When the demon ancestor Rahu looked up, a coldness flashed across his demonic eyes.

He was cut off again!

Damn, can't let him earn some merit?

The demon ancestor Luo Hu snorted coldly and looked at the figure that appeared in Sandao.


Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian sect master, Sanqing sage, stepped forward, making countless stars tremble.one seventy three

The flood camp!

The primordial gods know that Sanqing was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, very powerful, and has been sanctified.

Now, the three powerful saints face off against the Immortal Executioner.

The Immortal Executioner who stepped into the half-step Heavenly Dao laughed loudly and said, "You can come as many as you want. What is my Immortal Executioner afraid of? Today, I will sacrifice your head to the Immortal Executioner. The ultimate evil god!"

Immortal Execution King's eyes are like an abyss, and he doesn't put the Sanqing saint in his eyes at all.

In the Three Clears, Yuanshi Tianzun said solemnly: "The ultimate evil god, died at the hands of the teacher, eldest brother, junior brother, how about we take down this Immortal Execution King today?"

Yuan Shi's words made Taishang Laozi and Tongtian Sect Master look at each other and say in unison, "Good!"

In fact, Laozi and Tongtian both praised Yuanshi in their hearts.

When the Immortal Execution King heard the words, his face turned cold, and he said, "The evil god is the ultimate, and he died at the hands of Hongjun. Then, let his three disciples come to pay for his life!"


As soon as Immortal Execution King's voice fell, trillions of trillions of killing intent enveloped the shattered sky.

This already shattered dome of the sky made it worse.

The Immortal Executioner is a very powerful existence.

With a big wave of his hand, he suddenly shook in the void, and dozens of stalwart figures appeared around him.

These dozens of figures, like Immortal Execution King, are very tyrannical.

Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi and Tong Tian looked at each other, and each offered a magic weapon.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu swept the dozens of figures summoned by the Immortal Execution King.

He snorted coldly and said, "A bunch of scumbags!"

In fact, these dozens of figures are all powerful beings known as the ancestors.

Step on the sky, step on the ground, step on the universe, step on all the heavens and the only ancestors!

These dozens of ancestor kings were summoned by the Immortal Execution King and instantly attacked Sanqing.


An Ancestral King shouted and punched Lao Tzu with a punch.

There are infinite changes in his fist strength.

Every change is like an ancient rune.

This punch, the killing intent gallops like an eternity, and from time to time it manifests tyrannical illusions such as mountains, seas, and sky.


With the power of a punch, the sky shook, and everything was destroyed.

Another ancestral king stepped forward, pointed his finger in the air, and turned into an endless devour.

Suddenly, countless stars trembled.


Another ancestral king swung out a fist and released an infinite blazing fire of extreme sun, which burned hundreds of millions of heaven in an instant.

The fist strength of each ancestor is different.

However, the fist strength of each ancestor king is enough to destroy the heavens and the world.

Boom boom boom!

These dozens of ancestor kings threw their fists at Laozi, Yuanshi and Tongtian.

Lao Tzu stepped out and took the lead.


In the void, a magic weapon covered him in the air.

Five colors of light, illuminating the heavens!

Lao Tzu sacrificed the Tai Chi diagram, and the spirit of the two rituals of Tai Chi has formed a trend of killing hundreds of millions of people.


An ancestor king came with a fist.

The Taiji map flew into the sky and directly covered the ancestor king.

The endless killing energy instantly strangled the ancestor king, and his body died!

Several ancestral kings were furious and threw their fists at Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu is not afraid of the Tai Chi picture on his head.


In this void, a Lao Tzu appeared, and then another, a total of three Lao Tzus appeared.

Lao Tzu said loudly in the Tai Chi picture: "Three fellow Taoists, please kill these ancestors and ants for me!"


The three old masters nodded in unison.


Three Laozi, together with Laozi's body, a total of four strong men, killed the ancestors.

Yuan Shi shouted loudly and sacrificed the Pangu flag, forming a terrifying shock.


Pangu Shengwei, destroy the heavens!

The Pangu Banner fluttered in the wind, and several ancestors and kings were all wrapped up in the Pangu Banner, turned into powder, and died.

Dozens of ancestor kings were furious and threw their fists at them.

The void collapsed, and the heavens and the world were trembling.

The land of billions and trillions is shrouded in the killing energy.

King Zhuxian looked at Sanqing coldly, his eyes gloomy... 0

Lao Tzu's head was Tai Chi, Yuan Shi's head was Pan Gu Fan, two saints, and three Lao Tzu killed dozens of ancestral kings.

Tongtian stood proudly, he waved his hand and shouted: "Sword come!"


In the void, an extremely terrifying sword intent seemed to cut through the heavens and the world.

A brilliance gushed out from the endless killing aura.


A sword fell into Tongtian's hands.

Sword name Qingping, kill the heavens!

With Tongtian Sword in hand, he rushed into the formation.

Several ancestral kings were beheaded before they could react.


Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian three saints sacrificed magic weapons and killed the ancestors.

These ancestor kings died tragically at the hands of Sanqing as soon as they confronted each other.

Seeing this, the demon ancestor Luo Hu snorted coldly.

As he said, these dozens of ancestor kings are all scum!

The prehistoric camp, countless prehistoric monks, and many prehistoric gods, boiled instantly.

These ancestor kings, like being cut into vegetables, died instantly, with more than half of the casualties.

Holy King God Realm!

Several powerful beings showed embarrassed expressions.

In the void, Immortal Execution King was full of hatred and his face was ashen.

On the other side, Donghuang Taiyi and the Lord of Civilization fought a draw.

This master of civilization could not break the Chaos Bell of Donghuang Taiyi. He took the plate of civilization and returned it.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun withdrew from the battlefield.

The saint of Sanqing released three terrifying holy powers, trapped the remaining ancestors directly, and began to slaughter.

Dozens of ancestor kings, in the screams, died and disappeared.

"Damn it!"

The Immortal Execution King was furious, and dozens of ancestor kings were all slaughtered!

"I want you to wait and be buried for my brother!"

The Immortal Execution King roared loudly, and the momentum shook the sky.

In the entire void, there was the roar of the Immortal Execution King.

Sanqing heard the words and ignored them.

These dozens of ancestors are the merits of walking.

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