The space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years suddenly shook violently.

A terrifying killing aura came surging forward.

After that, there was an endless sound of killing, spreading to every corner of the prehistoric land!

Countless cultivators in the wild, their faces changed slightly.


The Holy King Divine Realm sign army is coming!

Every prehistoric warrior stood on the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos, looking towards the distant horizon.

Every strong man showed a complicated look.

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, and Yang Mei Daxian looked into the distance and their eyes sank.


The demon ancestor Rahu waved his hand, and the army of hundreds of millions of demons, led by the Demon Lord Jidu, moved with a bang!

The demons are moving!

The two lich clans are also moving.

There are also three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn.

Hundreds of millions of trillions of troops of all ethnic groups guarding the sea!

"We are willing to shed the last drop of blood for the flood!"

Every prehistoric monk has an extremely moving heart.

It's something to be very proud of.

Today, we are fighting for the flood and countless creatures in the flood!

Every prehistoric cultivator stood on the battle cloud and clenched his weapon.


On the distant horizon, the killing energy is accumulating more and more.

The 30 Holy Kings of the Divine Realm who fought in the prehistoric world have come across the border.

Earth shakes!

The king of idols, who had retreated beyond the horizon, suddenly let out a long laugh.


With a big wave of his hand, the army of hundreds of millions of idols lined up to welcome the arrival of the powerful men of the Holy King God Realm.

"Congratulations to the arrival of the powerful saint king!"

The army of hundreds of millions of idols said in unison, and the sound shook the land of billions of trillions.


A turbulent evil energy gushed out from the space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years.

A supreme being has appeared!

He stood proudly, with the eyes of a pair of evil gods, sweeping away the wasteland.

Countless cultivators of the Great Desolation were suddenly shocked!

Is this the breath of the strongest?

The arrival of that supreme being, shook the heavens and the world.

This supreme being has seen countless worlds like waves in the sea of ​​​​the prehistoric world.

This prehistoric world is full of spiritual energy, far surpassing that of the Holy King God Realm.

This supreme being, looked up to the sky and smiled, showing a proud look.

"Today, fight the floods!"

Sound off!

After that, several powerful beings stepped out.

These powerful beings are the master of swordsmanship, the master of light, the master of big dreams, the master of civilization, and so on.

The King of Idols laughed loudly and said, "Everyone, take down this flood!"

The battle army of the billions of trillions of holy kings in the divine realm shook the heavens and the world with the sound of killing.

That supreme existence is the ultimate evil god.

With a big wave of his hand, he shouted: "The army of the God Realm of the Hundred Thousand Trillions of Saint Kings obeyed the order and won the Great Desolation!"


Hundreds of millions of trillions of holy kings, the army of the gods, said in unison: "We are willing to be the evil gods and conquer the floods!"

Hundreds of millions of trillions of holy kings, the army of the gods, drove the war cloud and went to the flood.


The heavens and the world were shaking, and countless stars collapsed and shattered in an instant.

A galaxy, unable to resist the killing energy of countless armies, cracked and shattered.

A universe, trembling, howling, shattered into powder.

This [-] trillion trillion to the great army were killed.

This army of hundreds of millions of trillions of floods, led by several strong men, killed the army to fight against the Holy King God Realm.

A new plane battle has broken out!

Countless cultivators in the prehistoric wilderness showed their determination to fight, and even if they died, they would still earn merit.

Countless holy kings of the God Realm army encountered stubborn resistance.

The army of the Holy King God Realm has conquered countless worlds and destroyed countless strong men.

However, in front of the Great Desolate Army, it completely hit a wall.

Hundreds of trillions of cultivators from the Great Desolation started a fierce fight amid the shouts of killing.

Countless monks fought outside the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos.

The powerhouses of the Holy King God Realm, such as the King of Idols and the Master of Kendo, all showed a look of shock.

These countless cultivators are too terrifying, right?

"I feel that these countless cultivators have no way out, and this is the crazy battle."

A powerful being, seeing countless crazy cultivators, said coldly.

The Master of Swordsmanship, with a deep smile, said, "Is this a battle to the death? Then let the ants in the great wasteland know the power of the Master of Swordsmanship!"


The master of swordsmanship, releasing billions of trillions of sword energy.

The rest of the Holy King God Realm powerhouses also looked towards the battlefield with a strong will to fight.

The battle of the planes has begun.

Countless cultivators in the prehistoric desolation were insane, causing the army of the [-] trillion Holy King God Realm to stagnate.

The evil god finally shouted angrily and swept the Great Wall of Chaos entrenched in the prehistoric world.


The Evil God finally shouted and sacrificed his Chaos Treasure.

Demon's Nest!

This chaotic treasure instantly enveloped the land of trillions of trillions.


The Demon's Nest is eroding away towards the Great Wall of Chaos.

It is devouring the aura of the Great Wall of Chaos.

Daozu Hongjun snorted coldly, and he stepped out one step, directly shaking the demon's nest!


Daozu Hongjun stepped out in two steps, and the demon's nest shook violently.

Even, there are countless cracks like spider webs all over the Demon's Nest.


The evil god finally shouted, his face full of anger.

"You are like ants, dare to destroy my magic weapon? Damn!"

The Evil God finally stepped out and punched Hongjun with a punch.

This punch seems to imprison the heavens and the world.

But see, Time Changhe is like fragments in this punch.

Over time, it collapsed suddenly.

Countless stars are bursting and shattering.

This punch directly shattered countless universes, and many worlds turned into nothingness.

The entire void collapsed suddenly, and chaos flowed out suddenly.

This is the punch of the strongest.

The power of one punch, cut through the ancient times, cut through the heavens and the world.

Countless creatures were turned into ashes in the wailing sound.

Most of them can't bear the suppression of the punch from the strongest!

At the end of the evil god, he swung out a fist, and the infinite evil energy shrouded the sky above the trillions of trillions.

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