Jiutian Kunpeng also often complained that his loss of the Holy Throne was related to Hongyun.

This time, we will fight against the universe that covers the sky.

Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi, led the monks in the flood, participated in the task of suppressing the major holy places in the East.

Moreover, places such as Tianxuan Holy Land and Fluctuating Light Holy Land were successfully destroyed.

Hongyun sits cross-legged, absorbing the merits rewarded by heaven.

About [-] billion giants!

"I don't know if I can improve my cultivation base by absorbing these merits?"

Hongyun thought in his heart, he worked hard to absorb merit and refine it.

He hopes to obtain a primordial purple qi.

In this way, there is an opportunity for sanctification.

Hongyun smiled reassuringly, I hope so.

In fact, he is not in luxury.

In the prehistoric times, most of those ancestor-level prehistoric powers were not sanctified.


Hongyun suddenly felt that these [-] billion merits formed a lake of merits in front of him!

And this lake of merit is also slowly expanding.


at last!

A golden dragon of merit, gushing out from the lake of merit in an instant.

The golden dragon of merit, hovering over the cave for a while, instantly submerged into Hongyun's body!

Such a huge golden dragon of merit and virtue was all integrated, and Hongyun's body was like a crack.

However, the accompanying golden light will instantly repair the cracked body.

This golden dragon of merit made the entire Longevity Mountain vibrate.

Outside the cave, Zhen Yuanzi, who protects the road for Hongyun.

He suddenly felt that the entire Longevity Mountain was shaking violently.

At the same time, a dragon roar resounded through the sky, shaking Longevity Mountain.

This dragon roar caused Zhen Yuanzi's shock and excitement.

A look of joy appeared on the saint's face.

"Could it be that fellow Daoist Hongyun, is he about to become a saint?"

This is simply a great joy.

Zhen Yuanzi was short of breath, and looked at Dongfu excitedly.

In this world, the only person who can make him Zhen Yuanzi so excited is Hongyun!

He saw that this must be Red Cloud preaching and sanctifying.

This shock, from Longevity Mountain, spread throughout the entire flood.

Countless great powers of the Great Wilderness are all looking in the direction of Longevity Mountain.

who is it?

Countless great powers of the Great Wilderness were stunned.

Who is it that caused such a stir.

Countless Taoist consciousness detected the changes in Longevity Mountain.

Saints such as Sanqing, the Second Saint of the West, and the Second Saint of the Monster Race also looked towards Longevity Mountain.

Zhen Yuanzi has been sanctified.

And who would cause the floods to shake?

In fact, Hongyun did not know that he attracted the attention of the entire Honghuang.

This golden dragon of merit pours into the body and reshapes it.

Suddenly, a strange feeling made Hongyun excited for a while.

"々' I would like to entrust the primordial spirit to the way of heaven!"

In Hong Yun's heart, this idea popped up.

Soon, Hongyun felt that the merits from heaven fell into his body again.

At this moment, he felt it.

The feeling that made him want to climb all the time.

The land of billions and trillions felt the vibration from Longevity Mountain.

Many saints suddenly felt this shock, that a saint was about to appear.

Hongjun Daozu opened his eyes, he pinched his fingers, and figured out what.

Immediately, Daozu Hongjun smiled in relief and said, "In this flood, another saint will appear!"

Specifically, who this saint is, Hongjun has already guessed.

as predicted!

On Longevity Mountain, a red light suddenly floated.

In the red light and shadow, a red cloud shrouded in.


A powerful being stepped out of Longevity Mountain.

All the divine consciousness of the great powers of the Great Desolation, suddenly detected the appearance of a figure!

Red Cloud!

Jiutian Kunpeng was in the undead volcano and felt the red cloud appear, he snorted coldly and said, "What is this red cloud coming out for?"

(The king is good) He looked shocked. Could it be that it was Hongyun that caused the earthquake of Longevity Mountain and the earthquake of the Great Desolation?

The red cloud stood in the void, and he looked towards the sky and bowed devoutly!

"The way of heaven is above. Disciple Hongyun, I would like to use my body to protect the floods, protect countless beings, and certify the Dao and become holy. Please accept the Dao of Heaven!"

Hongyun stood in the void, and this sentence shook the prehistoric world.

Countless strong people are all shocked and shocked.

This is the red cloud preaching and sanctifying!

Jiutian Kunpeng showed an extremely angry look.

How can this red cloud be above him, proving the Way and becoming sanctified?

He showed a very unwilling look!


In the void, above the billions of trillions of sky dome, a pupil of the way of heaven condenses.


A voice spread throughout the floods!

It caused the shock of countless monks in the flood!

In the prehistoric world, another heavenly saint has appeared!

For a time, the sky was chaotic, and the ground was flooded with golden lotuses.

Ancestor Hongyun, proving the Way and becoming sanctified! .

Chapter 129

In the void, a pupil of the Heavenly Dao made a sound of approval.


This sound shook the prehistoric world!

Ancestor Hongyun, his face is full of joy.

He bowed devoutly, and suddenly felt a force of heaven, descending from the sky and falling on him.


Soon, the ancestor of Hongyun felt that the power of the heaven was shaping his body.

Ancestor Hongyun was excited and excited for a while.

Finally, the sermon is sanctified!

The sky is chaotic, and the ground is swarming with golden lotuses!

Countless cultivators have witnessed it.

In this flood, another saint was born!

In front of Wuzhuang Temple.

Zhen Yuanzi strode out with an excited look on his face.

He said very excitedly: "Fellow Daoist Hongyun, you have finally become sanctified."

He looked even more excited than Hongyun.

And in the undead volcano.

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