What Qin Tian was waiting for was this system prompt.

"Ding, scanning for the host!"

"Ding, the scan for the host was successful!"

"Ding, this is a supreme world called the Holy King God Realm!"

Hearing this, Qin Tian was stunned for a moment.

Holy King God Realm?

The supreme world?

That's kind of interesting!

Obviously, this supreme world may be even bigger than the universe that covers the sky.

Immediately, Qin Tian read some information about the Holy King God Realm scanned by the system.

This Holy King God Realm is really strong like a cloud!

The system detected that in this supreme world called the Holy King God Realm, there are four half-step Heavenly Dao-level powerhouses.

They are also the four supreme powerhouses of the Holy King God Realm: the Immortal Execution King, the Ultimate Evil God, the Supreme True Demon and the Demon Master.

In addition, there are more powerful saints: the king of idols, the high priest of the gods, the master of kendo, the master of chaos, the master of light and other powerful beings.

Knowing some information about the Holy King God Realm, Qin Tian decided to fight in this world.

He first sent the task of the Holy King God Realm to the group.

Soon, the gods of the Great Wilderness who saw the group announcement were shocked.

In this group of announcements, there is a lot of information about the Holy King God Realm.

All the gods in the prehistoric world know that this Holy King God Realm is a world of great heights.

In this big thousand world, there are half-step Heavenly Dao-level powerhouses, and countless saints and powerhouses.

A lot of great powers in the wild are shocked and shocked by it!

"Half-step Tiandao-level powerhouse."

"Half-step Tiandao-level powerhouse."

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other prehistoric saints all looked at the powerful information of the Holy King God Realm that appeared in the group announcement!

Four half-step Heavenly Dao powerhouses.

The two saints of the demon clan, Sanqing and other prehistoric saints, pay attention to the powerful saints such as the king of idols and the master of wishful thinking.

The primordial gods were shocked at first, and then they were full of excitement.

Half-step Tiandao level, saint level, these are the merits of walking.

Some great powers in the great wilderness think that if they win this supreme holy king god realm, the merits they will get should be more abundant than that of covering the sky and the universe.

For a time, a lot of great powers of the Great Desolation showed their anticipation.

"You wait for the gods of the wild, I have released the task, and you go to learn about this great world called the Holy King God Realm!"

"This is a supreme world!"

The voice of Tiandao resounded in the group.

The gods of the prehistoric and desolate places, worship with sincerity.

"Abide by the laws of heaven!"

"Abide by the laws of heaven!"

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other gods in the wild, all agreed.

Qin Tian returned to the Heavenly Dao space and started to open up the space channel of the Holy King God Realm.

"Ding, do you open the space channel of this Holy King God Realm?"

A burst of system prompts came to my ears.

Qin Tian smiled, the system knew what I meant.

He nodded and said, "Get through!"

"Ding, getting through for the host!"

The space channel leading to the Holy King God Realm is being opened up.

Qin Tian swept through the chat group, and the gods of the Great Desolation had already understood the Holy King God Realm.

"In this Holy King God Realm, there are four half-step Heavenly Dao-level powerhouses. I think that the enemy should not be underestimated!"

An old ancestor, looking at the information about the Holy King God Realm, to those gods in the wild.

The demon ancestor Luohu laughed and said, "What are you worried about, just half a step of the Heavenly Dao level? My ancestor, Luohu, can fight this half-step Heavenly Dao level for the Great Desolation!"

Immortal Yang Mei heard the words and said, "Friend Luohu, even if you are extremely powerful, it is impossible to fight against the four half-step Heavenly Dao rank!"

The demon ancestor Rahu snorted coldly, a little angry.

Daozu Hongjun pondered for a moment, then said solemnly: "The words of the great immortal Yang Mei are very true, I think that we should not underestimate the enemy, this half-step Heavenly Dao level is by no means ordinary, and there are many saints in this Holy King God Realm. Strong!"

"The words of the Taoist ancestors are very true!"

Many great masters of the Great Desolation felt that what Hongjun Daozu said was reasonable.

Even if your ancestor Rahu is tyrannical, it is impossible to defeat these four half-step Heavenly Dao powerhouses at once!

The demon ancestor Rahu snorted and ignored it.

Daozu Hongjun pondered for a moment and said, "When I arrive, I will listen to the arrangement of Heaven!"



These gods of the Great Desolation nodded in unison, agreeing very much with the words of Hongjun Daozu.

Zulong said solemnly: "It's not too late, we should gather the armies of all ethnic groups first, just in case!"

Yuan Feng, Shi Qilin, Twelve Ancestor Witch, Di Jun Taiyi and other powerhouses all nodded in agreement.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"That's true!"

Immediately, the patriarchs of all clans returned to the lands of all clans.

Zulong summoned an army of hundreds of millions of dragons and appeared on the East China Sea.

The East China Sea is turbulent, and hundreds of millions of dragons ride on the battle clouds, spray clouds and spit fog, and the momentum is shocking!

Yuanfeng summoned hundreds of millions of phoenix clans, led by the elders of the phoenix clan, to form an array on the undead volcano.

The first unicorn summoned hundreds of millions of unicorn clans, arrayed on the unicorn cliff, and went to the Jiehai dam at any time!

The second saint of the demon clan, summoned hundreds of millions of demon clans to ride on the battle cloud, majestic and majestic.

The Twelve Ancestor Wu ordered hundreds of millions of Wu tribe troops to gather in front of the Pangu Hall.

The ancestor of Ming He released [-] million blood gods and countless Asura troops.

The Demon Ancestor Rahu ordered the Demon Venerable to plan the capital and lead the army of hundreds of millions of demons from Mount Sumeru to cross the void and head towards the Jiehai dam!

. . . . . .

The innate human race is not strong and acts as a logistics.

All ethnic groups in the prehistoric wilderness are preparing to fight the Holy King God Realm!

Ancestor Hongjun frowned, and he felt that this Holy King God Realm was extraordinary.

"Four half-step Heavenly Dao-level powerhouses, if they can defeat them, they will definitely be able to obtain rich merits."

Thinking of merit, Daozu Hongjun was slightly overjoyed.


A hundred years have passed by.

For all living beings in the wild, it is just a snap of a finger!

The system finally opened up the space channel to the Holy King God Realm.

This is a space channel with a size of [-] billion light-years.

Looking at the space channel of hundreds of billions of light years, it appeared in the Chaos Realm Sea.

Qin Tian stepped into the group and said solemnly: "The space channel leading to the Holy King God Realm, I have already opened it for you, and it is in the sea of ​​chaos."

"This time, the task of conquering the Holy King's God Realm is still open to all races in the prehistoric wilderness. In addition, as always, whoever gets more merits will get a piece of Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

"In this battle against the Holy King God Realm, there will inevitably be casualties, so be prepared!"

Qin Tian's words spread throughout the group.

These primordial gods were first stunned, and then extremely excited.

This expedition to the Holy King God Realm is another large-scale battle of planes.

Every one of the great powers of the Great Wilderness is full of enthusiasm and excitement!

Countless cultivators from the prehistoric times, walking on the clouds and war clouds, went to the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos.

But see, between the heavens and the earth, under the tens of millions of trillions of sky, there are countless beams of brilliance, covering the sky and the sun, which is spectacular!Husband.

Chapter 131

The Holy King Divine Realm is the most advanced world!

In this God Realm, there are four half-step Heavenly Dao-level powerhouses, and there are many saint powerhouses.

The Lord of Chaos is one of the powerful saints!

Qin Tian opened up a space channel as large as [-] billion light-years.

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