This time, he defeated the most powerful existence in the universe, Immortal Ye Ye, and he must have gained a lot of merit.

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun smiled slightly.

If nothing goes wrong, he can still accept a disciple with very high aptitude.

This made Yuanshi Tianzun look excited.

The Three Pure Ones are in the same mind, and Laozi and Tongtian are both happy for Yuanshi.

Tongtian suddenly felt that he should also go to accept apprentices, and he thought of the immortal island he had encountered in the East China Sea before.

This immortal island was named Jinao Island by him.

"I will accept my apprentices and go to this Golden Ao Island!"

Tongtian was overjoyed and worried in his heart.


The Twelve Ancestral Witch, Emperor Juntai, etc. are all waiting for the coming of Heaven.

This time, the Twelve Ancestral Witch and Emperor Jun Taiyi are likely to have obtained rich merits and rewards.

The twelve ancestral witches were all in the Pangu Hall, sitting cross-legged.

Dijiang Zuwu thought of something, he sighed softly, and said: "This time, my twelve ancestors fought against Western Desert Buddhism and slaughtered Amitabha Buddha, and should get a lot of merit."

Xuanming Ancestral Witch looked at him with a surprised expression, and asked, "Brother, since we have obtained merits, elder brother should be happy, why do you sigh?"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu sighed: "Although we have merits and virtues, why can't we be holy!"

As soon as these words came out, the other ancestors sighed.

If the big brother said ah!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches, although they can obtain a lot of merit.

However, the Twelve Ancestors were physically tyrannical, and their cultivation was stagnant.

Seeing the two saints of the demon race, they were all sanctified.

The cultivation of the Twelve Ancestral Witch is not diligent, which makes them worry a lot.

The twelve ancestor witches looked at each other and seemed to think of something.

Immediately, the Twelve Ancestors Wu Qiqi looked towards the group.

I hope this time, I can find the method of sanctification.

The Twelve Ancestors looked forward with anticipation.

The patriarchs of the three clans, Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin, are also waiting for the coming of heaven.

The three prehistoric clans, fighting the Immortal Dynasty, will surely gain some merits.

Thinking of this, the patriarchs of the three Honghuang clans were extremely excited.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation are looking forward to the arrival of the Dao of Heaven.

Feeling the appeal of the great gods and the great power, Qin Tian transformed into the Heavenly Dao and appeared!

"We welcome the coming of Heaven!"

"We welcome the coming of Heaven!"

All the gods of the prehistoric world are worshipping the way of heaven.

Every great power in the Great Desolation showed a look of excitement.

Hearing the words, Qin Tian nodded and said, "Today, to reward you and others for meritorious deeds, first of all, it is the merit reward list. The more enemies you kill, the richer the reward!"

The sound fell, the group was shocked, and a golden brilliance suddenly appeared.

Immediately, Guanghua disappeared, and a reward list appeared in the air.

On this reward list, the achievements of the great power in the universe are displayed one by one.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, suppress the most powerful existence in the universe, Immortal Ye Ye, and reward five billion merits!"

"The two saints of the demon clan, suppress Nanling, suppress the Great Emperor Wu Shi, and reward three billion merits respectively!"

"The Twelve Ancestors Witch, destroy Western Desert Buddhism, kill Amitabha Buddha, and reward [-] billion merits!"


On the reward list, these great powers who have conquered the universe, the merits they have obtained, and the reasons for obtaining the merits.

As soon as this reward list came out, the great powers who obtained merits were all excited and devoutly bowed and thanked Heavenly Dao.

The prehistoric powers who failed to make the list are also secretly encouraging them. The next mission is to fight in another world and gain merit.

Qin Tian released the reward list, and then gave Yuanshi Tianzun a piece of Hongmeng purple energy.

This is the reward for the top spot.

Yuanshi Tianzun's suppression of Emperor Ye Xiandi, the greatest credit.

Many great powers of the Great Desolation are envious of Yuanshi Tianzun.

This Yuanshi Tianzun not only obtained [-] billion merits, but also got a Hongmeng purple qi.

Hongmeng Purple Qi can improve cultivation.

Yuanshi Tianzun was full of joy, bowed devoutly, and said, "Thank you for the reward of heaven!"

Seeing this scene, the demon ancestor Rahu was immediately angry.

This primordial beginning of obtaining the Hongmeng Purple Qi, will it use the Hongmeng Purple Qi to improve his cultivation, and when that time comes, won't he be above himself?

He, but the ancient saint of heaven, how can he be compared by a junior?

Qin Tian felt the psychological fluctuations of the demon ancestor Luo Hu, and he didn't care.

Sweep away the great powers in the group.Qin Tian said solemnly: "Now, start to divide the holy position!"

As soon as these words came out, after a moment of silence in the group, it suddenly boiled over.

Those great powers in the wild are all looking forward to it.

Who will get the holy seat this time?

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space, his eyes as deep as abyss fell to Longevity Mountain! .

Chapter 128

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness are excited and searching.

This time, who will be lucky enough to get the holy position bestowed by heaven?

In this flood, who else will be able to prove the Tao and become sanctified?

For a time, it spread all over the flood.

Qin Tian stood in the void, his eyes as deep as abyss, swept the land of trillions and trillions, and had a panoramic view of the discussion of the great power!

Immortal volcano!

Jiutian Kunpeng looked at the void and was very excited.

This time, will the holy throne descended by Heavenly Dao fall into his hands?

Thinking of Daozu's sermons in Zixiao Palace, if Yuan Shi hadn't interfered with it, then the position of saint would have been his.

Although it has been a long time, Jiutian Kunpeng is still angry every time he thinks of it.

He contributed a lot to the Great Desolation, and he deserved to get this Great Desolate Throne.

Jiutian Kunpeng snorted coldly, and he waited quietly.

In the prehistoric times, some ancestor-level powerhouses, such as Huangquan Patriarch, Qiankun Patriarch, Good Fortune Patriarch, etc., all felt that they were qualified to certify Taoism and become sanctified.

The rising stars such as the Sanqing, Nuwa, and the Western Second Sages have all become saints.

These ancestors are a little unbalanced in psychology.

The entire prehistoric realm, those quasi-sacred realm powerhouses, are all looking forward to it.

In the prehistoric world, the status has been improved, and the corresponding holy positions have also increased.

At this moment, all the great powers of the Great Desolation are paying attention.

Whose hands will the new Holy Throne fall into?

And in Longevity Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi was standing in front of a cave, waiting for something.

It turned out that, after returning from the battle to cover the sky, Hongyun suddenly realized something, and found a cave nearby to practice retreat.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi smiled with relief, and said, "This time, fellow Daoist Hongyun, he will definitely be able to prove the Tao and become holy."

For some reason, he had this hunch.

For this reason, Zhenyuanzi was outside, protecting the road for Hongyun.

Preaching and sanctifying is not an easy task.

Especially, during the critical period of preaching and sanctification.

Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi recalled the hardships of his preaching and sanctification.

"Fortunately, I entrusted my primordial spirit to the way of heaven, and it was recognized by the way of heaven."

Zhen Yuanzi thought to himself.

He was sanctified at the same time as Emperor Jun and Styx.

Zhen Yuanzi thought in his heart: "Fellow Daoist Hongyun, work hard 々~!"

Hongyun has always worked hard.

He is the first ray of red cloud in heaven and earth to gain the Tao.

Back then, when Taoist Zixiao Gong preached, if he hadn't moved his compassionate heart and gave up his holy position, he might have been the one who was sanctified at that time.

It is a pity that he gave up the holy position to the second saint in the west, and for this he also offended the Jiutian Kunpeng of the Feng clan.

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