Sanqing sneered, earning the merits of these walks one by one.

Soon, dozens of ancestor kings died, and none of them survived!

This battle is like the massacre of dozens of ancestor kings by Sanqing!


Immortal Execution King, stepping out in one step, countless stars are instantly annihilated!

His hatred shrouded the land of trillions of trillions.

"I hate it!"

The Immortal Executioner roared loudly! .

Chapter 142

This is a massacre of dozens of ancestors by the Three Qing Dynasty.

Dozens of ancestor kings died tragically on the spot.

Sanqing stood proudly and looked at Immortal Zhu.

Every prehistoric powerhouse is shocked and envied.

This is the virtue of walking!


The Immortal Execution King standing in the void was furious.

"I hate it!"

The Immortal Execution King shouted in the sky, very angry.

He was full of hatred, full of remorse.

These dozens of ancestors and brothers were all killed.

"I want to kill you and other three pure ants and avenge my brother!"

Immortal Execution King stepped forward, took one step, the world shook, and the universe trembled!

As a strong existence, he beheaded Sanqing, like killing ants.


Immortal Execution King shouted and punched Sanqing with a punch.

This punch, turned into a trillion trillions of killing energy, enveloped the heavens and the world.

Every universe trembled in the killing energy.

A galaxy of stars collapsed in an instant and turned into ashes!


This punch slammed into Sanqing.

Yuan Shi shouted loudly and sacrificed the Pangu banner to block the Immortal King.


The Immortal Zhu King punched Yuan Shi and Pan Gu Fan into the distance.

Yuan Shi was taken aback, and hurriedly stabilized the Pangu banner, and only then did he stabilize his figure.

 30 Boom!

King Zhu Xian stepped out in one step, and Tongtian sacrificed the Qingping Sword to confront him.

This Immortal Executioner blocked the Qingping sword with one punch, he glared angrily and shouted, "It is this sword that has been stained with the blood of my ancestors and brothers!"


Immortal Execution King swung out a fist, and the terrifying fist swayed the Qingping Sword away directly and slammed it into the sky.

Seeing this, Lao Tzu shouted angrily and said, "Zhu Xianwang, don't hurt my junior brother Tongtian!"

While offering up the Taiji map, he covered the sky, and at the same time offered the Panlong crutch.


King Zhu Xian hit the Taiji map with one punch, and the Taiji map shook, and the brilliance suddenly decreased sharply.

However, Lao Tzu's Coiling Dragon crutches hit Immortal Zhu Xian Wang on the back, and he was very angry.

The Immortal Execution King shouted angrily, "Wait for the ants, die!"


As soon as he punched out, the heaven and the earth were crumbling, and the river of time was shattering.

Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, and Tongtian Sanqing all stood together.

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness felt the power of the Immortal Execution King, his terror!


With the power of one punch, all the worlds are trembling.

Like, who can stop it?

This powerful Immortal Execution King volleyed a punch and smashed Sanqing.

Holy King God Realm camp.

Powerful beings such as the King of Idols, the Lord of Swordsmanship, and the Lord of Big Dreams all felt the power of the Immortal Executioner.

"It is worthy of being a half-step heaven, the strong existence that ruled the seventy-two ancestors."

The Master of Swordsmanship looked at the Immortal Execution King with a hint of joy.

With the Immortal Execution King, this flood will definitely be conquered by them!

At that time, he will be able to open up a dojo belonging to the master of his swordsmanship in Honghuang!

Think about it, are a little excited.

You must know that this prehistoric spirit is full of spiritual energy, which is very helpful for practicing kendo.

The high priest of the God Realm swept away the floods, and he said solemnly: "It seems that the Immortal Execution King will definitely win this time. When that time comes, I will sacrifice to the Great Desolate Realm Sea!"

He noticed that there were countless worlds emerging in this infinite sea of ​​prehistoric realms.

These worlds are like the waves of the Great Desolate Sea.

A wave is a world.

The High Priest of the God Realm was a little excited, this is really a good place to make sacrifices!

At this moment, the Immortal Execution King punched out and smashed at Sanqing!

The high priest of the God Realm stepped out, and countless stars were trembling!


The High Priest of the God Realm came to the sea of ​​the Great Desolate Realm.

He exerted his supreme supernatural powers and began to sacrifice this great sea!

Once this Great Desolate Realm Sea is sacrificed, the luck of the Holy King God Realm will increase.

At that time, his status in the Holy King God Realm will even surpass the rest of the powerhouses.


The High Priest of the God Realm raised his hands to the sky, showing a pious look.

The flood camp!

A strong man saw the action of the High Priest of the God Realm. He stepped out one step and shouted: "An ant from another world, Wu Fuxi will fight with you!"

Fuxi knew that this prehistoric sea was very important.

He strode away and landed not far from the High Priest of the God Realm.

When Nuwa saw Fuxi walking out, she knew her brother's strength, and she couldn't help but look worried.

When the high priest of the God Realm heard the words, his face was full of anger.

This prehistoric ant dared to interrupt his sacrifice!


The High Priest of the God Realm swept away Fuxi and saw his cultivation.

He snorted coldly and said, "Even if I kill this ant, I can make sacrifices in peace!"


The high priest of the God Realm stepped out in one step, and countless stars were annihilated.

When he raised his hand, he sacrificed countless stars.

Seeing this, Fuxi's face changed slightly!

He snorted coldly and shouted, "Come on the sword!"


In the void, the billions of trillions of sky dome were instantly shattered by a beam of brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, a sword light fell into Fuxi's hands.

This sword is the human emperor sword that Fuxi preached!

Above this sword, contains the luck of the human race!

This is the luck Fuxi got from obtaining the Emperor Sword!

With a sword in hand, Fuxi looked coldly at the High Priest of the God Realm.


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