In the void, a sky-high demon palm grabbed toward the chaotic air.

This grab, this piece of chaotic energy, was shattered by Qingtian Demonic Palm.

The Lord of Chaos was even more furious.


In the void, Qingtian Demon Palm held up a Qingtian Demon Sword and slashed directly at the Lord of Chaos.


The Lord of Chaos shouted loudly, and the boundless chaotic energy turned into a cloud of chaos, blocking the Sky-Raising Demon Sword!

He sneered and said, "My chaotic energy is endless and indestructible, who would dare to break it!"

East Huangtai looked up at him, a pair of demon eyes, revealing a hint of jokes.

"is it?"

When the sound fell, he took out the Chaos Bell and smashed it into the Chaos Qi.


With a loud bang, the heavens and the world were shaking.

The Lord of Chaos laughed and said, "Even if your magic weapon is powerful, how can it be possible?"

The face of the Lord of Chaos changed suddenly.

He was surprised to find that after the chaotic energy was hit by the Chaos Clock, it cracked open like a spider web.


The Qingtian Demon Palm held the Qingtian Demon Sword and slashed away wildly.


The Lord of Chaos screamed, his body shattered, and a primordial spirit trembled in the void.

"how is this possible?"

He yelled again in shock.

He is a sage strong, eternal and immortal, why is he broken?


The Lord of Chaos roared, roared, and screamed unwillingly.


Donghuang Taiyi sacrificed the Chaos Bell and smashed it into the chaotic army of hundreds of millions.

This chaotic army of hundreds of millions was suppressed by the Chaos Bell and the army of hundreds of millions of monsters, and was quickly eliminated.

The Lord of Chaos roared, and his Primordial Spirit was even more broken.

"I hate it!"

"My lord of chaos, eternal and immortal!"

"No, my primordial spirit, why is it still cracking, no!"

"Ah, it's so hateful, hateful, I actually died at the hands of the ants in the wild."

"The powerhouses of the Holy King God Realm, my Lord of Chaos has discovered a world called Honghuang, you all, come and fight!"

"I, I'm not reconciled!"

The Lord of Chaos, howling and roaring.

His Primordial Spirit is still cracking and shaking!


Donghuang Taiyi sacrificed the Chaos Bell, directly shattering the primordial spirit of the Lord of Chaos!


The primordial spirit is shattered, and the Lord of Chaos is dead!

The chaotic aura shrouded in the void was instantly annihilated!

Outside the world, there is a sense of turmoil after the war! .

Chapter 133

Frustrated air pervades the sea of ​​​​world!

Dong Huang Taiyi fought to kill the chaotic master of the Holy King God Realm.

Hundreds of millions of chaotic troops, then annihilated!

"The army of the demon clan, retreat into the sea of ​​​​boundary for a truce!"

Dong Huangtai waved his hand and ordered hundreds of millions of monsters to return to the Jiehai dam!

"Abide by the decree of the Eastern Emperor!"

"Abide by the decree of the Eastern Emperor!"

Several demon saints, leading the army of hundreds of millions of demon clans, retreated into the sea dam!

Donghuang Taiyi, with the Chaos Bell above his head, returned to the sea.

Jiehai dam, Chaos Great Wall.

The demon emperor Jun smiled proudly.

In the first battle of the demon race, kill the Lord of Chaos who came from across the border.

This time, in the battle of the Holy King God Realm, the demon clan will definitely be able to obtain rich rewards.

Thinking of this, Di Jun looked up to the sky and smiled, very proud.

The rest of the Great Desolate Powers looked at Di Jun.

In fact, all the saints know why Di Jun laughed so much.

Ancestor Ming He heard the words and snorted coldly, feeling resentful in his heart.

"Could it be that my ancestor of Minghe will also be compared by the demon clan?"

As a saint, the ancestor of Ming He thought in his heart.

When there are ants from the Holy King God Realm, he will be the first to kill them!

Thinking of this, the ancestor Ming He secretly prepared.

Hundreds of millions of Asura tribesmen, [-] million blood gods, are all looking forward to it.


Holy King God Realm!

The dying roar of the Lord of Chaos spread throughout the Holy King Divine Realm, alarming several powerful beings!

"I hate it!"

"I, Lord of Chaos, will never die!"

"The strong men of the Holy King God Realm, I have discovered a vast world, and you will come to fight!"

The Lord of Chaos still reverberates in the Holy King God Realm.

In the realm of the gods!

Several powerful beings gathered together in an instant.

These several powerful beings learned from the residual will of the Lord of Chaos that this prehistoric world is a vast world.

Several powerful beings looked towards the space passage located in the chaotic place.

Every powerful existence revealed a touch of shock.

This space passage is actually hundreds of billions of light-years in size.

Such a huge space channel caused the shock of several powerful beings.

Afterwards, these several powerful beings showed excited expressions.

"If it wasn't for the news that the Lord of Chaos was about to die, I would have no idea that this chaotic place actually hides a space channel that is hundreds of billions of light-years long 々~!"

The master of the swordsmanship, showing a touch of coldness.

He looks abysmal, but in this abyss, he hides the incomparably fierce swordsmanship that can suppress the heavens and the world!

The Master of Kendo, I vaguely feel that the prehistoric world at the other end of the space channel is full of spiritual energy and is a good other world.

"My lord of swordsmanship, I am willing to go and conquer the floods!"

The Lord of Kendo, there are hundreds of millions of Kendo army, the sword light shrouded the land of trillions of trillions, the terrifying sword intent, behind the Lord of Kendo, instantly formed.

This is the sword intent that pervades the heavens.

This is the sword light shrouded in the heavens.

This is the sword energy that covers the Holy King God Realm!

In the heavens and the world, no one can stop the sword of the Lord of Swordsmanship!

The Lord of Civilization heard the words and said solemnly: "I suggest, how about we divide this great waste?"

The Lord of Civilization, swept away several powerful beings, with a greedy look in his eyes.

He wants to fight the floods, educate countless creatures in the floods, and become his slaves.

A powerful being, his eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "The Lord of Chaos is dead, and he has already told us that there seems to be a group of strong people in this great wilderness, which should not be underestimated!"

The Lord of Light, with a deep smile, said: "The Lord of Chaos died, but he was careless. I want to let my brilliance shine on this prehistoric world."

The Lord of Light stood up in the sky, looked at the space channel that was hundreds of billions of light years long, and said solemnly: "My brilliance will become the most dazzling light in this great wasteland!"

The Lord of Big Dreams frowned, he swept away several powerful beings, and said solemnly: "If that's the case, what are we waiting for? Take the flood directly!"

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