The voice of heaven, passed over!

Knowing that Hongyun has been recognized by the Tao of Heaven, he proves the Tao and becomes sanctified.

Jiutian Kunpeng couldn't bear it any longer, and he gushed out a mouthful of blood!


Jiutian Kunpeng clenched his fists, resentful.


It was Hong Yun who sanctified the Dao, not him?

In terms of qualifications, he is the eldest son of the Feng Clan, with a noble status!

In terms of strength, his cultivation is far superior to Hongyun.

However, this day, the merits and virtues of the heavens, and the holy position, but it was given to Hongyun!

Jiutian Kunpeng was unacceptable for a while.

He was so angry that he almost overturned the undead volcano.

When Yuan Feng learned that, he arrived immediately and immediately suppressed Jiutian Kunpeng!


The suppressed Jiutian Kunpeng roared, "I hate it!"

Yuan Feng's face turned cold, and he said solemnly, "You are still shallow in talent, how can you compare to fellow Daoist Hongyun. I order you to retreat and practice!"

The sound fell.

Yuan Feng raised a holy might, and directly drove Jiutian Kunpeng into the undead volcano.

An undead volcano, spewing endless flames.

Jiutian Kunpeng was unwilling.


The Eye of Heaven, suddenly disappeared.

The ancestor of Hongyun, proving the Tao and becoming sanctified.

The two saints in the west came to congratulate when they learned that the red cloud was sanctified.

"In those days, if Daoist Hongyun hadn't stepped down, we wouldn't have been accepted as disciples by Daozu. Today, we have to know that you have become sanctified. We come here and prepare a small gift!"

The Second Sage in the West sent a top-quality innate spiritual root to Hongyun.

Ancestor Hongyun heard the words and said with a smile, "If I hadn't given way to the Second Sage, how could I become a saint today?"

The three saints looked at each other and laughed.

After a while, Sanqing also came.

Knowing that Hongyun was sanctified, Sanqing also came to congratulate him!

Hongyun bowed his head and said, "Thank you, fellow Daoists."

Zhenyuanzi strode out. He looked at the saints and said with a smile: "Everyone is here, it's the right time, the ginseng fruit trees in my Wuzhuang Temple are already ripe, and we are just coming to a ginseng fruit meeting. ?"

Zhen Yuanzi took Jin Jizi and went to the orchard to get fruit.

When Lao Tzu heard this, he smiled and said, "I have heard for a long time that there is a top-quality ginseng fruit tree in Wuzhuang Temple. Today, it is a worthwhile trip!"

Tongtian laughed and said, "It just so happens, fellow Daoist Hongyun, that he has become a sanctified Taoist. We have a double happiness and come to a ginseng fruit meeting."

Yuan Shi said proudly: "Junior Brother Tongtian, this is not a double happiness. We will conquer the universe and gain merit. It should be a lot of happiness!"


Several saints laughed in unison.

Zhen Yuanzi took Jin Jizi and went to pick ginseng fruit.

Several saints came to a ginseng fruit festival at the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain.

Hongyun became a saint after proving the Tao, and Honghuang added another saint.

Qin Tian was in the Heavenly Dao space, raining down a rain for the living beings in the wild.

The gentle rains have poured down hundreds of millions of trillions of trillions of dollars.

Five Village Views!

Several saints listened to the sound of the rain and talked about the ginseng fruit meeting.

The Wu clan, the demon clan, the dragon clan, the phoenix clan, and the unicorn clan are all cultivating under the nourishment of this rain.

Every prehistoric monk has obtained different merits.

The size of the merit depends on the size of the merits of the war against the universe.

Every ancestor is secretly determined that next time, he must become the top of the merit list.

The rains are pouring down, nourishing all things in the wild!

The whole prehistoric, quiet.

Countless cultivators of the prehistoric wilderness are taking advantage of this rain to cultivate and improve.

Nothing is more important than improving one's cultivation.

Only by improving your cultivation can you gain more merit in the battle of the other world!

These prehistoric monks are enjoying the nourishment of the rain.

Whether it is in the various cave houses in the wild, or in the most remote places.

It was quiet everywhere.

The innate human race is also in the rain, cultivating the golden elixir avenue handed down by the leader of the human religion, Lao Tzu!

The ruthless empress who was accepted by Nuwa as a Taoist child was always by Nuwa's side.

Looking at the rain that poured down outside, this rich innate spiritual energy, the Ruthless Empress was excited for a while.

She suddenly felt that it was a very wise choice to become the Taoist boy of Saint Nuwa.

Nuwa also taught the Ruthless Empress some cultivation methods to help her become a saint.

In the entire prehistoric world, all living beings are cultivating.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch, when they learned that Hongyun was sanctified, couldn't help showing an envious look.

Ancestor Hongyun also became holy.

But the tyrannical Twelve Ancestral Witch is still unshakable.

What is the cultivation method for the sanctification of the witch tribe?

The twelve ancestor witches were at a loss.

The second sage of the demon clan, when they learned that Hongyun was sanctified, also sent the demon sage to give gifts and congratulations.

Throughout the prehistoric wilderness, countless monks are looking forward to the arrival of the next mission.


Standing in the Heavenly Dao space, Qin Tian heard the demands of countless cultivators!

These countless cultivators all want to appear as soon as possible on the next mission to conquer the other world!

Qin Tian heard the words and was not in a hurry.

He wants to let this rain fall for a hundred years.

A hundred years later, these countless cultivators will definitely be able to improve their cultivation.

At that time, go to explore the next world that is about to be conquered by the prehistoric world.

Centuries of rain, nourishing all sentient beings.

Some cultivators with low cultivation bases, in this rain, their cultivation bases have been improved.

Many cultivators in the prehistoric realm have risen to the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

And those ancient ancestors, most of them have entered the quasi-sacred realm!

In the flood, a large number of quasi-sage powerhouses emerged.

This also greatly improved Honghuang's combat power.

These quasi-sage powerhouses are all looking forward to the mission of heaven to conquer other worlds.

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other prehistoric saints are also looking forward to it.

A hundred years of rain, slowly stopped.

Every prehistoric creature walked out of the cave and saw a prosperous world.

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space, he stood in the void, looking at this wild land, where there were so many people.

Every prehistoric creature is grateful for the grace of heaven.

Every prehistoric creature is looking forward to the arrival of the task.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in Qin Tian's ear.

Hearing this, Qin Tian smiled slightly.

The mission to conquer another world is here! .

Chapter 130

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the system found a big world, do you want to scan it?"

A system prompt sounded in his ears.


The rain has been poured down for a hundred years, and the cultivation of all living beings in the prehistoric times has been improved~.

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