"Sure enough, as Tiandao said, in this battle, some saints will fall."

"I didn't expect that Styx actually died in battle."

"Saint, immortal saint, died in battle!"

The gods of the Great Wilderness, with their faces full of disbelief, are all discussing and shaking.

The supreme powerhouses such as Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian, etc., were very angry with their faces ashen.

The demon ancestor Rahu snorted coldly and said, "Wait for the ants, dare to kill Styx, damn it!"


Hundreds of trillions of demonic energy swept the entire sky in an instant!

Ancestor Ming He is dead!

The [-] million Blood God Sons and countless Asura armies were also annihilated in an instant!

The king of idols knew that the death of Styx would definitely arouse the indignation of these prehistoric powerhouses.

He alone cannot compete.

Immediately, he waved his hand and shouted, "Retreat!"


With a loud bang, the army of hundreds of millions of idols was assembled and retreated to the distant horizon!

"The king of my idols, I declare to all the strong men of the Holy King God Realm that I have killed a saint in the great wilderness, and you can come to fight!"

The voice of the King of Idols spread from the space channel of hundreds of billions of light-years to the Holy King God Realm!

And in the sky above the flood, Qin Tian knew that the ancestor of Ming He had died in battle.

This is to be expected.

This Holy King God Realm is a very powerful and supreme world.

It is not uncommon for saints to die in battle.

However, the ancestor of Ming He was the first saint to die in battle.

Sanqing, Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luohu, the Second Sage of the Demon Clan, the Patriarch of the Three Great Clans, and other prehistoric saints and powerhouses were all discussing in the group.

With a big wave of his hand, Qin Tian sent the broken primordial spirit of the ancestor Ming He to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, so that he could be reincarnated.

The ancestors of Huangquan, the ancestors of reincarnation, and the ancestors of the ghosts hurriedly walked out of the Six Paths of Samsara, and came to greet the ancestors of the Styx River, the primordial spirit of heaven.

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

The three ancestors bowed devoutly to the Tao of Heaven.

Qin Tian nodded, turned around and stepped into the chat group.

In the chat group, the gods of the wild are discussing.

"This king of idols, dare to kill Styx, I will avenge him!"

Ancestor Hongyun thought of Ming He's tragic death and said loudly in the group.

As soon as his voice fell, it caused the ridicule of the demon ancestor Rahu.

"I've just been sanctified, how to fight the king of idols? To kill this son, I must get my demon ancestor Rahu!"

The demon ancestor Rahu swept away the gods in the group and said solemnly.

Immortal Yang Mei pondered for a moment, and said, "We should not argue, this king of idols is afraid of us, and he has already announced to the Holy King God Realm, I am afraid that soon, the strong men and the army of the Holy King God Realm will be arrival!"

The two sages of the demon clan, Di Jun and Tai Yi heard the words, and said in unison: "It's a good time, my demon clan is willing to take the lead in Honghuang and kill the army of the Holy King God Realm!"

The patriarchs of the three prehistoric tribes, including Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin, also said solemnly, "We are also willing to take the lead for the prehistoric and kill the army of the Holy King of the God Realm."

The Twelve Ancestors said in unison, "Although the Twelve Ancestors of the Witch Tribe are not as good as the saints, they can't fall behind the saints. We, the Twelve Ancestors, are willing to be the great and block the Holy King's army of the God Realm!"

Sanqing heard the words and was slightly moved.

Even though Yuan Shi, who is arrogant and arrogant, has always looked down on the Twelve Ancestors.

Now, hearing the words of the Twelve Ancestors, Yuan Shi said solemnly: "My Yuanshi agrees with the words of the Twelve Ancestors, and we will never fall behind in the Three Purities."

For a time, all the great powers and powerhouses in the flood and desolation all expressed their opinions.

When Daozu Hongjun heard the words, he swept away these prehistoric powerhouses, and said solemnly: "We gather the sea dams and we must protect the prehistoric desolation!"

"Protect the Great Wilderness!"

"Protect the Great Wilderness!"

These gods of the Great Desolation said in unison.

Every prehistoric warrior thought in his heart: "I would like to fight the last drop of blood for the prehistoric battle."

"I would like to shed the last drop of blood for the flood!"


Chat group, a shock!

The Great Desolate Heaven is coming!

Qin Tian swept away the prehistoric gods and said solemnly: "The death of Ming He, I already know that now, it is the biggest crisis in the history of the prehistoric world. You can work together to defend the prehistoric world and fight against the other world!"

"You and others fight bravely to kill the enemy. The more enemies you kill, the more merit you will get. I will send you and others the purple qi of Hongmeng."

Qin Tian's words made the gods of the Great Desolation feel moved.

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

"We obey the decrees of heaven and law!"

The gods of the Great Desolation, answered in unison!


The infinite evil spirit suddenly appeared from the distant horizon, and the entire prehistoric land, the land of billions and trillions, was shaking!

Every prehistoric warrior, every prehistoric monk, looks to the distant horizon... 0


Countless cultivators in the floods knew that this was the greatest crisis in the history of the floods.

Therefore, these prehistoric monks showed their determination to fight to the death.

May the last drop of blood be shed for the flood!

Holy King God Realm!

The news of the king of idols, beheading a sage of the Great Desolation, came soon.

The masters of the Holy King God Realm, such as the master of swordsmanship, the master of light, the master of big dreams, and the master of civilization, are all very happy.


It is indeed the king of idols.

With the power of a battle, he beheaded a saint in Honghuang.

Even destroying the hundreds of millions of troops of the saint.

Every powerful existence reveals greed.

"It seems that we can go and take down the Great Desolation!"

The master of swordsmanship, sweeping away all the powerful beings, he smiled solemnly and looked complacent.

"The king of idols, kill a saint in Honghuang, and the rest of the saints in Honghuang will definitely fight. If we don't kill them, I'm afraid the king of idols won't be able to resist!"

The High Priest of the God Realm carefully analyzed it.

"The high priest's words are reasonable, we will gather the army and enter the flood!"

Sound off!

In the sky above the Holy King God Realm, billions of trillions of evil qi surged towards him.

A supreme being, standing in the void.

"I and you are fighting the prehistoric world!"

The comers are the Four Supreme Beings of the Holy King God Realm, who are already the ultimate evil gods of the half-step Heavenly Dao!

The ultimate appearance of the Heretic God made these several powerful beings feel that they could conquer the prehistoric times, and it was just around the corner.


There are several powerful beings, and worship them devoutly.

"We will obey the Evil God's decree!"

"We will obey the Evil God's decree!"

Sound off!

Several powerful beings immediately summoned the Holy King Divine Realm's expedition army, which was about a trillion trillion.


The gigantic army of the Holy King of the God Realm, which is tens of trillions of trillions, marched on the infinite cloud of war, killing the sky, led by several powerful beings, and headed towards the space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years.


The Evil God finally stood up in the sky and smiled smugly.

Hundreds of trillions of troops, began to fight the prehistoric world!

In the space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years, the light suddenly dimmed.

The whole prehistoric land felt a loud noise! .

Chapter 137

The Great Wilderness Sea!

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