This space passage is connected to the Chaos Realm Sea at one end and the Chaos Land of the Holy King God Realm at the other end.


The appearance of a space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years instantly shook the void.

Over the entire chaotic land, there is a huge space passage shrouded in it.

One after another brilliance, overflowing.


In the void, a figure stepped out.

He is the master of this place, the master of chaos!

The Lord of Chaos stood with his hands behind his back and looked at this space passage that was hundreds of billions of light-years in size.

"Why, there will be a space passage in my boundary?"

The eyes of the Lord of Chaos sank, and he walked in the air, breaking a star with every step he took.

Every step, there are stars annihilated, and the galaxy trembles.

The Lord of Chaos, shrouded in trillions of trillions of chaotic auras, headed towards the space passage.

This space passage as large as [-] billion light-years has an incomparable sense of mystery.

The Lord of Chaos strode away and looked at the entrance of the space passage.

Suddenly, he smelled a strong aura.

"This is?"

The pupil of the Lord of Chaos shrank suddenly, and he was instantly wrapped in brilliance and stepped into the space passage.

At this moment, what appeared in front of the Lord of Chaos was a very prosperous scene.

The incomparably rich innate spiritual energy shrouded this great world.

The pattering rain falls on the earth.

This great world is very quiet, so quiet that the heart of the Lord of Chaos swayed slightly.

"This place can be my dojo!"

When the Lord of Chaos swept this great world, he found out that it was not easy to take over this world.

In this world, there are also strong people and the way of heaven.

"Looks like I'm going to bring a large army to conquer this world!"

The Lord of Chaos, swept the world, his eyes as deep as abyss, revealing a conquest.


Immediately, he stepped out of the space passage as large as hundreds of billions of light-years, and went to assemble a large army to fight in this world.

At the same time, he learned about this world, called the Great Desolate World.

"Honghuang world? From now on, Honghuang will be my dojo!"

The Lord of Chaos is ambitious and very happy.


Jiehai dam, Great Wall of Chaos!

The prehistoric monks guarding this place suddenly felt a powerful aura emerging from the distant horizon.

Immediately, for some unknown reason, this powerful aura suddenly disappeared.

Many cultivators in the prehistoric times do not know why.


Under the leadership of the patriarch, the army of the three tribes of the prehistoric and the wild, and the army of the two Lich tribes, like countless Dao Guanghua, rushed to the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos!

No one knew that in the Holy King God Realm, a powerful existence peeped at the prehistoric world.

The Lord of Chaos turned this prehistoric world into his dojo.

He decided to go quietly with the chaotic army, not to tell the powerful existences such as the king of idols and the master of swordsmanship.

Hundreds of millions of chaotic armies gathered in the chaotic land.

In the void, billions of trillions of chaotic energy enveloped the sky.

"You wait for the chaotic army, follow me to the space passage, and fight in another world!"

The Lord of Chaos waved his hand and stood in the void.

Hundreds of millions of chaotic troops, riding on the war cloud, quietly went to the space channel that is hundreds of billions of light-years long.

Hundreds of millions of chaotic army, high fighting spirit, murderous.


Hundreds of millions of troops, Lord of Chaos, step into the space channel!


Jiehai dam, Great Wall of Chaos!

Countless cultivators of the Great Desolation, the gods of the Great Desolation, descended from the sky.

Countless brilliance, put away the magic weapon, and looked into the distance.

There are three armies of dragon, phoenix, and unicorn.

Hundreds of millions of troops such as the witch clan and the demon clan.

Nuwa, Sanqing, Zhenyuanzi Hongyun, Western Second Sage, Styx Old Ancestor, Yaozu Second Sage and other prehistoric saints.

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other great powers in the wild.

Countless cultivators of the flood and desolation are on the sea dam and the Great Wall of Chaos.

An air of chaos seeps out from the far horizon.

In the space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years, chaotic figures flashed.

Countless cultivators in the prehistoric wilderness looked into the distance with excited expressions.


In the distance, there was a loud noise.

The Lord of Chaos, leading a chaotic army of hundreds of millions, stepped in from the space passage.

As soon as he entered the prehistoric world, the chaotic army of hundreds of millions boiled.

The spiritual energy of this prehistoric world is too rich.

This is due to the perfect fit between the aura of the Holy King's God Realm and the aura of the prehistoric world.

The chaotic army of hundreds of millions sniffed and sucked greedily.



Even some chaotic army, just arrived in the prehistoric world, just after inhaling the spiritual energy, they broke through in an instant... 0

The Lord of Chaos laughed out loud.

This prehistoric world was carefully prepared for him.

He looked up, but saw countless figures gathered in the distance.

The Lord of Chaos smiled sarcastically, it was just ants.

He is the Lord of Chaos, leading a chaotic army of hundreds of millions to conquer the prehistoric world.

Aren't these countless ants in the wild, scared and full of fear?

However, the Lord of Chaos took a closer look and was completely stunned!

He was surprised to find that these countless ants did not show fear or fear.

Instead, they were all excited.

The Lord of Chaos rubbed his eyes, dumbfounded.

These countless cultivators were even more happy than the hundreds of millions of chaotic troops he brought.

What is this operation?

The Lord of Chaos froze for a moment.

"Lord, this place is really carefully built for us!"

A chaotic elder said with great excitement.

He greedily sucked the spiritual energy and made a puff sound.

His cultivation has never broken through.

Who knows, when I arrived in this prehistoric world, I directly broke through.

So happy.

Chaos elders, some can't wait to conquer the prehistoric world and occupy the prehistoric resources.

The Lord of Chaos nodded, and he stood in the void, looking into the distance.

"You wait for the great ants, I am the chaotic master of the Holy King God Realm. I want this great greatness!"

The Lord of Chaos, with a deep smile and deep eyes, swept away these countless cultivators.

These countless cultivators in the prehistoric wilderness will definitely be afraid of him.

The Lord of Chaos thought to himself.


In the flood and famine, a powerful presence emerged from the Jiehai dam.

He released billions of trillions of demonic energy, and every step he took, the stars were annihilated.

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