Immediately afterwards, a terrifying holy prestige instantly oppressed.

Every Heavenly Court powerhouse is trembling and trembling.

Emperor Ye Xiandi was suppressed by the magic weapon, and he was extremely regretful.

At this moment, he found that Zhang Bairen and other powerhouses were in a bad situation!

Do not!

Ye Xiandi roared loudly, as if he saw the most unbearable painful scene!



The screams continued, Zhang Bairen and other Heavenly Court powerhouses, blood rushing wildly, Yuanshen shattered, all died under the suppression of Pangu Fan.

Zhang Bairen and other heavenly powerhouses died.

Countless celestial soldiers and generals were also suppressed by the hundreds of millions of trillions of floods.

Ye Xiandi's eyes were blood red, he gritted his teeth, and said angrily: "Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun, I hate you!"



A loud bang came.

Emperor Ye Xiandi, who was suppressed by the magic weapon, burst out.

He was full of anger, staring at Yuan Shi, very angry.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun, if you destroy my heavenly court, I want you to die!"

Looking at Zhang Bairen and other strong men, they were all killed by Pangu Fan.

The Heavenly Court of the past is also gone.

Immortal Ye was furious.

This heaven is his heart and soul.

But now, it's all ruined!

I hate it!

Emperor Ye Xian raised his head and roared unwillingly.

The roar is like thunder, countless stars, unable to stop this roar, instantly shattered and annihilated!

"Yuanshi Tianzun, I want you to die!"


Immortal Ye immediately moved towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

He was so angry that he blew himself up.

He wants to perish with Yuanshi Tianzun.

He wants to fight to the last drop of blood to cover the universe!

"I hate it!"

In this universe covering the sky, in the land of billions and trillions, all heard the mourning and anger of Ye Xiandi.

He stepped forward very quickly.

With every step, a universe collapsed.


Ye Xiandi was full of anger, and he was determined to kill Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes sank, and the Pangu flag was sacrificed on the top of his head!

Five colors of light, illuminating the heavens and the world.


Yuan Shi clearly felt Ye Xiandi's anger.


In the void, when Immortal Emperor Ye was about to explode, suddenly, a giant palm that lifted the sky directly suppressed him.

Immediately, a saintly power of the heavens directly grabbed Emperor Ye and threw him into the six reincarnations of the prehistoric wasteland!Husband.

Chapter 126


The giant palm that lifted the sky suddenly came out, directly suppressing Immortal Ye.

A vast sacred power of the heavenly realm threw him out of the six realms of reincarnation!

Cover the universe!

Countless prehistoric powerhouses and cultivators all felt this familiar divine prestige!

"We welcome the coming of Heaven!"

"We welcome the coming of Heaven!"

Covering the sky and the universe, countless strong people in the wild, devoutly worship.

The prehistoric world fought against the sky and the universe and won a great victory.

In the void, there appeared a pupil of the Heavenly Dao shrouded in Heavenly Dao Shengwei.

The pupil of the Heavenly Dao swept across the billions of trillions of universes that covered the sky, and the deep eyes like abyss fell on all beings in the wild.

"You and others have made great achievements in conquering the universe and returned to the prehistoric world. I will reward you and others for your merits and deeds!"

Qin Tian turned into the Eye of Heaven and told these gods and countless monks what he said.

All sentient beings in the prehistoric world were very happy to hear that Heavenly Dao [-] wanted to reward them for their merits and deeds.

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

In an instant, countless cultivators from the prehistoric wilderness took Zhanyun and headed for a space channel that was tens of billions of light-years long.

Among the gods of the Great Desolation, Yuanshi Tianzun thought of something, he bowed devoutly to the void, and asked about Ye Xiandi.

Qin Tian looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and knew his intention, so he said solemnly: "He has already gone to the Six Paths of Samsara. If you want to accept him as a disciple, it depends on your chance!"

As soon as these words came out, Yuanshi Tianzun bowed devoutly and was very happy.

Immediately, Yuanshi Tianzun happily returned to the Six Paths Wheel.

He wants to find Ye Xiandi.

Countless cultivators and gods of the monstrous desolation have crossed the border one after another.

Qin Tian glanced at the universe that covered the sky, and immediately returned to the chaotic void!

Covering the heavens and the universe, he roared angrily.

This prehistoric way of heaven has conquered his universe and killed billions of trillions of creatures.


Covering the sky, the universe, the universe, roaring, roaring, and even, there was a wailing.

"I hate, Honghuang Tiandao, I want to kill you!"

Covering the sky, the universe, the heavenly way, roared, very angry.


He wants to break free of the Dao Law that suppressed him!

Seeing this, Qin Tian waved his hand, a law of the Great Dao, and directly suppressed him.

Originally, the Heavenly Dao that covered the sky, which wanted to break free, was suppressed once again!

"Honghuang Tiandao, do you dare to fight with me!"

The universe that covered the sky roared, and the sound shook the chaotic void.

In this chaotic void, there are only him and the Great Desolate Heaven.

Thinking of this prehistoric world, fighting his world, slaughtering his creatures, covering the universe and heaven, a burst of anger.

Hearing this, Qin Tian smiled lightly, and said, "You are like an ant, how dare you make a fool of yourself?"


With a big wave of Qin Tian's hand, it was another Dao Law, which directly suppressed the Heavenly Dao that covered the universe.

The Heavenly Dao that covers the universe is extremely annoyed, why, who is also the Heavenly Dao, will be suppressed by this prehistoric Heavenly Dao?

I hate it!

Covering the sky, the universe and the heavenly way, there was another roar, shaking the chaotic void, shaking the heavens and the world.

"Today, if you submit to me and hand over the source of heaven, I will spare you from dying!"

Qin Tian took a step, and the entire chaotic void shook violently.

He wants to kill Tiandao!

The Heavenly Dao of Covering the Universe looked at the Heavenly Dao of the Wilderness with a shocked expression on his face.

This prehistoric world, want to kill him?


Covering the universe, Tiandao roared: "Even if I die, I will not hand over the origin of the heavenly way!"

He is quite tough and will never surrender to the prehistoric way!

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