Ruyi Lord and other powerful people agreed.

The High Priest of the God Realm frowned and said, "The Lord of Chaos is dead, how about we still ask the Supreme for instructions first?"

As soon as this statement came out, the rest of the powerful beings nodded in agreement.

There are four supreme beings in the Holy King God Realm, namely the Immortal Execution King, the Supreme True Demon, the Demon Master, and the Evil God Ultimate!

The existence of these four supreme beings is already half a step in the realm of heaven.

Several powerful beings, after discussing it, all prayed devoutly.


In the sky above the tens of millions of holy kings god realm, endless evil energy condensed.

This infinite evil energy condenses into a looming shadow!

A terrifying holy power suppressed the Holy King God Realm.

Countless creatures are trembling and wailing.

"I know what you mean by waiting!"

"You can go to fight the floods, I am your backing!"

The ultimate sound of the Heretic God, like the sound of a bell, shocked the minds of several powerful beings!

Sure enough, the half-step Tiandao-level powerhouse is so terrifying.

Several powerful beings bowed reverently and were very excited.

"We are willing to be the Four Supreme Beings and fight the Great Desolation!"

The sound fell, and in the void, the infinite evil energy suddenly dissipated.

Several powerful beings suddenly felt that the holy prestige disappeared, and it was extremely relaxed.

"々' The Supreme has agreed, what are we waiting for?"

The king of idols waved his hand and shouted: "Let my king of idols lead an army of hundreds of millions of idols to fight for you all!"

The rest of the powerful beings looked at each other and said solemnly, "Good!"

The king of idols looked up to the sky and smiled, he stood in the sky, swept the holy king's realm, and shouted: "Where is my army of idols?"


The sound fell, and immediately saw the void, shrouded in endless battle clouds.

Above the battle cloud, the army of hundreds of millions of idols is majestic.

"The army of idols, see the Lord!"

"The army of idols, see the Lord!"

The army of hundreds of millions of idols shouted in unison, and the sound shook the land of billions of trillions.

"Follow me and fight the floods!"

The king of idols stood proudly, he waved his hand, and the army of hundreds of millions of idols, with a killing voice, followed the king of idols and stepped into the space channel that was hundreds of billions of light-years long.


The army of hundreds of millions of idols was extremely ferocious. (De Wang Zhao) left the Holy King God Realm amid the screams of killing.

Several powerful beings, looking at the departing back of the King of Idols, are all waiting.


The space channel that is hundreds of billions of light-years in size quakes violently.

Countless cultivators guarding the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Primal Chaos felt the space passage, and the brilliance suddenly dimmed.

On the distant horizon, the figure of an army of hundreds of millions appeared.


he came!

Hundreds of millions of troops appeared in the Great Desolate Realm Sea with merit.

Every prehistoric monk is excited and excited.

The chance to earn merit is finally here!

The gods of the Great Desolation are about to give an order.

Suddenly, the ancestor of Ming He stepped out directly.

He waved his hand and shouted, "Where is my Asura army?"


With a loud bang, countless armies of the Asura tribe appeared in the void.

Four hundred and eighty million blood gods appeared in the void, greedily looking at the merits of hundreds of millions of walking! .

Chapter 134

A new plane battle is about to start!

Ancestor Ming He waved his hand, and the army of hundreds of millions of Asuras, [-] million blood gods, appeared in the void.

Many great powers in the wild are regretting.

They were all one step behind, and they were cut off by the ancestor Ming He and took the lead.

Some great powers in the wild, comforted in their hearts: "No hurry, there is still a chance."

The ancestor of Ming He stood in the void, looking at the distant horizon, an army of hundreds of millions appeared.

A strong man who seemed to come from ancient times appeared in the sea of ​​chaos!

The king of idols, a powerful existence in the realm of the Holy King.

His power shook the heavens and the world.

Even the Four Supreme Beings of the Half-step Heavenly Dao would not dare to provoke the King of Idols easily.

He, like an ancient giant elephant, shocked the heavens and the world.


Countless stars could not withstand the heavy pressure of the King of Idols and collapsed.

The king of idols, standing proudly, is extremely powerful.

The army of hundreds of millions of idols, as if from ancient times, roared, roared wildly, and the killing sound shook the sky!

This army of billions of idols is extremely burly and terrifying, covering the land of billions of trillions.

The billions of Asuras are also burly bodies.

Every Asura looked into the distance, revealing endless fighting intent.

The [-] million blood gods looked at the countless walking merits, excited and excited.

Ancestor Ming He did not pay attention to the merits of these countless walks. He looked at the powerful being in the distance and sneered.

Ancestor Hongjun, Ancestor Demon Luo Hu, and Immortal Yang Mei felt that this powerful existence seemed to be more powerful than the Lord of Chaos.

Ancestor Hongjun said to Ancestor Ming He: "Ming He, this otherworldly powerhouse is also a saint, and you should not underestimate the enemy!"

Old Ancestor Ming He looked into the distance, and he heard Dao Ancestor Hongjun's voice coming from his ears.

He nodded and said, "Thank you Daozu, I know it!"

Having said that, Old Ancestor Ming He didn't care.

Even if it is as powerful as a saint, he is afraid?


He, the ancestor of Ming He, who led the sea of ​​blood in the nether world, is also a very powerful saint.

Daozu Hongjun pinched his fingers and frowned instantly.

In this battle, he felt a little worried about Old Ancestor Ming He.


The ancestor of Ming He stepped forward, he swept away the foreigners, and said solemnly: "I am the ancestor of Ming He, who is strong in the prehistoric wilderness. You are like an ant, and you dare to come to the prehistoric war?"

Ancestor Ming He is full of arrogance and majesty.

That powerful existence looked at the ancestor of Ming He.

He snorted coldly and said, "I am the king of idols in the Holy King God Realm!"

The king of idols swept away the ancestors of Ming He with a cold expression on his face.

"You wait for the ants in the Great Desolation, the lord of my chaos, today, the king of my idols, destroy the Great Desolation!"

As soon as these words came out, the ancestor Ming He suddenly laughed out loud.

"A group of ants, dare to speak out and destroy my prehistoric waste? No matter what, my ancestor of Minghe will let you be like the lord of chaos, and you will die!"

Ancestor Ming He shouted loudly and sacrificed the Yuan Tu Abi Double Swords!

With a big wave of his hand, he said solemnly: "Where is my army of hundreds of millions of Asuras? Where is my [-] million blood god son? Here is the chance to earn merit!"

Ancestor Ming He said excitedly.

This sentence, the army of billions of Asuras, boiled.

Countless armies of Asuras, [-] million blood gods, marched on the battle cloud and killed the army of hundreds of millions of idols.

This army of billions of idols is not afraid!

"My army of hundreds of millions is fighting the floods!"

The king of idols waved his hand, and the army of hundreds of millions of idols killed the past.

The entire void, the land of trillions of trillions, was shrouded in murderous aura.

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