao.

"I am a saint, how can Bayer be a teacher?"

"I, I am willing to fight to the last drop of blood to cover the universe!"

This sentence shook the universe and countless creatures.

Zhang Bairen and other experts in the heavenly court heard the words and burst into ecstasy~!

It's so touching!

Emperor Ye Xiandi rejected Yuanshi Tianzun, and he even had to fight to the last drop of blood to cover the universe.

"We are willing to fight to the last drop of blood to cover the universe!"

"We are willing to fight to the last drop of blood to cover the universe!"

Every Heavenly Court powerhouse was infected with the spirit of Emperor Ye Xiandi.

Every strong man said with a moving expression.

Over the entire sky-covering cosmos, a power of belief that covers hundreds of millions of trillions has been formed!

Ye Xiandi sacrificed another imperial soldier, quite proud of the world.

"Today, Immortal Emperor Wu Ye swears here: To cover the sky and the universe, I will kill all the enemies that come!"


Chaos Void.

The suppressed Heavenly Dao covering the universe was moved for a while.

He suddenly raised his head, shouted angrily, and said, "Honghuang Tiandao, do you dare to fight me?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian waved his hand, and the power of the Dao Law will suppress the Heavenly Dao of the universe.


Covering the sky, the universe, Tiandao's face was full of shock, and his arrogant arrogance was also instantly exhausted.

Cover the sky, the battlefield!

Yuanshi Tianzun ignored these rhetoric of Emperor Ye Xian.

With the Pangu flag on his head, he stepped forward.

In one step, countless stars were annihilated, and overhead, a universe collapsed instantly.

Countless Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals screamed and turned into ashes.

The heaven trembled, like a collapse, and there were ruins everywhere.

Emperor Ye Xian was furious.

He shouted loudly and punched towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

"I don't believe it, I can't break this Pangu banner!"

Ye Xiandi strode forward, and with a punch, it shook countless stars.


This punch shattered the endless river of time.

Even the Eternal Sky was cracked open by the shock, like a spider web.

Time collapsed in an instant.


This punch hit Pangu Fan.

The five colors of light are sharply reduced!

The world is shaking.

Yuanshi Tianzun put the Pangu banner on his head, smiled sarcastically, and said, "Even if you are sanctified, you are still like ants!"

When Emperor Ye Xian heard this, he was furious.

He roared angrily and said, "Even if I die, I will also break your Pangu banner!"


Emperor Ye Xian was completely enraged.

He shouted loudly, the terrifying holy prestige, directly shocked the sky.

Yuanshi Tianzun sneered, the vast holy prestige, vented down.

This holy power directly suppressed Ye Xiandi's holy power.

Immortal Ye was instantly suppressed and roared.

"You are so stubborn, today, let you know the real saint's wrath!"

Yuanshi Tianzun waved his big hand, and a magic weapon that enveloped the land of trillions of trillions was volleyed into the sky.


This magic weapon directly suppressed Ye Xiandi!

This Immortal Emperor Ye was furious and was suppressed under the magic weapon.

Seeing this, Zhang Bairen and the other powerhouses in Heavenly Court said angrily, "Exhaust the last drop of blood and rescue Immortal Ye!"

"Fight, fight to the last drop of blood and rescue Immortal Ye!"

The strong people in the heavenly court shouted angrily, and they sacrificed the emperor's soldiers to kill Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled coldly and swept away these heavenly powerhouses.

Emperor Ye Xiandi was suppressed by a magic weapon.

He saw Zhang Bairen and other heavenly powerhouses attacking Yuanshi. He shouted loudly and said, "Retreat, retreat, he is a saint, if you wait here, you will find your own way of death!"

Zhang Bairen shouted loudly and said, "Emperor Ye, we are willing to fight to the last drop of blood to cover the universe. The road ahead is long, even if it is death, we have to make a breakthrough!"

Zhang Bairen waved his hand, took out the imperial soldiers, and shouted, "Brothers, kill!"


This group of heavenly powerhouses sacrificed the emperor's soldiers and killed them towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun, with the Pangu banner above his head, looked at the group of ants in the heavenly court, waved his hand, and shouted: "Destroy!"


The Pangu flag suddenly came out, and the divine might enveloped the land of trillions of trillions, like covering the sky and the sun.

That Zhang Bairen and other heavenly powerhouses raised their heads in unison, showing a shocked look.

This Pangu banner, which covers the land of trillions of trillions, is covered in the sky!

The entire sky is covered.


One beep.

Countless Heavenly Court powerhouses were wrapped in Pangu flags.

Zhang Bairen was extremely anxious, and said urgently: "Quick, sacrifice the imperial soldiers!"

Hearing the words, all the powerhouses in the heavenly court sacrificed their imperial soldiers one after another.


These splendid sky, the emperor soldiers exuding violent fighting intent, were all directly shattered by Pangu Fan just after they were sacrificed.

Zhang Bairen and other powerhouses were shocked and panic-stricken.

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Imperial soldiers, broken!

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